I have been reading stories in the site for a few days now and I wanted to share my experience. Well, for many years, I think since my early teens, I have had what I think is called sleep paralysis. Sometimes while asleep I feel like I can't move or think that I have gotten up only to see myself in bed, this would happen for a several times until I would finally get up, other times I would feel like somebody is pulling me up by my legs, I would fight it and it stops, I had this exact experience four days ago, on Thursday. It is frightening but somehow I got used to it, I just fight it, say some prayers and it stops, though I feel literally drained afterwards but I continue sleeping. However, about a year ago, I had a really frightening experience. I was sleeping alone in my bedroom, somewhere at around 3 am I think, I know this because I watched the time after I got up, I started having a weird dream of an old man, whom I don't know,dying, then the dream shifted somewhere else, I don't know where because I can't remember dreams but the thing is I knew I was dreaming and I started being afraid of having a sleep paralysis which eventually happened. I couldn't move and as I was struggling to move I turned to my left and there next to the bed I saw a shadow with a cowboy hat and shining red eyes staring at me. I don't really know how but I gathered strength to lift my arm angrily as if to throw something at him, I don't know what or if I threw anything at him because I am not sure if I was awake or dreaming, but the moment I lifted my arm, the man disappeared. After that I just got up took my pillow and went to sleep at my mom's bed and I haven't slept alone since. I must say that prior to this I woke up two other times and saw a black shadow kneeling near my bed but I thought it was my mind playing tricks on me.
So fellow YGS members, what do you think? Please feel free to give your suggestions and please pardon my English since it's my third language!