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Full Moon Or Thinning Veil?


Things have been pretty quiet in my home since the beginning of September. This all changed last week. Does it have something to do with the full moon, or maybe the thinning of the veil between the worlds? Or is it just coincidence?

I've been having a hard time sleeping the night through for a long time now, so when I say I was awake during these experiences, I was awake. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

I sleep with the remote to my fan and a pen light under my pillow and an extra pillow between my legs (to ease my back). Makes it a lot easier to find the light and remote when I need them.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015: At 1:00 am I had to use the bathroom. When I got ready to get back into bed I noticed a couple things: 1) the remote to the fan and light were in the middle of the side I was sleeping on, and 2) the pillow was at the head of the bed with my others, not where I had left it.

There is no way I would not have noticed if the remote and light had been there all night. I would have rolled over/on them many times. Well, once really because I'd have stuck them back under my pillow. And I didn't put the extra pillow back up with the others at the head of my bed. I don't do this until I make my bed. I certainly wouldn't have done it intending to get right back into bed.

About 15 minutes prior to this our cat Rex (asleep on my bed) and I heard a noise in my bedroom from the closet area (left side of my bed), sort of a creaking type noise but not like someone walking on my floor or a door opening. Rex jumped at the exact time I heard the noise.

My grandson will stare into my closet, especially when it's dark in the bedroom. He doesn't appear to be afraid, just looks for several seconds and then continues with whatever he was doing. During the daytime he plays in it, but he never acts like he's afraid. My daughter, on the other hand, hates being able to see in my closet. She said she feels like someone is watching her. Occasionally I feel that way too, but it doesn't scare me.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015: Around 2:10ish, I let Rex out, got back in bed, realized if I didn't get up and pee I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep. I went to the bathroom and then got back into bed. At 2:18 am, I heard a female voice say " 'ey" (like hey without the "h"). Not in a "you're ignoring me" kind of tone, just matter of fact "ey". I thought that was pretty cool but I was going back to sleep.

At 5:56 am my grandson awoke and I realized I'd overslept by about 30 minutes (sleep didn't come as easily as I'd hoped). As I was trying to encourage him to go back to sleep, I heard a female voice say "Come in." Huh!? That one really got my attention. Who is she telling to come in and where are they being invited into? Both times the voice came from the same side of my bedroom: the right side (opposite side of the closets). I don't know that it makes a difference, but I did notice that. And I do believe it was the same female voice.

Thursday, October 29, 2015: At approximately 2:15 am I was lying in bed, trying to get back to sleep, when I felt a cat jump on my bed. I was lying on my left side and felt the cat's paws land behind my knees. Our cat was outside.

Friday, October 30, 2015: This morning at 4:30 our back door slammed shut (located in laundry room) and a few seconds later Rex came in my bedroom. I had put Rex out when I went to bed. Thinking maybe my son had just let Rex in, I waited to see if he was going into the bathroom or was on his way back to his bedroom. I never saw him, heard any footsteps, and the bathroom light never came on. What I thought odd at the time was I never heard my son's bedroom door open, and didn't hear his footsteps coming from his room to the laundry room. My daughter wasn't home. So who let Rex in?

Monday, November 2, 2015: I took my son to dinner as a late birthday celebration. As we were eating, he told me he thinks our ghosts are around more lately. I reminded him about my recent experiences with the remote/light, the woman's voice, Rex being let in, and then told him about our ghost cat jumping on the bed behind me.

He said, "But I hear a man, Mom." He hears him in his bedroom but can't make out what is said. Sometimes it sounds like more than one voice to him, but he definitely can make out one male voice.

I've compared Moon Phases for the past 5 years to my Journal to see if the activity is more apparent during the Full Moon in October (

*In 2010 we had activity on the 22nd, 25th and 28th. Full Moon from the 21st through the 25th.

*2011 visions on 18th, 19th and 25th. Full Moon from 10th through 14th.

*2012 activity on 1st and 31st. Full Moon October 1st and 2nd and again 28th through 31st. (September was far more active.)

*2013 activity/visions 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 14th, 17th, 21st, and 22nd. Full Moon 18th through 21st.

*2014 9th and 24th. Full Moon 7th through 10th.

So, after looking at the activity in our home versus the Full Moon phases, I'm not sure I believe the Full Moon has anything more to do with our experiences than any other time. I didn't take Blue Moon, Blood Moon, etc into consideration. Maybe at some point I will.

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Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-20)
You're right Tweed, so much in the visible world that surrounds us is just as much "an undiscovered country" as the ghosts we are all interested in on this site.

As for Lassie, I always did have a huge affection for that tv show because of my family's collie Shiela. I tried to like your comment but was informed to vote for someone else--but I liked it!
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-20)
Manafon, you were raised by LASSIE!

Seriously though, knowing about, dogs, or any animal, who display this level of intelligence and compassion is simply heart warming. It's also a great indicator that there's so much going on behind the scenes in life that we don't fully understand.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-20)
Sorry, I meant Belgian Shepherd and not terrier in my last post.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-20)
Tweed--Boston Terriers have very distinct and lovable personalities. I took care of a Boston named Eddie for several years and he was like a personable, frank, hyperactive dog version of William Howard Taft (he wasn't fat but he looked facially like Taft). I agree about Belgian Terriers. Every one I've come in contact with were lovers not fighters. You might want to tell your mom she can add poodles to her list of pups to be wary of 😜. The poodle I wrote about liked me and my wife but was always trying to visciously bite little kids who wanted to pet it.

Val--I wanted to tell you how moving and uplifting the story of your daughter and dog was. Your story proves how integral dogs are to people's lives and how in tune they are with their human family. I grew up with a collie who would pull me and my brother back by our rompers (whatever you call 'em) if she felt we were getting too close to the street by our lawn. She was a sweet gal.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-20)
Wow what a great discussion to catch up on 😊

Val, you just amazed me! First with the back story on the old wives tale and then with your amazing dog, that is incredible! What a remarkable pooch!😲

Miracles congrats on the German Shepherd pup, 😁 Great dogs!

Manafon, it's funny you talk about a poodle from hell. My step mum is behind just about all my wariness of dangerous breeds. She's scared of pretty much every dog who isn't a poodle, which she insists are the best dogs ever. I'm sure they can be, I don't know what her deal is, maybe she's just scare of dogs and doesn't realise it.
Few years ago I told her I have a thing for Boston Terriers and Belgian Shepherds. She didn't really know what a Boston was but hit the roof at the idea of me getting a Belgian because she's convinced they're all viscous. Well I've known 3 Belgians who were ALL totally useless guard dogs because they loved everyone!
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-20)
LOL Miracles, the written word doesn't always convey the intent, does it? What I meant by my statement was, at the age of 25, I was still naive enough to believe 'old wives tales'.

About a decade later, a program on TV aired, "Twilight Tales" or something like that. On that program was an episode showing how a cat 'stole' a baby's breath. It was scary, but I knew by then that it was based on an urban legend and laughed at myself for my earlier fears.

Val did give a good explanation. SIDS was quite prevalent in earlier times; cats would be a good 'excuse' for it.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-20)
Miracles--Congratulations on the German Shepherd pup who will be joining your family on Friday!

I can imagine the Mastiff and Pug together--what a duo. The funniest combination of dog buddies I have ever seen was that leonberger I wrote about in an earlier post, whose best friend was a Pekinese! Their fur was almost identical and the Pekinese was like the Leonberger's, "mini me".
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-04-20)
RedWolf - sometimes the most unlikely breeding combination turns out the best dogs. And mutts can be amazing animals too. We had one when I was a teenager who thought he was our babysitter LOL
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-04-20)
Fergie - I didn't mean anything by my statement about the old wive's tale, you know that ❤ I'm glad val provided us with the reasoning behind it because it really does explain why.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-04-20)
val - Shannon sounds like an incredibly amazing and wonderful dog ❤ I love watching dog (and cat) videos. The patience these animals have is so much more than a lot of humans.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-04-20)
Manafon - one of the funniest things I ever saw was two best friends: one a Mastiff and the other a Pug. Of the two, the Pug wanted to eat my legs off. The Mastiff was so gentle. I wanted to take him home with me 😊

I've had 4 Australian Shepherds but will never have another. They are amazing dogs, and I've loved each of them and been heartbroken when they died. But that herding instinct has gotten two of them killed chasing vehicles (one in our driveway, which is really a dead end road). The other I couldn't keep in a pen. He would leap out of it. I think he thought he was a deer LOL

We are getting a German Shepherd puppy Friday and I am so excited 😁
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-20)
Ahem, I have a confession to make.
Back in 1970, when Angel was a tiny baby, I saw one of my first apparitions - a kitten. Of course, I didn't realise it was an apparition at the time, but was petrified that it would sit/lie on Angel's face and suffocate her. I posted this in my very first submission to YGS.

Val, I just love how your dog helped your daughter to start walking. And they are referred to as 'dumb' animals?

The best (and first) dog we ever had as a family was a black Lab X who-knows-what female. She would allow our girls to ride her, stick their fingers in her mouth, ears and up her nose. When she had had enough, she would simply shake them off and move off. She would allow any stranger onto our property, but woe betide them if they attempted to leave without our permission - they left a blood trail behind them.

I agree with Rook, Cocker Spaniels are in the top 10 most dangerous dogs. My second eldest daughter bred them for a while. She was cautioned by the vet about this, and found out the hard way. I had a Golden when I was young, and he just loved getting hugs and cuddles from me.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-19)
I have had 2 unlikely mixed breed dogs. The first was Jingles a dog my mother adopted but was my dog. She was a Great Dane/Boxer mix, the other was a Newfoundland Hound/Chow mix. Both beautiful dogs but if the fathers were the smaller dogs then they would have needed step ladders to mate 😆.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-04-19)
I'm going to have to wait until tomorrow to add the rest of my comments. This phone is driving me crazy. Give me a computer over a phone anyday.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-04-19)
Thanks, val. I could not remember why just knew some people freak completely out. Makes sense in a terribly sad way 😢
valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-04-19)
On a cat sucking the life out of a baby: it's an old wives tale for sure, but long ago it was an explanation for SIDS. It was believed that the milk-scent on a baby's breath attracted the cat, who would then try to lap up the milk and this resulted in suffocating said child or 'the cat stole the baby's breath'. Some also claimed that the cat would climb on the baby's chest to get at the 'milk' making it hard for the child to breathe (same result). I guess it just boils down to bereaved people looking for an answer. of the best my kids and I had was a golden retriever/siberian husky mix. None more loyal or protective and patient. My daughter was born with dysplasia of the hip, and had to wear this weird harness type brace for quite some time. It kept her legs bent froggie -fashion, so naturally she was a bit slow at learning to walk. One day, shortly after she graduated from the brace thing I witnessed what to me was an amazing thing. I saw Shannon (our dog) watch my son running about, the way small boys do, then stare at my girl doing her butt-scoot across the floor after him, in a vain attempt to follow him. Stare at boy, stare at girl, I swear you could see her puzzling out a solution to this 'problem'. Then she walked over and laid down right in front of my girl, nuzzling her like they do their pups. Of course girl did what most little ones do, grabbed both hands full of fur. Slowly Shannon stood up pulling the baby to her feet, then very slowly took a step, waited for girl to do same, then another and so on. This ritual was repeated over and over several times a day. Soon girl was just hauling herself up by the long hairs on Shannon's hindquarters, and with the dog's aid walking all over the house! Now you know that hair-pulling had to HURT, but Shannon never even whimpered, except for the occasional kind of grunt sound. Pretty soon girl didn't need Shannon's help, but they were sure in cahoots a few times.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-19)
Miracles--The Australian Shepherd is one of my favorite breeds. Every one of them I have known has been a great and playful dog! Leonberger's are beautiful dogs, and I'm sure there are nice ones out there...I'm just not that comfortable with them. That said, I have never had a problem with German Shepherds, Rottweiler's, mastiffs or Doberman's. There are friendly examples of almost all dogs. One of the most viscious dogs I ever encountered was a three pound tea-cup poodle. Death from the ankles down!

Rook--Cocker Spaniels can be very high strung and needy. They have also been overbred which can make some unpredictable. You mention a lab/chow mix who was friendly and only violent with squirrels. I grew up with a pittbull/beagle mix (weird combo I know) who was sweet with everyone but if it saw a squirrel and was outside it would be on it in seconds. A couple quick shakes of the neck and there was one more dead squirrel. It killed many in its life.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-04-19)
Rook - I had a Cocker Spaniel years and years ago. Very jealous dog. Ruined me on little dogs lol.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-19)

Had to say something...

A breed no one thinks about being violent is the Cocker Spaniel. However in the course of breeding a blood line emerged that will just 'snap' and when they do its not nice.

A friend of mine had a Lab/Chow mix, a very small compact and SOLID dog... The kind that would take you for a drag if you were not careful... Only violent when it came to squirrels.


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-04-19)
Our cat would sit on my daughter's chest, facing her. Apparently some old wife's tale that people believed. I'm sure there's an Urban Legend somewhere about a cat sucking the life out of a baby 😆
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-19)
How on earth can a cat suck the life out of someone? That's crazy talk. Actually I had a cat that never shut up. He nearly sent me batty a few times. At the same time I wouldn't have had him any other way. Having said that 'shut up' was kind of his unofficial second name. 😆 Jeesh, he was annoying!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-04-19)
Tweed - LOL at the hypocrite part 😆 When my daughter's dad's mother found out my dog was part Chow she about flipped. But then she hated cats and thought one of my cats was going to suck the life out of my daughter 😆

Anyway, I have an Australian Shepherd and he is the most gentle thing there is. Except with certain people or strangers. And then he'll eat them, literally, given enough lead.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-19)
Miracles, I know what you mean. My gran had four Afghan show dogs who were the most docile obedient beings ever. It wasn't until I was an adult I learned they're also one of the most aggressive (and stupid) breeds! It just goes to show there can be acceptations to the rule.
I had a German Shepherd/Kelpie mix and a German Shorthaired Pointer/Blue Healer mix. Both dogs with nightmare breeding, however, somehow wound up placid and dependable.

I feel like a total hypocrite saying all this on a public forum because I'm always warning people about dangerous dog breeds! 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-04-19)
So that we don't continue with the conversation of dogs on yomomma's story, I moved my comment to one of my own.

I didn't know what a Leonberger was, so I Googled it. What a beautiful dog! OMG! ❤ Anyway, the best dog I have ever had (and I've had a few 😉) was a German Shepherd/Chow/Akita mix. Amazingly loyal and loving dog.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
LMAO, Miracles & Lady-glow: My guard must be slipping, or old age is creeping up 😕. I never caught the *multiple* personality trait.

It is surely someone with oodles of time on their hands and no hobby. You know what is said about the devil and idle hands, right? Are there still school holidays on the go? That might account for boredom. 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
And most recently a haunter or something. Sheesh, people got nothing better to do than try and pull one over on us.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
LOL lady-glow that would be the one. As well as probably four or five other identities. Getting hard to remember how many 😉
lady-glow (16 stories) (3210 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
Miracles & Fergie: are you girls taking about a certain "new" member that smells like a certain kind of sweet bread with a hole in the center? 😕
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
Fergie - lol I imagine we are thinking exactly the same thing 😆
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
Oh, oh Miracles! I think you are thinking what I am thinking!? 😉

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