Hey everyone, my name is Brian, I'm 38 and from South Jersey near AC. Just thought I'd share a little of the story of what my life has been like recently and to give you an example of the dangers of EVP.
I was studying the paranormal for awhile and was dabbling in EVP in my own home for a couple of months last winter. It took awhile before I had any successful captures on my recordings, but once it started, I quickly tuned into hearing spirit, until pretty much every recording I did, no matter where I was, was filled with EVPs, most of them very faint, but several very clear Class A's.
At first the voices that I was recording were benevolent enough but within a few months the nature of my recordings changed and became more and more filled with insults, profanity and threats against me. Once this got to the point where it was basically all that I heard, I decided to give up on doing EVP completely, but unfortunately it wasn't that easy.
Within days of walking away from it (or so I hoped) I began to hear voices through various background noises such as fans, air conditioners, my computer fan, my television. It started out sporadic, but as the weeks went by, it became worse. I was at a point where I was hearing the voices come through pretty much any steady background noise, and they weren't kind either. It was the same heckler voices that had taken over my recordings.
Then one day in the early Spring the stuff really hit the fan. Over the course of a single day, I began hearing the voices all around me, not just through the noise anymore but everywhere, some even seemed to originate from within my head. The situation was terrible, I was even hearing them over the sound of wind which is so bad it sounded like I was being ridiculed and laughed at by an entire sports stadium.
It wasn't just the voices either. Within a short time, I began feeling physical sensations, pokes and jabs to my lower back as I lay in bed and a strange vibration feeling that moved across my body. Once the voices started, they never stopped. I hear them pretty much every waking moment.
I can't get to sleep without sleeping pills, my life completely fell apart for the first few months. I almost lost my job because I was calling out so much. I just lay in bed all day becoming a total vegetable, the voices and sensations are still relentless today but in a sad way I'm learning to adapt. Now I can't even remember what it was like not to hear them constantly...
You all can choose to believe me or not, it's your decision. I just wanted to say that messing around with EVP was the single worst mistake in my entire life. Any normalcy in my life is shattered, I have to deal with this every moment of everyday now when I'm awake and I see no end in sight. I just wanted to let you all know, there is a serious, serious danger to messing around with this stuff. The entities that we contact through EVP, or at least some of them, do not want us knowing about them, and they will come after us if they can.
Brian E.
New Jersey
Peace and light to you.