There have been a few accounts in my parents' house but this one seems to stands out the most. It was right after Christmas 2002 and my mom, my oldest sister and me were sitting in the living room just talking, when on the table next to the couch my mom and I were sitting, the lamp started to shake and before we knew it, it lifted over the baby wipes and my sister's wallet and set itself on the floor about three feet away from the couch.
I know it didn't fall cause I watched it literally float over the wallet and baby wipes. This lamp weighs about thirty pounds and is quite bulky. We tried to blow it off but how can you blow off something like that?
We have had other things happen like sometimes when I am in my mom's bedroom taking a nap, I can smell a rose-like perfume and something has literally shaken my shoulder, called my name and told me to wake up. It's not scary, in some way it is comforting. My mom has smelled this same smell and something has told her to wake up or will just call her name.
We moved into to this house about ten years ago and have had many things happen.
Some things quit happening after I became a christian but stuff like the rose perfume and sometimes the feeling someone is watching is still there.
The very fact that individuals pray for deliverance from spirit forces and that they are instructed to do so verifies their susceptibility to those forces.
I have personally known of paranormal experiences of persons with whom I closely associated which show that even devout religious activity in itself is no more of a shield against spirit entities than are walls and doors.
Cases like those make it clear that encounters with spirit entities transcends religious affiliation, just as stated earlier.