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Tissue warning:

I wrote a story awhile back about how after I had to euthanize a dog a message was sent me in a dream what my next dog would be. If you care to read it you can find it at It was heartbreaking to lose Niko as he was only about 8.

Well I got the EXACT pup from my dream. It was obvious she had been neglected and abused. She coward if you raised your voice around her, she wouldn't let me brush her even though she was a long hair dog and she was 8 before she would let anyone touch her hind quarters. BUT she was fiercely protective of me. At night she would sleep on my husband's side of the bed to get a good vantage point of the bedroom door. During the day she was my shadow.

After we got the giant Malamute Kaia as a pup Cali was a good mom, same thing when we got another Malamute Loki who was smaller than Kaia. That didn't stop them from mating much to my exasperation. Kaia had 11 pups so we had to keep Cali and Loki out of my room where they were born. We had to move them to the kitchen when we had to ween them. Kaia was always trying to steal Calis' sleeping spot but I would make her let Cali sleep there

Calis' health started to decline late last summer. She had bad arthritis in her hind end and would have accidents in the house because she couldn't crouch. I told my husband it was her time and as was his usual attitude he told me to leave her alone she was fine. We had an unusually warm September and October. As October came to a close Cali was having problems walking or getting up from a laying position. Sometimes we would have to bring her dinner to where she lay and some days feed her by hand.

On October 30th I had to have her euthanized which crushed me. When I came home without her I was told that Kaia was pacing crying and howling. Since her death neither Kaia nor Loki will sleep in her spot that she kept vigil at night. They may lay there for awhile during the day but she didn't sleep in my room during the day, and they are never there long. Some nights I walk in my room and I sense her there and I give her a little smile and whisper goodnight Cali.

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RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-01)

Surgery went well. My gall bladder was 3 times the normal size. I was mistaken they do use 4 holes. The intake nurse didn't tell the doctor that I'm allergic to adhesives ESPECIALLY glue so I went insane with itch that I couldn't scratch in those 4 places until Thursday when the nurse pulled what she could off and I got most of the rest off.

Thank you for your well wishes. I have been overly emotional and none of the pups knew what to do and I was crying over a sad television scene and I swear I could sense and feel D nudge me and give me kisses, no other dogs were where I felt him so I started crying harder! It says c l o w n s but it is supposed to say d o g s

Hopefully this comes out right with it being April Fools Day.


Happy A.F. Day
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-28)
Hi Red, after a long time I have visited the site. Nice to read your story and felt sad for you and Cali. But, it is heartening that you can feel her. My prayers for your recovery from the surgery.

Regards and respects to you. Get well soon.

valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
7 years ago (2018-03-27)
Fingers crossed and a prayer said for you, Red.
It seems I need more characters to post. So... Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis ought to do it.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-27)
I'm sorry that I never addressed my surgery. It went fine except my blood pressure went up during the surgery and there are 4 holes instead of 3. I don't know if that's because I had a small umbilical hernia or scar tissue from 4 abdominal surgeries. I see the doctor on Thursday. Next comes the back surgery.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-23)
Thank you all for your kind words.

MaggieMay, Start giving your Bassett glucosamine find out from your vet how much to give. Bassetts have back and hip problems but if you can keep the weight within reason your fur baby can have a happy prolonged life. Hint: If you can feel the ribs but not see them the weight is just about perfect.

M8s I am so very sorry to hear that your G.R. Barley died last week. He knew you were all there loving him. It will take some time for his lifelong canine friend to get over his loss. Give him extra love.

Val,you are right I did the best thing for her and I think she knew it. She would come up to me and press her head into me which is a sign that something is up, meaning pain or illness. I was with her until the end as I do with all of my dogs. Kaia was kind of lost for awhile. I would call Cali my baby girl and a few days later I told Kaia she was my baby girl now and she went looking for Cali.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
7 years ago (2018-03-20)
Red, as sad as it is, I think you did the right- the best thing for Cali, and in my heart of hearts, I think she knew it too. I bet that's at least part of why she still comes around. She's trying to give you comfort, letting you know it's ok.
I see today is your surgery. I hope all goes well.
The8Ms (2 stories) (21 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-19)
Last Monday our 12 year old Golden Retriever Barley died here at home with us and we are now easing his lifelong canine best friend into life without him so your story resonates with me. I don't have anything particularly eloquent to say other than to offer you my heartfelt condolences.
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-19)
Redwolf, I have to wipe my eyes a bit over this one. I am sorry for your loss. I have a 8 year old bassett that I am just dreading the time when I have to make that call.
It is good your family still guides you. Please maintain your boundaries and take it easy on yourself and your husband though. Those psychic headaches are not grand and can be dangerous, and your visiting family should be fully aware that they make you ill. Tell them to go away until you feel better if you have to. They may be family, but they are guests as well.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-18)
Redwolf, It's so hard when we lose a pet. They are like our kids. 😟 I do believe Cali is around you and your house. I've had experiences that proved (to me at least) that my silky terrier, Scrappy has visited. ❤
Thanks for sharing
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-18)
I am glad the story was published this weekend as I am having my gall bladder removed on Tuesday.

I made a couple of rookie mistakes though. I forgot to mention Cali was a black dog, so even though she was large it was hard to see her in the dark, so we had to put night lights in certain areas. The puppies ate a few so they had to be replaced and moved a couple of times.

Another mistake was a huge unintentional omission.
As you all know my grandfather and father in-laws' spirits get annoyed if one of my dogs are at the end of their time here and are suffering. Well I would have to walk out of my house because the air was so heavy I was getting headaches. I even saw my grandmother who I never see. I could tell by her scowl that she was MAD at me for listening to my husband AGAIN. My husband could see that I didn't feel well and ask what the problem was. I would just say psychic headache and he knew that I had too many visitors and he would sit outside with me.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-17)
I bet Cali hasn't moved from her favourite spot on the bed since last October.

Sad and beautiful experience, RedWolf. ❤

Thanks for sharing.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-17)
😭 Who put onions on the menu?:)

I'm going to add this story to my favorites, and I'll make a meaningful comment when I stop crying.

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