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Touched By A Demon Or Spirit


This story is real as real as it gets. My name is Rick and I have been having problems with this very real experience (s) for 10 years. Now this is my story.

Many years ago I lead a quite life nothing paranormal until the day I moved to Montana I was staying with a friend and another roommate. We were all older, between 28-36 years old. I will call them Tom and Steve.

In the home we stayed in, I was touched for the first time in my life on my back. We would come and go at any time, all of us single neither partying or dating; however, none of us used drugs. The house was new, none of us were into Wicca or satanic religions, nothing even close. But one night, and many nights to this day, and no matter where I go I am touched by something.

The first time it happened it lifted me off the bed. The touch was so powerful it would make my whole body spasm. By the way, I have no skin conditions, been seen by medical and psychological doctors and I am fine perfectly normal. I never told them my experiences, by the way obviously, so that they had an unbiased onion of me. Of course I was hoping they would find something but they haven't. Back to my experience (s).

With this, and after all that in depth explanation, I will not entertain any debunking theories as I don't have time to write a novel on why you are wrong.

So my first experience happened the way I explained. Just came home nothing special I was alone nobody else was there, was not drinking, my job description not important. Of course I was shaken up, literally and emotionally. I laid there thinking what in the world just happened and I truly contemplated suicide thinking I'm not normal anymore and something very strange just happened. Next I prayed I asked God why he would allow such a thing to happen to me. It was terrifying to say the least since then it happens very often I am awake when this happens or at other times asleep.

Despite heavy research, holy water, fasting, praying, reading my bible this continues. The other night it touched my buttocks region and lately touches me lightly everywhere; however, the buttocks region was the only inappropriate area touched. However it confirms to me I feel that this is demonic in nature.

I do not sleep with the lights off ever. Also my partner has felt this spirit touch there arm when they are holding me at night. They describe the feeling as electricity. I describe it as the feeling you get when you run your finger lightly over your arm opposite the elbow between the bicep and forearm. It almost tickles but in my case is exactly between the feeling of a general touch and a tickling feeling.

Whatever this is, it is extremely powerful. Nothing else happens or I would have mentioned it already. I have felt both evil and good emit from it, making this more strange and confusing or should I say it emits evil and the general feeling you get when a presence is in the room.

I have tried punching it but this causes me to be touched even more in any given night. I perceive it knows I cannot harm it. It also seems as if it takes pleasure that I get angry. I have been all over the United States. It happens in any hotel room or place I go to. To date, and I would know after years of this night after night, there is no message no reason for it except to make me sleepy or make me lose sleep.

I'm scared I want any and all help I can get that is specific to this. Of course I know all the religious viewpoints and outlook on this and unless you actually have experience dealing with this, don't bother giving advice I have already heard it. This has been years, I've done research and I am a very very strong christian. Also, all of my prayers are answered except for this. I have yet to be delivered of it.

This is real and I did not try to make it scary but I do feel it is demonic because it has made me lose sleep many nights and because I feel extreme evil near me at times. Of course I have had people pray for me called places to no avail. If you have any help specific and powerful and you have experience with this please help. Again sage special prayers, simple things do not help I could write a book the size of 100 phone books on what I have already tried.

Thank you. Forgive me if it wasn't exciting and had bad flow to the story. Thank you.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Boeing747, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-09)
I hesitated before publishing this one but I had hoped, as with Rich73's story someone would be able to relate and maybe have advice the o/p hasn't already tried and would be willing to try. Apparently I was wrong. I'm sending an email to Martin requesting the comments section on this story be closed. The o/p appears to reject everything offered so I don't think we are of any use to him. And the disrespect shown to our moderator as well as other members is uncalled for.

So, please move on to another story. I'm going to start deleting comments from this point forward.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3210 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-09)
I believe it is time for this Boeing747 to take off and fly away to a distant land.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-09)
And sorry for the damn typos... It certainly does make our sentences seem confusing and leaves a bad impression overall doesn't it. Hope you can still make sense out of where I am coming from in my reply to you (see below) and not get hung up on unfortunate and unattended nonsensical word replacement. I've seriously got to use spell check.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-09)
Hello Boeing747 --
Boy your story sure has caused much attention, and seems there is enough anger and disbelief on all sides that it has become difficult for someone like me, a novice, to better understand what's behind this particular world of ghostly happenings. And what I was able to get from your story when I say behind, I certainly didn't mean it as any pun, it was just a simple word choice.

I get the idea from what you call yourself (Boeing747) you either work with airplanes or you seriously like airplanes. I only bring that up because you expressed concern about your job being in danger, that you have an important job and that this ghostly happening to you has caused you to loose considerable sleep. Well, I don't have to be an expert in ghost to comment that constant sleep deprivation in itself is a serious matter, and I agree with you it (no sleep) can be dangerous all around. It can certainly cause any of us to act differently and think differently, and might very well be the cause of severe hallucinations. Even little hallucinations because of the lack of sleep can lead to all kinds of problems, job problems included. Just throwing that out there so you will know I'm 'trying' to make sense out of what is truly happening to you. It sounds like torture you're going through. I can understand your nerves must be frazzled because of it. Mine would be.

You did say this happened first when you lived in Montana. Never been here myself. I believe you indicated you and your two friends were living in a new house at the time. Since it started in Montana, I wonder how and why Montana has anything to do with this? Maybe no one will eve know since it latched onto you and has followed you no matter where you go.

I believe you when you say you have an in depth understanding of the bible, you seem to have turned to it for answers but at the same time seem to indicate it really hasn't been able to help you, since the touching has never stopped. So very disappointing. I got the idea from what you say that it has even increase because of it. Because of your religious beliefs and using same in hopes of seeking relief from this very unusual situation, I am inclined to label this as a demon spirit, a demon ghost -- the key word being demon.

Seems to me then you are dealing with some sort of demon who enjoys tormenting you because you refuse to denounce your religious beliefs. I am by no means a follower or believer in what man has given us as religion. Notice I said man has given us because if man is involved things just seem to naturally get screwed up. I do believe like you seem to believe in a higher power than ourselves exist, and that power can rightfully take the form of both evil and goodness. Not that it is one but a separate entity and you Ned to deal directly with the evil and not be confused by any oretend goodness. You speak of impressions of both when touched but I suspect you are dealing with evil, the good wouldn't torment you like it has. Don't you agree with that?

I say I'm not deeply religious but I do recall a bible story where a demon recognized Jesus and Jesus likewise recognized the demon by name who had taken possession of a human. The demon was powerful but hiding inside the human and rightfully frightened knowing the power of Jesus was stronger and Jesus just simply vanquished the evil spirit away. To me that seems a direct reference to exorcism.

I say forget about doctors and others and go seek out an exorcist. If that doesn't work -- don't give up -- go find another exorcist until this demon in you is vanquished. Of course the demon won't want you to do this, it seems to be having too much fun with you BUT don't give up, Try finding a serious real exorcist, maybe start by contacting a priest (a Catholic priest might be a good place to start regardless of your own religious affiliations).

Good luck,...
Jerry Bridges
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-09)
Dear me, Boeing; if you cannot take a little good-natured ribbing, there is not much hope for your participation in an online forum.

You'll notice that my initial message agreed with some of your actions, made a running joke out of an obvious typographical error, clarified the chronology in your religion, and -my most egregious error in judgment- I implied one fart joke which was too good an opportunity to ignore. I even suggested that you pray about why God has seen fit to prolong this experience for you. Questioning God in respectful prayer (or in respectful conversation, in Moses' case) has a long history in the Bible. Jesus prayerfully questioned God's plan in Gethsemane, before summoning up the resolve to proceed. Abraham, Jonah, and Hosea all expressed their doubts about God's plans, too.

As you are a Christian, and I am not, I'd have thought you'd be more familiar with the writings contained within the Bible.

Instead, you chose to employ ad hominem insults, display a fit of pique rivalling a snubbed matriarch at a gala banquet, and attack my ability to cloak an educational experience in a light-hearted barrage of badinage.

Very well, as you'd apparently prefer that I take a no-nonsense approach to your rambling prose, please pay attention as I demonstrate on your most recent assault on the rules of syntax, grammar, and human decency:

["B" -it's the 1st word in your sentence, and as it is a screen name it follows the rules of proper nouns.] biblio you freak of nature [The first word addresses the intended reader, so it functions as the object of your unstated preposition "to"; offset introductory prepositional phrases with a comma! Your next 4 words are an appositive noun phrase, meaning that they should be offset with commas as a parenthetical thought to clarify the preceding noun. You do NOT need to double the initial comma after "Biblio," as it will serve to accomplish both tasks] you took mispellings and me ["Me" should be "my" because "calling" is a verb which you are using as a noun, making it a gerund; someone or something either must own --or must take responsibility for-- a gerund, so we shift your personal pronoun into the possessive case] calling people a monkey [The word "people" is a plural or 'collective' noun, but "a monkey" is singular, resulting in an internal inconsistency of enumeration.] and turned it into your little show [If this the end of your sentence, you may wish to employ either a period or an exclamation mark. However, if the next clause is dependent, you need a colon, but if it is an independent clause with the integral meaning expressed in the previous clause, a semicolon is required.] let [Again, if you have started a new sentence, capitalize; if the conditions outlined above pertain, capitalization is unnecessary.] me tell you something freak show [Here, "freak show" acts as yet another appositive phrase, so we follow the rules we learned at the start of this missive.] if I was you [Oh dear, you have confused the simple past with the subjunctive mood! "If I WERE" is correct, because it distinguishes speculative thinking from real possibilities and historical events.] I would waste my time pretending to sound eloquent your [You mean "you're," the contractive colloquialism for "you are"; " your" is POSSESSIVE. I recall pointing this out in my previous message.] not [unless your intention is to declare "you ('re) not you" --a tautological presumption under the best of circumstances-- there should be a semicolon here, at the very least.] you sound like the freak show that you are [As this contradicts "you ('re) not you," the prior correction appertains.] and your ["You're;" see previous elucidation on this point.] so funney [This is commonly spelled "funny." However, "so" is not an adjective, it is a correlative conjunction demonstrating cause-and-effect relationship between phrases (i.e.: "so happy that I'm going to laugh."). Once again, punctuation will indicate the conclusion of one idea before introducing another; it will also indicate to the reader how closely the two ideas are related.] freak of nature [It is unclear, due to the lack of punctuation, if this is an accusation to the reader, or a peculiar manner for concluding the message with an appositive substitution for the writer, called an "epithet"; either way, punctuate and capitalize!] ha ha [Without punctuation, it remains unclear if this is laughter at the reader's expense, self-deprecating laughter by the writer, or a continuation of the epithet.]

If this is enlightening, please feel free to respond in grammatically correct English sentences.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-09)
Up until THIS MOMENT I have meant no disrespect I was simply attempting to make a point in a way that your 'sound Christian Background and Beliefs would understand. However the Name Calling and Trash Talking have gone too far... You seem to have forgotten a BASIC CHRISTIAN TEACHING...


To top it off, I me thinks your 'poor grammar' and misspellings that have surfaced in your comments are simply an act... You stated something in one of your comments... Directed towards me that one other former member only ever called me, I will quote it so there is no misunderstanding...

"ROOK youre a rookie understand monkey you think your smart but your just an uneducated monkey..."

Well, I may be 'uneducated' but I am NO 'ROOKIE' AND I at least have enough common sense to 'stop' debating with an idiot less I begin to sound like one...

I truly hope someone can give you the answer you seem to ALREADY KNOW...

I'm off to the Primate Enclosure where 'butt touching' only happens by mutual consent.

Oh, by the by, methinks you will not like what the MODS and possibly the site owner (s) have to say or do when they see you calling the MODS names.


Boeing747 (1 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-09)
oteer its something unseen freak show hence why I posted it on here what I think is neurolgical is you biblio and these other freaks including the moderator thinking you can disrepect me and get away with it
Boeing747 (1 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-09)
biblio you freak of nature you took mispellings and me calling people a monkey and turned it into your little show let me tell you something freak show if I was you I would waste my time pretending to sound eloquent your not you sound like the freak show that you are and your so funney freak of nature ha ha
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
I decided not to read the comments when I saw Granny had stepped in so I will address the description you have submitted before us. What your describe sounds neurological in nature. You simply cannot make the doctors guess the illness when it comes to neurological issues it will not work with diagnosis. Taking a detailed history and performing a careful examination can help the doctor to determine the site of a specific neurological lesion and reach a diagnosis, or at least a differential diagnosis. That you say you have been checked out and are ok physically and mentally WITHOUT disclosing symptoms while being checked out is just an impossibility. I can go on about Tactile hallucinations and their relationship to neurological disorders but I wont. Just go back to the doctors and lay it on the line and let them do their thing. At least you will know for sure you are REALLY ok if you check out, and I can't imagine, knowing that you didn't tell them all, you feel 100 percent that you are ok. I wish you well.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
Greetings, Boeing:

I enjoyed your story. It is very hard not to like a story which seriously announces "they had an unbiased onion of me." This is very good news. Biased onions are the worst! I work with unbiased onions whenever possible.

Your peculiar sense of chronology, "many nights to this day," gives the reader pause, but you reassuringly state that "no matter where I go I am touched." I agree that you are touched.

You spend more time discussing your buttocks with the members of this forum than you do calling us 'monkeys." I realize that most Americans are not told to identify the differences between the great apes and monkeys (leading to regular misidentification of multiple species), but even monkeys, who share a common evolutionary ancestor with apes, do not obsess over their buttocks, nor over being touched.

I'm pleased to note that you take your Christianity seriously. Jesus (a Greek word substituted for the Hebrew name of Yeshua Ben Yosef, an Essene itinerant preacher) was noted for his ability to become enraged with anyone who questioned him and his habit of calling them 'monkeys.' Much of the material about his life was written down a mere 100-to-200 years after he died, then mis-translated by "Saint" Jerome; by that time, Christians had added Satan to Christianity (he's not in Judaism, Sathaan is a Persian entity conflated with Lucifer due to Jerome's horrible confusion of "supernova" and "Lucifer got kicked out of Heaven to become the master of all that is sinful, wicked, and evil"), "Saint" Paul had taken over much of the rituals and the belief structures of the church, to the point that most of "Saint" Peter's rules and statements have been lost ("Upon one of these rocks I'll build a church that completely misses the point I was making...").

Your fasting, praying, and studying a version of the Bible is quite commendable; as God has not answered your buttock-touching prayers for a decade, I recommend fasting and praying until he does something about it; ask him to explain his failure to remove your buttock-touching nuisance. Does your partner (singular) feel they (plural) are being left out of the buttock-touching phenomenon? Has this entity been touching your partner's buttocks, but your partner has not mentioned this to you? Are there other buttocks about which you are concerned? Are these buttocks subject to the unpleasant side-effects of biased onions?

It is healthy to get checked out by "medical and psychological doctors," but you didn't state who told you that you are "fine perfectly normal." Was this the doctors, or a demon masquerading as your doctor? Did he give you an exam which required that you remove your trousers so he could touch your buttocks? That's a clue that your doctor has been replaced with a demonic buttock-toucher.

Normally, I'd recommend "be well" or "take care" as I sign off a posting. However, your buttock-demon told you that you're well (notice that "you're" is not spelled "your"); you should fast until Yeshua Ben Yosef chases away the buttock-toucher, so I'll gently recommend that your partner isolate you from people, the internet, monkeys, other people's buttocks, food, and drink, then take care of you. You seem liable to do yourself a mischief. Having one's buttocks touched clearly indicates suicidal tendencies, so your partner should check your room regularly for sharp objects, nooses, firearms, matches, extra buttocks, and methods of communication with the outside world.

One of the 'monkeys' (by which I mean primates, but I've clearly got biased onions),

Zzsgranny: for goodness' sake, draw your six-shooters already! I have a Winchester.30-.30 and a LeMat Volcano if you're in need of backup.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)

I truly have not been trying to argue with you... Yes it sure looks that way, I get that, I understand that... But the point I have been trying to make is this...

The situation you are experiencing may have been brought about by your own actions which caused a falling away... Or non-action of something you were requested to do, but have yet to act on.

Is it it paranormal... Sure thing... Is it DEMONIC? No, Doesn't feel like it. However something is doing this... And YOU need to ask... No actually you need to Pray about it... Possibly even conduct a 3 day Fast and focus it on 'what hints or prompts did you miss OR what aspect of your Faith you need to be focusing on. 10 years is a long time to simply ask 'why me'...



(clasps hands behind back and slowly begins walking away)
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
Boeing 747. I think the big problem here is that you simply don't write well (no offence intended). Your story was contradictory and jumbled, it was very hard to read let alone actually understand what you experienced.

Then your responses to readers comments lacked punctuation, flow or clear points. You may well have experienced, (or thought you had) something supernatural / spiritual but unfortunately you are unable to express this in a way that is clear, or in way that readers can relate to.

I'm not sure who Lord Alpha and Omega are but hopefully they can assist with your levitation and touching issues.
Boeing747 (1 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
alright noted moderator my apologies. I was defending myself things got out of hand and I this is totally did take things of course for quit a while again I apoligize if I causes a comotion and I understand
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
I haven't read this whole thread, nor do I intend to. I've seen enough to say this: Stop already. Get back on the topic of the story.

I haven't had to become Quickdraw Granny in quite a while so please, don't tempt me! 😆
Boeing747 (1 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
let me tell you something when your a christian miracles happen on a daily basis its a way of life "did that miracle happen before this I think it did" ha you wish and even greater have happened
Boeing747 (1 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
rook rook rook if I was am and will be a spiritual healer so what you got a problem with that? Too bad so you quote scripture but me down and your a high priest in a christian church like I said pharasee ypu don't phase me I'm a very strong christian like I stated in my story your just cluless who am I to judge though right? I'm so rightious look nobodies debating understand if the buck ever stopped some where its here and now I have seen people like you come down on christians everywhere but they couldn't defend themselves I can I am strong despite everything in my life I'm in my prime I here tell me dud you confound me so called high priest quit wasting my time
Boeing747 (1 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
Didnt I say that I wanted that kind of help perm man rook- I know I'm only human but like in the story of job in the bible its easy to be rude and a know it all which you arn't when its not you and you quote scriptures but incorporate telling me off as in said didn't satan quote scriptures when Jesus was on the church steeple and even Demons said to Jesus we know who thou art thou holy one of God and he suffered them to speak not fir he knew who they were
Boeing747 (1 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
Your a joke rook by the way if JESUS our lord and savior healed people by touching them or just by his word high priest (rook) more like Pharisee or Saduci from Jesus's time in modern times I m pretty sure the women in the story in the bible spent all her living or all her money on physicians which never healed her so I ask so called high priest why would I a christian put my faith in Doctors and not Jesus to make the same mistake she did I think not he is the Ultimate physician period and all you need is faith of truth this may be an attack or trial but you. You don't phase me with your remarks your the so called big one not me because your clueless I have seen miracles take place hundreds and your just like the Pharisee's of Jesus's time also didn't Satan tell Jesus on the cross through people to help himself like you are me? Trial or attack you've taken up both enemy and friend in these posts but so be it.
permramaan (1 stories) (27 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
as I mentioned earlier, god chose you and gave you this challenge or gift. Ask him the strength to face it and don't try to run away. The lady in coma was able to see the angel with you. Keep that in mind. And I am sorry if I have hurt you. I am trying to help you with what I know.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
Great...Boeing is now a spiritual healer...

Here is a question towards that... Did that happen before your current situation? You have been 'afflicted' for 10 years did this happen before that? I BET it did.



(Matthew 14:29-31 And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?)

Do not forget you are only HUMAN.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
(Troll On, Troll on... Oh he's a big one!)

You say my analogy is a bad one and you offer this one in its place?

"... A car that turns off the road or better yet lifts off the ground you taje it to a mechanic and other specialized technicians but they don't find anything why
1. Cars don't lift off the ground daily
2 a car cannot do that
3 everything checks out..."

The very first thing I would have checked is the road I had been driving on... Perhaps it had a bump that was big enough that my car 'jumped' off the ground when I ran across it (Thank goodness everything checked out afterwards... That sounds as if it could have been a expensive repair).

You have to remember to CHECK EVERYTHING...
Listen to every suggestion (which you seem to have already done) and see if anything 'fits'. Most importantly PRAY about it... ASK HEAVENLY FATHER about 'why' this is happening because according to you 'no one' else has been able to help you.


A_A (1 stories) (37 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
You say that you get lifted off the bed. Is it your whole body being lifted or just your limbs? Are you just floating there?
Our brain can take in 11,000,000 pieces of information a second, and can only process an estimate 40 of them. So if you can only process roughly 40 things per second, what happens to the 10,999,960 pieces of information you do not process? So most of what we perceive is a common misconception, what the brain makes up.
So what you may be thinking you are feeling from this "hand" may be a misconception.
I highly doubt that an entity would hang around for 10 years without any progression from touch. I am not doubting the validity of your experience, just questioning what you think is going on.
It is very childish of you to state
"With this, and after all that in depth explanation, I will not entertain any debunking theories as I don't have time to write a novel on why you are wrong."
But then select "I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced."
When I signed up, I was well aware that this was a forum for open discussion and that I will be criticized. The theories suggested here is that it was not what you thought it is and possible reasons for it, but you insist that it is a demonic haunting that is wanting people to put the BS blankie on this experience. And your name calling and attacking of people supports this observation.
Hope you do heed to warning.
Boeing747 (1 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
Speaking of evil vs good I did go see a certain lady won't say names she was in a coma her friends and family all around her I walked in the room and she gets up looks at me and says" who is this angel that God sent me" she was smiling I looked behind me and nobody was there and everyone looked at me so evil with such evil glances that all I could do was leave the room. So I know between this and that experiance there IS EVIL AND GOOD OUT THERE
Boeing747 (1 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
perm man if your cluless not saved or strong spiritually TELL ME why would they waste there time on what's already there's you opened that door not me. I'm beggining to think most of you are extremely uneducated you shoot off remarks without any knowledge or experiance it amazes me.

This comment from Boeing747 is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

permramaan (1 stories) (27 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
Thank you for reminding the Darwin's theory of evolution but we all came from monkey. And for the issue you having, demons don't have much time to keep playing with you alone for 10 long years. It have billions of people on this earth and many are worth to be possessed. Even if it is a evil spirit, it won't wait much long as they will lose its power as time moves. So either you decide and let it take the decision
Boeing747 (1 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
your analogy was out in left field speaking of analogies analyze this imagine if you would a car that turns off the road or better yet lifts off the ground you taje it to a mechanic and other specialized technicians but they don't find anything why
1. Cars don't lift off the ground daily
2 a car cannot do that
3 everything checks out
4 the advice talks about maybe its all in your head 10 yrs! And has been witnessed several times by my partner
5 instead of even being close to anything reasonable none of you are even remotely close to the ball park
6 this is supernatural and just because you can't wrap your mind around it or understand it doesn't mean anything to me
7 Argue somewhere else
8 the disrespect is out of control

This comment from Boeing747 is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Boeing747 (1 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
first off the comment about pride just because I defended myself doesn't mean that I am not humble and your wrong again. To the person that brought up troll yeah that's what you are freak show. To the comment about power of suggestion I of course I am aware of it and even you yourself called yourself a monkey I DONT KNOW what part of help from monkeys is not wanted did you not all understand I'm amazed.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)

In my heart I know you are right and yet there are times (like this one) where I can't help myself...


You keep stating that a psychologist or a medical doctor should be able to give an accurate diagnosis WITHOUT being given all the symptoms (sp?)...

"I was checked out doesn't matter if I leave out the paranormal experiances monkeys because a psychologist will find out iether way period same with the medical doctor that's a fact."

That's like asking a Famous Chef to cook their Best Meal but withholding a key ingredient or two. Without 'everything needed' there will be no 'meal'. The same goes for a medical diagnosis... Without knowing ALL the symptoms there is NO WAY to come up with the correct diagnosis...

It seems you WANT this to be something 'Paranormal', something DEMONIC...because, well it has to be because you read your scriptures and say your prayers at night so therefore it CANNOT be something your doing wrong... Your Perfectly Righteous... And therefore 'untouchable'...

So Based on your original 'story' and your single response I can only conclude one of two things... Either you are a Modern Day Job... (Which I HIGHLY DOUBT)


Your entire submission is Hogwash... (So who's helping to toss the blankie?)



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