To those not familiar with my stories, I live in a house inhabited by 4 spirits. Both of my grandmothers, my friend Charlie, and a little boy who died in the house, named Adam.
Activity has been minimal for the past few months now. Gran still knocks on the fridge regularly, and Adam still comes to sit with me when I\'m watching TV alone. But nothing big has happened for quite a while. Since May this year, there have been 9 separate attempts to break in to my house at night. Last Wednesday, 26 August 2015 was the last.
On Wednesday night I was in bed early and clearly heard Gran knock on the fridge. Usually it is not very loud, Wednesday night I could hear it in my bedroom, from behind my closed door, on the opposite side of the house. Silly me, I did not think much of this, and fell asleep. I was only out a few minutes when a frightening sound suddenly broke the silence in the house and had my heart beating in my throat. I quietly slipped out of my room and in to the passageway, and I looked toward the kitchen. I decided to run back to my room, grab my pepper spray and then go to the kitchen.
On the kitchen counter, blaring white noise at the top of its volume was a little radio. It had been switched off before I went to bed, and no one had gone near the radio since, but the fact that Gran had knocked loudly and then this happened, was really very ominous to me. I went to bed and as I lay there I could feel Gran in the room with me. She was agitated and pacing, the air almost sparked with her presence. I finally fell asleep at some point though it was not deep or particularly restful.
The next morning I had left home for work and was only minutes away from work when my mom called me and asked if I had seen that our house had been marked during the night. White paint had been used to indicate one large figure and two smaller, one adult and two children. Easy target. I immediately knew why Gran had been so restless. She was trying to warn me.
We have upgraded the security systems at home, working through the weekend to try and "criminal proof" the house as best we can. I should know better than to ignore my grandmother.
I can almost picture Charlie with his Yanky baseball bat, waiting for someone to come over the wall.