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Real Ghost Stories

The Moving Light


This story may be not interesting but I need an answer. I was about 08 or 10 years old when I experienced it.

I was at home with my mum, dad, sister and grandmother. It was about 7.00pm and I was in my room alone. The windows were closed and the door was open. While I was playing, I saw a white coloured light through the glass of window. I didn't think about it too much as there were streetlamps lightened at that time.

After I stopped playing, I just turned to the window and saw that light again. For some reason, I started talking to the light, can't remember why I talked to it as I was so small. Maybe because I wanted to have fun.

However, while I was talking I saw it move and it got my full concentration. So then I thought for a while and said it to move to the right or left (can't remember exactly). And then it moved to the same direction I told to. I was surprised. And then I started to mention different directions and it moved. First I thought it as a game but after I waited for awhile and thought about it. Then I thought I must tell this to my mum.

So I went and brought her there by pulling her by her hand. She was in a chat with my grandma. After she came I did the same thing and showed the moving light. I just wanted to know what it was but mum didn't talked about it not even surprised.

I just want to know, was that a ghost or a god? I think it was a god as my mum has told me that when she was young she had seen moving lights around the house and after she had told it to my grandmother and my grandmother has told that those were gods visiting our house as our house was so clean and people used to say that land was a place that gods visit.

Whatever it was I didn't open the window for a closer look. And also I didn't thought about it too much as I was a small kid. If I was about 15 years old, I would investigate it.

Please tell me what it was. I just want to know why my mother didn't pay much attention and how did the light hear my voice, as it was about 25 feet away and I didn't talked loud. Although my windows were closed but it did what I told to. That is the part I want to know

Please send comments,

I am ready to provide information...

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, BloodEman, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-25)

Sorry this reply is late; I've been inordinately busy! As your grandmothers had both seen the light phenomena, too, then we can dismiss my speculations about childhood misunderstanding of visual phenomena.

As for "don't consider it as an silly belief system," I would never make such a judgement about your grandmothers! Though I don't adhere to a particular religion, I find it very upsetting when people make insulting or dismissive statements about someone's faith. (If someone is not causing you harm or grief, why upset that person by rudeness about his or her religion? Being tolerant of another person's point of view allows each member of this forum to learn new information.) If both of your grandmothers thought that what they saw were evidence of the presence -even the bodies- of gods, then that's what they told you they saw; I merely wanted to see if any alternate explanations were possible beyond the two you had listed.

Sticking with the two options, I'd suggest it was a manifestation of a spirit, because similar phenomena have been noticed, described, photographed, and filmed as "orbs" which interact with the physical world and which seem to understand spoken instructions. Many objects people claim are orbs are merely dust particles or insects; however, if the orb interacts with people, furniture, doors, etc., and does not follow the behavior of dust particles or of insects, THEN you must be dealing with an intelligent spirit of some kind.

Be well,

BloodEman (2 stories) (59 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-26)

Thank you for answering my question Augustam... I am so sorry for not replying quickly
...I was not online these days as this is my vacation... However Thank you again for reading my story...

AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-03)
Your story really spoke to me and thank you for sharing it. Ever since I was quite young, I have subscribed to a spirituality that runs closest in similarity to that of the ancient Romans - the idea of every household having a set of household gods, patron gods and ancestor spirits worshiped and honored privately. Granted I'm certain that the belief systems there are different than my own but your great grandmother's explanation to your mother of what she saw makes me suspect there may be some kernel of similarity. Interestingly, though I have held these beliefs my whole life along with a belief in the paranormal - the two have always been very separate in my mind... Reading your story, now I can't imagine why... It makes perfect sense to me that what you and your mother saw was a god. Thank you for a new perspective!
BloodEman (2 stories) (59 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-10)

First I want to apolpgize you for not responding to your comment. I was really stuck with my studies.

Respond to your comment-

I really don't remember whether I stayed stationary at that time because I was 10 years old. The thing I only remember is its movements andy commands. 😊

Then I want to tell you my mother has seen many kinds of lights moving around that house. Both of my grandmothers have seen'em and they are calling those things as gods. (don't consider it as an silly belief system)

And at last I want to thank you for appreciating products of our county. I never thought a man in united states will use tea bags produced in our country.

Please leave a sign to inform me you have read this...

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-01)

(I tried to post this about 3 hours ago, before my workday started, but there's an issue with the WiFi at work.)

I have the feeling that you are telling the truth about the events as you remember them. I once confronted my mother with a hurtful sentence she had used (on multiple occasions!) while she disciplined me as a child; she was appalled that I'd even *imagine* she'd ever say such a thing! Your mother may not be concealing her memories of the event, she simply may not remember it, or may think of it as one of the thousands of times you wanted her to see something "important" as a child.

To the best of your recollection, did you remain stationary while giving the light instructions, or did you move about? A child pointing left *tends* to lean to the right to counterbalance the movement; this is part of the behavior that makes children both adorable and clumsy. Following this line of thought, if you leaned to the right, the light's point of origin would appear to move to the left IF it was a light which shone onto the window from outside (if it had been a fixed point, such as a streetlight, it would appear to move to the right along with your movement).

My final thought is to ask why you present the reader if this story with a dichotomy ("a ghost OR a god") ruling out all other potential explanations: piezoelectric crystal discharge, fata morgana, static electricity, ball lightning, etc. How many Sri Lankan indigenous species of flora, fauna, or insecta have bioluminescent capabilities, or iridescent cells which would reflect light? All of this pesupposes that -as Sri Lanka is JUST north of the equator- that you were not seeing a satellite in geosynchronous orbit making course corrections. (I THINK it was NASA who sent up a satellite with a monofilament cable -very lightweight, but with high tensile strength- and were surprised to learn that when the filament was deployed in order to perform an ozone-layer experiment, it picked up an electromagnetic charge which appeared as a neon-green stripe in the sky TO THE NAKED EYES of observers. They couldn't see the satellite, but they could all see a glowing green line.) given Sri Lanka's proximity to India (a country heavily dependent upon satellites as part of their economic infrastructure for outsourcing, "call centers," etc.), is it possible that a LEO satellite (Sorry! Low Earth Orbit satellite!) was being moved slightly, but it was high enough to reflect the light from the already-set (at ground level) sun?

These were just a few of the ideas that crossed my mind as I was reading your account.


By the way, if anyone is wondering why an Englishman living in the United States knows so much about Sri Lanka, you really need to drink their tea (Akbar Brothers' Ceylon Gold is particularly refreshing) or read/watch the Science AND the Science Fiction of Sir Arthur C. Clarke: Physicist, Astronomer, Scuba Diver, Author, and Progenitor of the man-made satellite -an idle thought which occurred to him while he was presenting a paper at a conference, which he called "the billion-dollar idea I gave away for free." In this case, "The Fountains of Paradise" is the pertinent novel.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-02-27)
Tweed - I agree that you aren't alone in your suspicions; however, like many of our members who delight in trying to pull one over on us by using multiple personalities, we're going to have to let them play. Eventually they give themselves away.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-26)
Studies should always come first, so get to those studies 😊.Hope all your studies go well.

BloodEman (2 stories) (59 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-26)

Ok spiritwaiting 😊
I'll read them as soon as possible but I think I won't be able read anymore comments, because I have to
Study for the first-term-test and there's only 3 weeks more...
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-26)
Hi Bloodeman

In order to help to clear up some confusion, would it be helpful if you perhaps described in your own words what you believe 'paranormal' might mean in your experiences?
Maybe if you described what you believe a ghost is?
That may help your mind to understand and other members to understand exactly where you are coming from, in order for us to assist you?
And I believe that the other members suggestions that you read other experiences on this site would also be beneficial to you.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-26)
Miracles, I've had suspicions for ages that Donut's at it again. Pretty sure most here feel the same.
My comment from earlier was an amusing observation more than anything.
Normally I ignore this type of thing. This morning my oblique humour got the better of me. Sorry about the drama it seemed to create. I'll stop feeding the trolls, as it were!

Eman, take it easy.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-02-26)
And I cannot tell you whether or not what you feel is paranormal. I'm not the one experiencing it. There are many normal explanations that could account for the feeling of cold air.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-02-26)
BloodEman - your immaturity is showing. One more childish comment like that and I will advise the administrator that I believe you to be too immature for our site.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-26)
Thank you for taking your time in answering my question. 😊
I understand your frustration when having asked your mom about it and her not remembering.
I recommend reading some experiences on here about
Orbs/Lights.Some of those may sound similar to yours and you may find some answers.

BloodEman (2 stories) (59 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-26)
I should be thankful to Jane for spending your time to acknowledge me about paranormal...

I know what you are trying to tell me from the begining... I thought it wasn't paranormal as it didn't threat my life but from all comments, I understood that they are trying to say that paranormal expiriences aren't always life threatening...

So from now on I'm going to consider my story as paranormal...

Ok then, does anyone have an explanation for my paranormal expirience?

[ When I told this story to one of my friends for the first time, he thought I was telling a big lie... And I thought everyone in this site will do the same but fortunately they didn't... I am so happy about that ] 😊
BloodEman (2 stories) (59 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-26)
Yes Tweed,

It is a big joke...! 😠
You can laugh at it...

I think my story isn't much interesting and creepy. But I posted it on this site because I thought members of this site will help me to find out what it was, and that's what I expected from every comment...

Miracles - I'm really sorry for scolding at you when I saw my comments been hidden...
However I think I should give up debating about my story, whether it's paranormal or not... I'll consider it as paranormal but if it really was, why DIDN'T MY MOTHER PAY MUCH ATTENTION...? 😢

That is the real question... And I can assure it wasn't someone pranking...

And I forgot to answer spiritwaiting's question...

It has been 4 or 3 years since I gave up asking the same question from my mum... Because everytime I ask, she just tell me she can't remember it. And I always felt like I wanted to cry... Because she saw what I saw but she wasn't answering... So I got really, really confused and gave it

And I didn't see any more lights afterwards... And I thought it'll come again but it never did...

Miracles- you have mentioned in one of your stories that you have felt someone blowing cold air on your face... And I also feel someone blowing cold air on my forehead...

Paranormal? Or not?
Calamity (2 stories) (53 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-26)

First, thank you for responding to my question. I'm still not sure we're understanding each other though! I think maybe there is some confusion as to the meaning of the word paranormal.

According to the Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary I have, the word "paranormal" means "supernatural". The same dictionary defines the word "supernatural" to mean:

1) "of or relating to an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe; esp: of or relating to God or a god, demigod, spirit or devil."

2) a: "departing from what is usual or normal esp. So as to appear to transend the laws of nature."
b. "attributed to an invisible agent (as a ghost or spirit)."

My point is that by asking the question, "was it a ghost or a god" in your post you seem to believe your experience was indeed paranormal. Yet you have commented previously that you have never had a paranormal experience. I think that's where my confusion lies.

I'm sorry I cannot answer your query of ghost or god. I will reiterate that I am not qualified to know.

Again, thank you for responding to my earlier question.

Jane 😕
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-02-26)
BloodEman - I don't understand why you think for an experience to be paranormal it has to be scary or try to harm someone. Maybe it's a cultural thing, but not everyone believes that way. If you haven't read many stories on our site, I am strongly encouraging you to take the time. Not only those from your country, but all over the world. And not only those that have demon, or something like that, in the title. You may find some things interesting.

And Tweed, I don't understand the implication in your comment. Maybe it's my 3 day migraine, or maybe I just am slow this morning. We have a category for Orbs/Lights/Mists, which is where I put this one. BloodEman has admitted, more than once, that he has had no paranormal experiences. That doesn't mean we, as a group, can't take time to answer his questions. Maybe if we help find a logical explanation for what he saw as a child, he won't continue to wonder what it may have been. Sometimes stories have to be returned because they are simply people asking questions. Oftentimes I wish we could find a loophole to help answer these questions. One such was what is my dog barking at? This kid believes there is something out there (demonic). But there was nothing in the story indicating anything remotely paranormal.

There are many stories on our site that don't fit neatly into a category yet we have found one. There are also many stories on this site that really shouldn't be here, yet they are.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-26)
This to me is an interesting story.

Have you since asked your mom about those experiences? Hers and this one you both experienced? Maybe delve into it a little further.
Same as Mack,I'm not at all familiar with the beliefs or religions in Sri Lanka. So I can't comment on this particular being a "Gods "experience.Which is why I ask the questions above.
And to further add,"Paranormal"experiences aren't always life threatening.

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-26) this a joke?

From the front page:

" is your source for real ghost experiences, haunted places, the study of the paranormal and parapsychology. We are interested in true stories from readers like you, if you have experienced any kind of activities related to ghosts, spirits, hauntings "...blah blah blah.

Not: is your source for kind of abnormal experiences, questionable places, the study of random stuff and nonsense. We are interested in stories from readers like you, if you can think of something.
BloodEman (2 stories) (59 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-26)
Jane- I don't think this is a paranormal expirience... It's just an unbelievable experience with no explanations around. And I want to mention that this wasn't a prank, someone playing over on me... I think these information will answer your questions... Thanks for commenting Jane

Macknorton- I can't remember whether my mum went out and investigated on it but I can remember I stayed in that room playing after my mum went away.
And by the way I really don't think this is a paranormal experience since it didn't threat my life...

I think now you can jump to a side from the fence... 😊

Thanks both of you for commenting...
Again, thanks... 😊
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-25)
Hi Bloodeman. Thanks for your post.

My first thought when I read your account was that there could have been someone outside your window with a torch, candle or lantern simply playing a trick on you?

Did you or your Mother at any point go and have a look outside to see if there was a more boring explanation for the light?

When did it stop?

I'm not familiar with the general religious belief systems in Sri Lanka so I can't comment of whether it was a ghost or a "God". However I'm fairly sure on what a ghost is generally understood to be, but not a "God".

And, for the record, I will echo Calamity Jane's question regarding your earlier statement that you believed you hadn't experienced anything paranormal. But in this case, you still may not have. I'm on the fence on this one.


Calamity (2 stories) (53 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-25)

I'm not qualified to answer your question as to whether you saw a ghost or a God.

I do have a question for you though. I thought you have said in comments before that you haven't had any paranormal experiences. I guess my question is, have you or haven't you had any paranormal experiences?

In any case your home and land seem quite special.


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