Thank you all who read my first story. As I said I had tried more than a dozen times to write that story. It didn't matter whether I used my tablets or my P.C. The story would disappear. I even felt like something was attached to my shoulder one night and my son even confirmed he felt a electrical type feeling where I asked him to feel. I took it as a sign that I should not write the story at that time.
A few days after I was finally able to post the story I had a dream that Billy came to me. It has been more than 32 years since his death but he has always been close to my heart. In the dream he admitted 3 things: he was the one that kept me from writing the story, it was his hand on my shoulder when I felt something on my shoulder, and lastly he has been watching over me since he died.
A week went by and I look at my front windows and I see the numbers 999 which was the code for a person was crashing (dying) and the crash team had to drop everything to revive the patient if they could. I took it to mean that my mother in-law, who will be 87 next month and has a heart condition and pacemaker, would be leaving us soon. I misinterpreted the message.
My dog D had to be euthanized in March at 14 years old. I said to my husband that Zim, who was 12, wouldn't last 6 months without D. I wish I had never uttered those words. The following Tuesday after seeing the numbers, Zim couldn't get up when I got out of bed. It took him an hour to get to the bedroom door and another 6 to get to the living room. I made the heartbreaking decision that he had to be euthanized. He was an itty bitty pitty and probably the sweetest dog anyone could come across.
They made an appointment for 1730 hours but I got a phone call about 1600 hours and was told I could bring him in earlier. My husband got him in the car and brought us to the vet but did not come in the room. There were vet techs that had tears in their eyes. One came in the room to give him one last hug and kiss and left the room crying. I stayed with him for quite awhile after because he was the last dog linked to my kids childhood into adulthood.
Thank you. Losing 3 dogs in 1 year time was like a kick in the gut to me. Jethro was a young dog but D and Zim were older but hurt none the less. Now Cali who is 10 but a Newfoundland mix has been mopy like she is mourning.
I am so sorry to hear about your brothers' sudden death. My condolences to you and your family. Since you were so close talk to him and ask him to give you a sign that he is still with you. It may take some time for him to find the right thing that held special meaning to he both of you. OR like my grandfather and father in-law did was move things on me.
Yes it is a bumber when something comes out of my mouth and then it happens. Sometimes it down right sucks.