It's been a little while since my last post here on YGS so I thought I'd do an update as I need confirmation of what I'm seeing.
As I mentioned briefly in my previous post that I had been starting to see the occasional orb after my mum passed, I feel like it has gotten more frequent only they are more flashes now.
When I did see these 'orbs', they looked very much like shooting stars. The orbs and flashes are usually a bright white but I have seen some blues, greens and reds.
I have noticed that it doesn't happen in a pattern and there are no reflections or lights to give off this kind of flash. At first I thought it might have been headlights reflecting through the windows but I just can't imagine how that would happen in daylight. You would see more than just a tiny flash... Also, it happens sporadically but some days it can be crazy.
It's usually in the shape of a circle, very quick flash and bright, mostly in my peripheral vision. It is usual to see them dead in my sight as well though. I have seen these flashes whilst at friends' houses but it's mostly always at home, in my bedroom or in the lounge room. I've also seen these flashes around friends.
Really, I just want to know if this is normal or if this is something else. I've always heard that exploring the paranormal world is like a muscle. Is that what's happening? If so, it's a slow build up, haha.
I will add that I have also been attending a few public investigations these past months and I'm just wondering if that contributes to being more 'in tune'?
Any help would be much appreciated!
Thank you for taking the time to read.
I will definitely consult this with my GP and keep you guys posted.
Thanks for the advice! 😊
Peace and love,