This one would happen to me as a child in the same house where I told the story of my mom being touched while she was sleeping. I experienced a lot of things in this apartment as a child and my family members would too.
I would wake up in the middle of the night when I was about 6 or 7 years old and would not be able to go back to sleep. I would go into my parents' bedroom and try to sleep there, but would not be able to either.
In my parents room there was like a walway in the shape of an arch that would lead to the living room. I would start to see in front of me people talking to each other and at times they were yelling at each other. I remember thinking, these people must be old and they dress funny. I would see them every night. As I got older I realized that these were ghosts and they were wearing wigs and dresses like in the Louis XV of France era. I don't remember being very afraid, just startled at the fact that there was strange people in the house as everyone slept.
Then just like that, I never saw them again. Then again we moved to the house my parents bought, but I still remember them as if it was yesterday.
One other time I was helping my mom vacuum the apartment and when I would turn the vacuum on, you could hear a lot of people screaming and cursing and when you would turn it off they were gone. One day I told my mom about it and she stood there while I turned it on and she heard them as well, she was so angry because it was happening in my brother's and my bed room and she said out loud and in a angry voice tone "go away and leave us alone" and they stopped. At least for that day.
One day while we were out when we got back home, we saw that water was coming out of the apt under the door and when my dad opened the door a bunch of water came gushing out some pipe had supposedly been broken and caused the flood. The funny thing was that the pipe was never found.
Things would disappear from our house and no one but us had been in the house. My mom ended up getting pregnant with my brother, the youngest and last, and when he was born I heard her tell my dad that while she was in the house sleeping with my brother, she saw 3 little men, almost like elves, walking towards my brother's crib and they climbed up and were playing with the baby mobile. When she got up to look she just saw the toys moving by themselves.
We ended up moving from that place when my parents found the house we were looking for, but weird things did happen there. I tend to forget a few but when they come to me I will write them down to share them with all of you.
Thanks for reading!