When I was about twelve or thirteen years old, I began to see something. A short man, about four and a half feet tall, with a burlap vest and long pants torn off just below the knee. He had the proportions of a midget but the way he moved did not resemble a midget's, they were the movements of a proportional human.
I had been seeing something out of the corners of my eyes for quite a while by this time, but nothing so drastic as this. I was wandering into my parents' bathroom to grab something but about five or six feet before I reached the door, I stopped and saw him, out of the corner of my eye, leaning against the door way with his arms crossed and one leg crossed over the other. His stance was ominous but not evil or maybe I just couldn't detect if it was. Now usually he would appear in places at different times and then just vanish but this time he lingered. I stood there frozen, not out of fear but bewilderment, as he ran abnormally fast right through my direct line of sight and then took a sharp turn which lead him right next to me, no further than a few inches from my face. Suddenly he began to quickly mutter something in a loud whisper but I couldn't understand what he was saying. When he was done, he paused for a moment then vanished. Even though he was in the corner of my eye, I should have been able to pick up on some distinguishing characteristics, but all I could see was a nose, eyes, mouth, and shaded face that I can not elaborate on.
This incident didn't trouble me in the slightest, but I did think about it quite often. After that he didn't appear to me again until I was about seventeen years old. He would once again only appear in my peripheral vision, then vanish even before I would attempt to look directly at him. I kept this event secret due to the fear of ridicule, but I decided to converse with a friend about it a year ago when I was nineteen. Even though he was a good friend, I expected an awkward response bur received quite the opposite. He had had a similar experience with a very tall figure, about seven feet tall, who wore a burlap jacket instead of a vest. He had seen the figure on the side of the road while traveling back to his home state of Alabama and I am since more open about the subject.
The last time I saw my figure was in mid to late August of the present year 2007. I was driving home from work at about 10:30 PM and there were no houses on the strip of road I was on and no other cars either, so there was no other source of light to distort my headlights. He walked across the road, about eight feet in front of my car, at a slow pace but he seemed to be moving at the same pace as my car because I was still moving, but I did not get any closer to him. He walked all the way across the road to the opposing side and once again vanished.
I am now almost twenty years old and it is late November and I still continue to see him occasionally, I don't know who or what he is, but I have heard them called In-Betweens because they most often appear in doorways and other passages. If anyone has had a similar experience or knows any source of information on the subject please contact me!