Since 9/11 I have been one of those that seek the truth on what really happened that day. I am always looking for any new information on the subject and watched pretty much all the videos out there on 9/11. So, last night, I have a ghost app downloaded on my phone that speaks words as energy from the other side come through. Well being the curious person I am, I started the app and wondered what would happen if I played a audio of some of the calls from the towers that day while I had the app running and this is what came through.
I asked if anyone was around that was in the towers on 9/11 and the names Danny, Drew, Thomas, Jeff came through one after another. Usually there are other words that come in between names but, all the names came through one after another and pretty fast also considering this app doesn't say words that fast. Then the name Thomas came through again with the words hurry and fire after his name. After a few seconds of the last words coming through, the name Jeff came through again and the words thick, smoke, lift, chest and pile came after his name. I at this point was very freaked out.
Even though I am the type of person that gets into the more morbid side of certain things that might happen. I put on another audio of 9/11 and the words thick, smoke, and rise came out next. It was a minute or two after those words that the words tower, falling came out. After this, I started feeling very very dizzy and sick to my stomach stopping the video and app. My kitchen felt like there where hundreds of people in it with me. 9/11 was a devastating day in our country and my thoughts and prayers still to this day go out to everyone that lost someone that day.
One caveat that does pop up in my evaluation of this experience (mind you, I do not doubt that this actually happened to the OP and precisely as it was described) is the tendency of the software on our phones to not only keep track of our search terms and internet trends at large but also to "listen" to us. Ever noticed that if you talk about a topic that doesn't regularly come up, next thing you know, your browser will start showing banner ads etc that are related? Given the proximity of this event to the 9/11 anniversary, certainly details of the event would have been trending online. If the app is not in fact genuine, it could have easily cued in on what it was listening to and geared its responses accordingly.
I am fairly backwards in my overall technological leanings - not to say I am the "tinfoil hat" type - I have an iPad and smart phone and can use them well but only out of necessity and pragmatism. Otherwise, I prefer more vintage methods of getting along and have my doubts about societies growing dependence on tech. Unfortunately, testing the veracity of any ghost talk app is tricky at best. Maybe try a more old fashioned approach to an EVP session and see if you get the same results.