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Real Ghost Stories

Poor Gentry


This is my story. It happened some years ago, maybe in the early 1990's, and lasted for several months. I can't really put a time line to it.

One night I heard heavy breathing coming up the stairs, and then a roaring noise in my head. There was a shadow silhouette standing in the bedroom door. It was a man and he was wearing an old fashion farmers hat, shoved on the back of his head, there was a rip in the brim on the bottom left hand side. I was paralyzed and couldn't move or call out. Slowly the image disappeared and I was back to normal. I wasn't left upset or scared.

These visits would happen maybe once or twice a week, sometimes I would wake to feel a hand pressing on my shoulder, or someone crawling in bed with me if my husband was away on a country trip. By this time I was screaming and swearing at the figure, in my brain.

On one visit, I calmed myself down, apologized to it, and asked it to show itself. An image appeared, in full color, of a small young man, I would say in his early 20's. He was wearing a tan suit that was too small for him, and he had on a wide brimmed farmers hat, with a rip in the brim on the left hand bottom. Beside him stood another man, either Chinese or Japanese. I live in Australia and our history is of convicts shipped from England. The Oriental man was dressed in convict clothes, he was turned slightly away from me, towards the young man, his whole demeanor was subordinate. The young man's out standing feature was his beautiful big blue eyes.

My daughter wasn't living at home at the time, and once when she was visiting, I started to tell her what I was experiencing. Before I got far, she took over and told me that she'd been experiencing the same things ever since she started living in the house.

I'm trying to make my story short and only tell you the outstanding events. My daughter moved back home, and she painted her room before moving into it. She was sleeping in a different bedroom while the paint fumes went away. My husband's intellectually impaired nephew came to spend the night one night. My daughter moved into her own bedroom that night, and the nephew slept in the bedroom my daughter had been sleeping in. The next morning he told me that someone opened his bedroom door and he was really scared, he was trying to call out but couldn't yell or move. I didn't want to upset him, so told him it was probably my daughter getting up in the middle of the night and forgetting which room she was in.

But after that night, neither my daughter nor I had another visit.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Occuret, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

roylynx (guest)
9 years ago (2016-07-04)
Hello Occuret! I am so glad that everything is solved now!
I hope everything will be good now.

Best luck from São Paulo

Occuret (1 stories) (5 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-01)
Roylynx - I've learned that there were Chinese market gardens in the area. So far as I am concerned, all mysteries have been solved. Thanks for your help.
roylynx (guest)
9 years ago (2016-07-01)
Senhora Occuret, I am so pleased that I have helped you. Just keep calm and I am sure everything will just be normal. Wish you all the best for your researches.
Hope to hear from you again!

Blessing from São Paulo

Occuret (1 stories) (5 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-01)
Roylynx - No, I hadn't thought of ghost wonderer's. That is very interesting what you wrote because my husband and his first wife built the house and lived in it for quite sometime, with her father. When he died, (the one Jennie has told you about), then my husband's father moved in with them. Grandfather "A", had the bedroom that Jennie tells about. Grandfather "B", died and he had the bedroom that my husband and I later slept in (the bedroom where I would get my visits). My husband and both his parents migrated to Australia from a foreign country. Also, his wife and both her parents migrated to Australia from the same foreign country. No it was not China or Japan 😊.

The Chinese gentleman still remains a mystery. None of us have Chinese relatives. I will do some research and see if I can find out where the Chinese communities were in that area.

Thank you so much for your feed back on my story. You've given me so much more to think about.
roylynx (guest)
9 years ago (2016-07-01)
Occuret, Hello sir!
"Do you know what time the "event" happens?" What I meant by that is the time of the day you encountered the spirit, well it's answered anyway, thank you very much!

Have you ever head of (ghost) wonderers? They are random spirits from different era, some says that they will have to link to that land or that person (or the family of that person).

As your senhorita jennie has said, I noticed that her step sister's grandfather had passed away and had stayed in that particular room for a period. It could be some spirits related to him.

At first I thought someone had done some bad rituals in that spot, but it seems not, so I am guessing if the gentry is somehow related to her step sister's grandfather. Wonderers can travel away from their land (the place they died) and can follow their chosen person matter of time (in this case maybe jennie's step sister's grandfather?) so, that's the gentry's spirit perhaps.

Now, the Chinese wonderer; Let me just make sure that you don't have a Chinese relative right? Well, I am guessing that the land there could have been a Chinese burial ground, I have heard that there are several of them and just very little of them is uncovered.

Love from São Paulo

Occuret (1 stories) (5 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-30)
Roylynx - Aha! So there are ghosts in cyber space, messing with our emails or trying to get messages through to us. 😆 😆 😆

I don't understand the meaning of your question, "Do you know what time the "event" happens?" It would always happen at night, the bedroom was dark so I couldn't see the time. It would wake me up, so it wasn't happening as I was dropping off to sleep. It would happen randomly, maybe once or twice a week, sometimes once a fortnight. There was no set pattern for them. They started around the early 1990's and lasted for a few years.

I've done some research on the clothes the two men were wearing, and I have to correct myself. It wasn't convict clothes the Chinese man was wearing, but Chinese peasant clothes. The young man was wearing late 1890's "gentry" clothes... I don't want to upset him and have him correct this by calling his clothes, farmer's clothes! But he had definitely outgrown them.

I wonder if there is a connection between the date of his clothes, and when he started visiting me, 100 years differences.
jennie (1 stories) (9 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-30)
No she isn't the type to do that. Years before Mum and I moved in, my stepsisters grandfather slept in that room. He started haemorrhaging in that room and later died in hospital, that's the only thing I know of that happened in that room.
I don't mind your questions, they're not rude 😊
roylynx (guest)
9 years ago (2016-06-30)
Wow wee! Senhora jennie! I know it's kind of rude to ask such question but did your step sister perform some kind of ceremonial spell to like "open up the gate of Hell". I know some young people would somehow be interested by Satanism and Voodoo rituals. I am hoping your step sister would not be one of those people.

Best luck from São Paulo

jennie (1 stories) (9 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-30)
Hi roylymx. I experienced those encounters almost every night until I was in my mid 20's. I still have visits but they are few and far between, and I can get rid of them pretty quickly by praying.
The jelly baby was dark brown, very slimy looking skin and it had really big prominent eyes. It didn't try to touch me, just hovered over me.
The room belonged to my step sister who stayed there periodically. I slept in that room a number of times and it was also used as a guest room
roylynx (guest)
9 years ago (2016-06-30)
Hello Jennie, why did I have a feeling that someone from the story will appear on the comments?

Well, I have to ask you then, how often did you experience all these encounters?
The jelly baby, did you see the colors of it? Did it move around and tried to touch you?
About the cold room, did anyone ever stayed there and spend a night?

I hope you don't mind me asking too many questions at once.

Blessing from São Paulo

jennie (1 stories) (9 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-30)
I'm the Author of this story's daughter. First a little bit of background about me. I have had visits from the 'hat man' which started when I was 11 years old. I've only found out recently that other people have had the same experience, you can read anyone else's story about the hat man and you'd be reading my story.
I had many visits from the hat man at the house that we're talking about here, I had other experiences at this house, one time it was this weird thing hovering over me that sort of looked like a jelly baby, but creepier. When I was starting to fall asleep I almost always heard people talking in an adjoining room, like you would hear during a dinner party.
There was also a bedroom at the back of the house that was often cold when the other rooms were not, and many of my friends said they felt ill at ease in there.
roylynx (guest)
9 years ago (2016-06-30)
Hi! Yes I have researched the history that is probably linked to the event it might probably be some people from around the Australian Gold Rush in the 1850's until 1870's. Do you live nearby a Chinese graveyard? Or a place where Chines burials were found? Do you know what time the "event" happens?

Well, reading the comments. Wow! Wow! And wow! Sighting a haunting in the cyber world? Why not?
Hey, I have a very odd unsent e-mail completely not written in my style, at the end of it written "I have a dream"...hum, did Mandela try sending his famous speech through my e-mail box? Lol

Blessing from São Paulo

Occuret (1 stories) (5 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-30)
Tweed and Miracles- Oh, the plot does thicken, as you, Miracles, say you did not change "Farmer" to "Gentry". Gentry is not a word I would use. But it would be the word that the young man would use to describe himself. I definitely got the vibes from him that he was a proud/snobbish young man.

No, Tweed, we do not live in the same house now. We don't even live in the same State. Maybe "Gentry Snob" is out there in cyber space, editing my emails lol.

I'm like you, I like to question and work out answers to ghost encounters. This is why I stuck to the facts in telling my story, rather than saying what I thought it could all mean. One thing that puzzles me, is the fact that the characters showed themselves in clear bright colors. I always thought ghosts were suppose to be gray images.

Thanks for your comment. I enjoyed reading it.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-30)
*gasp!* Could the YGS submission page be haunted?! 😆

Actually, Occuret, I hate sounding all conspiracy theorist but maybe there's a good reason the word changed from 'farmer' to 'gentry'. Fascinating thought at least. Do you still live in the same house? Maybe they're still around checking in on you. Maybe even changing the title of this to better describe himself. That sounds wacky, but you never know.
I agree he probably liked stirring up the ladies lol.

I really love this encounter because it raises heaps of unanswered questions. I like being confused by ghost encounters. 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-06-30)
Wish-Not and Occuret - I am the mod who edited and published this story. "Poor Gentry" is the title it came with when I got it. I did not change it. I honestly thought it had meaning for you, Occuret.
Occuret (1 stories) (5 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-30)
Wish-Not - No, Gentry was not my husbands nephew. I titled my story "Poor Farmer", and it was changed to "Poor Gentry".

I'm thinking that the young man was the Son of a land owner, perhaps the Son of an ex convict that had served his years of punishment and was granted a small parcel of land. I was given the impression that he was a very proud young man, who had at one time lived a wealthy life. His companion, I felt might of been a convict slave to the young man's family. I could only trace the history of the area our house was at, was a chicken farm at one time. But I don't know if it would of been a chicken farm in the era of the clothes the two figures were wearing.

Yes, I found it very interesting that when he accidentally entered the nephew's bedroom, he never appeared again. It tells me that he liked terrorizing females.

My daughter plans on telling her part of this story and sending it in, but I don't know when that will be.

Thank you so much for commenting on my story.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
9 years ago (2016-06-29)
Occuret- So I'm guessing Gentry was your husbands nephew?

Your last experience must have been amazing! I see the obvious correlation of the two farmer hat wearing fellows. I suppose he wanted you to see him at the two different times in his life. Love the detail of his younger version. I figured in his days you wore what you had and he was quite proud of his small suit.

I guess his companion must have been a part of his life during that time period. Maybe he was showing you his finest clothes and his prized possession?

Either way, great account. Thanks for sharing

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