I went to a funeral the other day and I was surprised by some of the feelings that I had. The funeral was for my partner's uncle and although I knew him, we were not close so I was going as support for my partner.
While we were sitting there I started to get shivers and a headache. At first I didn't think much of it but then I thought about it a bit more. This was the first funeral I had been to that did not directly affect me. It was not my family or friend is what I mean by this so I was not as much of an emotional wreck as I have been at these things before.
The last one I went to was my stepdad's and that was awful for me as had to do a reading. For this one I just needed to be there for support. Although it was still upsetting, as they always are, it did make me think of the people that I had lost in my life and miss them a bit more.
Anyway I am really just wondering what this could be (if it is anything), or if this is just normal for these things.
I really think that I felt someone there but I do not know if it was my Partner's uncle or if it was someone else. If it was his uncle why would he make himself felt to me as we hardly knew each other?
Or could it have been someone that I have lost reaching out to show that they are still there for me?
Has anyone else had this before and if this is a sort of gift why has it come about now and how can I expand on it as I have always wanted to know what was out there after this life? Could it mean that I will be able to communicate with them one day?
Anyway as you can see this is not so much a story as a group of questions for you and would really appreciate your thoughts, feelings and advice if you have any to give.
Thank you for reading.
Apologise if this is not what you want to read.
Blessed be.