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Real Ghost Stories

My Beginning


My Mom and Dad are pretty quiet about things that happen to us. They don't like to tell the stories because no one believes us anyway, except my great grandma. But she can't help us anymore because my grandma told her to stop feeding my imagination.

What I am about to tell you is going to sound crazy, but it happened to me. Mom tries to help, but she is basically clueless, even when things happen to her too. She walks around the house saying the Indian prayer to the Great Spirit and telling things not to harm us kids, but I don't think that is working.

When I was much younger, before my brother was born, we lived in a mobile home park and in our house, I had a bedroom in the front and my parents were in the back with a huge bathtub that I liked to play in. Mom would bless the bath water with lavender and fill it all the way up so I could play. No reason for that, great grandma just told her that should be done when "cleansing". One day I looked in the mirrors above the sinks and I saw a woman who looked very sad sitting on the back of the tub with her feet in the water. I remember turning around and only seeing the wall so I screamed at Mom to help. She grabbed me out of the tub and asked what was wrong, but I couldn't tell her.

This same woman was in my bathroom. I hated going in there. Mom and Dad made it a princess bathroom so that I would, but when I wanted to take a bath, the woman was laying in the tub. At times when I would go in there the whole room looked different. The walls would have carpeting on it all the way to the ceiling and the window was covered with a board. Sometimes I would see something red all over the toilet, sink and tub. It was a small bathroom, so everything was close together. Mom couldn't use it unless the door was left open, she never told me why.

My bedroom was the worst. The woman was there with a little girl. They would hug each other and sit on the window seat like they were watching for someone to come home, because they would jump up and run out of the room. They always seemed either scared or sad. At night something would come out of the closet. It was big because it would pull the door off the track and it would be hanging there when we all got up. I never saw it because when I would hear it coming I got out of there! I just started sleeping on the living room couch.

Lots of other things have happened in that house and others. Dad moved us out of there when Mom got pregnant with my brother because she had already lost three babies there. He said we needed a bigger place, but I think he saw things too. I caught him talking to Mom a couple of times before she even got home.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, essiej, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Francois (220 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-16)
Greetings and salutations,

Hello essiej, your story makes me ponder if events of the past do play out every once in a while. I agree with FRAWIN, that the apparition could be a replay of past events and that the entities mean you no harm. It could be possibly a tragic event concerning sadness, love and war. I am not that sure. But as my mom keeps telling me, love lives on forever in the hearts of people.

I hope you overcome your fears and take care of your situation. Thank you for sharing your story, please keep me informed, if you don't mind. God bless and deus vobiscum and take care.


essiej (guest)
17 years ago (2008-01-16)
I feel like I'm going crazy sometimes. It can feel so alone, but we have people around that won't talk about this stuff and that helps sometimes.
mcrgirl623 (9 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-31)
thats really creepy I completelty believe you but its like your mind is going crazy (in a good way) but wow that's scary
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2007-12-01)
essie, here is a link to a website that explains a residual and one of the theories that causes them. He does a better job at it than I do. H

Be Safe and God Bless... FRAWIN ❤
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2007-12-01)
essiej, I think you have figured it out that you get "new movies" each time you move to another house. Remember that if there is no "contact" or an attempt to harm on their part, they are the same as movies, they can scare you but they can't hurt you. They may seem real but they`re not, they are a recording on time, just an image -that`s all. What cause them? I don`t think that anybody really knows because if we knew what caused them then we would know how to erase them. As lame as this sounds you will have to keep trying anything and everything until you find something that works for you.

Be Safe and God Bless... FRAWIN ❤
essiej (guest)
17 years ago (2007-12-01)
No, when we left the trailor, I didn't see that woman, girl or hear the thing from the closet again. That just sorta quit. I got new things from the next place we lived too. It seems like everytime we move I get to see new things. That don't make me happy tho, cause it still is spooky. The ones that just keep playing themself can't do anything? Than how did they get stuck there?
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-28)
Essie, Are you still seeing stuff in your new home? Are they the same scenes that you saw in the trailer that was burnt? What I`m trying to say is, if what you are seeing is aware of you and/or they attempt to harm you then there are ways to stop them. This is where LOVE and FAITH comes in. Love and faith in a Higher Power/God stands in the Light and the Dark cannot stand up to the light. Think of it as being in a complete dark room, something scares you and you turn on the light-darkness gone and you see clearly, same thing. If on the other hand they are residual, then you just let them flow through you like water. There is nothing they can do TO you and there is nothing you can do FOR them.
I hope this helps a little, and I will be praying for you. Remember that love prevails when all else fails.

Be Safe and God Bless
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-28)
This is going to have the ring of an urban legend, but honestly, I do not know anything before the first day that WE had possession of the trailer.
While relocating the home to where it stood in the park, the truck pulling it blew two tires. No one was hurt, but that had never happened to either of the men before.
In the first week of living in the trailer, the handyman's wife, who cleaned out the trailers before new tenants were allowed to move in, suffered a severe heart attack and was hospitalized. Several days later the handyman himself was kneeling on the floor (three doors six inches or so apart. To the left the princess bathroom, straight ahead the bedroom, to the right the front entrance.) sawing wood for the floorboards when he looked up, said he saw something, and promptly cut himself INto the knee bone. Thus rendering himself to a life in a wheelchair. Essiej and I both witnessed that.
All of the family members who lived in the home at this same time were effected in some way. I could not use the "Princess bathroom" as I would get terribly claustrophobic. Her Dad often thought I was home from work and would carry on conversations with me. Her grandfather refused to bathe in the "princess bathroom", and in fact, would on occasion travel to another home to do the necessities at times.
After moving out the trailer was destroyed. The company that sold it decided that as no one stayed in it very long there must have been a mold or something of that effect embedded in the walls and decided for cost effectiveness, that to burn it down would be best. Records of the home were also destroyed at this time as there was "no need" to keep records on a home that no longer existed.
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-26)
essiej. Who are the "other ones" you speak of? Are they residuals or intelligent beings? I mean is it like watching a scary movie or are they aware that you are there.

Be Safe and God Bless
essiej (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-26)
If all I had to be scared of was the thing in the closet, is there away to get the other ones to go away?
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-24)
Thank you FRAWIN for explaining that to Essie. To explain her last comment as she asked me to: I'm afraid to answer the questions of the posters for fear of the others thinking that this is a made up story. I think that if BOTH of us were answering it could get a bit confusing. She is genuinely needing answers, I'm afraid I just can not find answers to what she needs as I seem to not know what she goes through. In fact, I learned with the rest of you, here, what it was that she actually SAW in that house. I COULD answer some of the questions, But I do not want what first happened to me on this site to happen to her too. 😊
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-24)
Hi essiej. First let me tell you that I`m from the hills of East Tennessee and we have diferent terms for stuff. What I mean by reading the past is that you pick up the impressions that are imprinted on the fabric of time or as some call it a residual haunting. You not only pick up the sight but also the emotions left behind too. Think of it like televison, the most of us pick it up like regular TV but you pick it up as HDTV. As far as it being inherited I`m sure it is, I think it has been supressed in your ancestors because they didn`t want to be labeled crazy.
Yes, what you saw in the bathroom were ghosts but they wouldn`t have hurt you because they didn`t know you were even there. They were like actors playing out a scene. The thing in the closet could or could not have been friendly, my advice there is to trust your instincts. If in doubt get out!
Find someone who knows what they are doing to teach you how to put up a shield to protect yourself. I`m not trying to scare you because I don`t think you are in any danger, it`s just who wants to be subjected to all that when all you want to do is go potty. I believe that you, like my wife, is a empathic medium that needs to learn how to control it.
By my asking if whitebffalo was your mother, I was in no way implying that your story was "made up".All I was saying is that her being your mother was a great asset to you. One is the bond between you and her and two is that she believes you. You are not alone in your struggle like so many people find themselves.

Be Safe and God Bless
essiej (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-24)
I don't understand what you mean tho, how does a kid read the past. Mom can't do that. I don't think grandma or great grandma can either. I thought you got this stuff in your genes like brown eyes. My moms friend from work tried to help me out for awhile but when I would tell her what I saw she did get scared and bailed. The woman that I saw all over the house and the little girl were not ghosts? Please help again FRAWIN. Mom doesn't think she should comment any more on my story here cause it may sound made up if we both answer.
essiej (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-24)
yes my mother is whitebuffalo! And well I did have some one helping me but they kind of got scared of what I could acually see so they bailed. 😜
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-24)
Hi essiej, let me say thatI enjoyed your story very much. First let me say that I feel the only thing that you should`ve had any fear of was the thing in your closet because it had an effect on "our world". In my opinion (although I`m not an expert) you are blessed/cursed with the ability to "read" the past but you don`t know how to control it. My advice is to find someone that can teach you how to either control it or shut it down. One other thing, if mustang is right and whitebuffalo is your mother then you already have a great ally in your corner-I believe that love prevails when all else fails.

Be Safe and God Bless
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-24)
Hi essiej! I thought I recognized this story. Whitebuffalo is your mother. Right?=) I'm glad that you are on this site yourself to share your experiences. I know you have more stories. I can't wait to hear them. ~Shelby ❤ 😊
essiej (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-24)
O, and there were two bathrooms in the house. 1 at the front, 1 in back, she tried.
essiej (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-24)
In the second paragraph it says that mom walks around the house saying the indian prayer asking the great spirit not to let anything hurt us kids. Mom is not going to act like she knows how to do somehing she doesn't. She thought she was blessing the house while asking the great spirits help. She thought the problem was me, not the house.
ghostlovr (2 stories) (54 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-23)
wow that is weird your mom lost three babys in that house! If I was your mom I wouuldn't just bless the bathroom and it didn't work because there was still something in the bathroom. I would of blessed the whole house

essiej (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-23)
when we moved out about a week later they took out the trailer and the park is not allowed to sell anything on that property. I never thought to ask my mom for one she wouldn't have told me anyway. And two I really didn't want to know I was so young I didn't care about the history just why it was there and why all this was happening to me. I should be writtin more soon
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-23)
Oh, my. I am so thankful that you had the courage to write down this story. What took you so long to tell it, princess?
essiej (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-23)
Actually, mom is on this site too (am I supposed to say that?) she is here trying to figure out how to help me and my baby brother. She told me to write the things that happened to me, maybe you all could help. Before us there were only 2 other familys that lived in the house. After dad moved us, some company came and drove the house away. Dad said they never said if anything happened there, but I remember the first week we were there the fix it man came in to cut some wood things that go on the wall around the floor and he got cut to the bone on his knee cause he said he thought he saw something. Should I ask mom?
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-23)
Hi essiej. How frightening that must have been for you, especially as a child. I wonder what happened there. You should ask your parents about the mobile home and see if they know the history of it. Also, do research on the property. Have you had any other paranormal experiences since you and your family moved from this mobile home? Thanks for sharing your experience. ~Shelby ❤
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-23)
Hi, essiej. The way you would see the bathroom differently at different times - the sad women, different walls, boarded windows and the red on the fixtures (blood?) - has a tragic feel to it. Something sad and tragic may have taken place there. The woman and child seeming sad and scared, and the frightening entity that seemed to come out of your closet at night have an ominous tone to them. Have you ever come right out and asked your parents if they knew any of the history of the mobile home? If they had unusual, frightening experiences there? If you haven't, you should. They might be willing to tell you now that you are older and you no longer live there. It sounds as though you have other experiences you could share, I'd like to read those too. Thanks for writing, I enjoyed it.
RaisesOrchids (1 stories) (3 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-23)
Essiej - how terrifying all this must have been for you! Is the trailer still there, do you know if anyone else has had similar experiences?

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