Everyone my name's Shannon and this is one of my stories but I didn't do anything about it because I didn't think nothing of it. It was a while ago now, about 5 months ago. I was in bed asleep and I woke up in the middle of the night and my mum was sat on this chair in my room (me and my mum share a room because it's a full house) so I woke up. She was sat in the chair in this blue hoodie she wears and I said "Mum, why are you awake at this time?"
There was no reply. I was really scared because she was just looking in the other direction and all I could see was the side of her face, and then I looked at the bed next to me and she was in bed fast asleep. I looked back at the chair and it was gone. I kept telling myself I was just seeing things. But I'm not so sure if I was after seeing similar stories from other people like mine so I had to share.
I have severe anxiety and minor depression. I'm not sure if I'm going crazy or if something was there. And if something was there, then who was it or why am I seeing it? I have only ever seen her twice at night. I'm scared if I see it again. What does it want? My mum? Me?
I'm so scared! Is it just my anxiety? Or my imagination? Or is it real? Or am I going mental? Somebody please help!
I've seen peoples stories. I want to talk to someone who knows what this is or if you have experienced it, I need answers because I'm not getting any from anywhere else. My anxiety causes me to panic. I don't take frights as calmly as a lot of people do. I'm awake at most nights. I feel drained.
To everyone who reads this, thank you. I hope my story helps you and I hope you help me.
If you have an question ask cause we're here for you.