Chennai, India: 14.04.2009
I was in my early twenties (now 31), and wished I had a girlfriend. My search for one, seemed like decades, started when I was 20 and was really lucky when I found one in early March 2008 (aged 23). I was so madly in love with her, that I wanted to be around her always (happens when you have fallen in love for the first time and newly committed). Every evening, I made it a point to take her for a drive and drop her off back home before dinner. Once such trip on 14th April 2009, turned disastrous for both of us. The reason I do not forget the date will become more evident when you read the events below.
After our usual drive, I dropped her back near her apartment (I ususally drop her 2 blocks before her apartment, as she did not want her parents to figure out about our relationship back then). After dropping her, I realized I left my ID card with her. So, I called her in less than 5 minutes to check if she reached home but her phone was not reachable. I thought, her phone might have died out on her. So I left home thinking how I will go to work the next morning. After 1 hour, when I tried to call her, it was still not reachable. Curious, I was glued to the screen of my phone until I got a message from her sister. The message was, " Where are you guys? Mum is searching for my sister. Drop her off soon before you guys get caught". I was shocked and confused as I dropped her by around 7 pm and it was almost 8:15 pm when I received the message.
Considering how unsafe it is in my neighborhood for women, I took my motorbike and started searching for her near the place where I dropped her and I was unsuccessful in finding her. I was very worried and guilty at the same time. I was wondering where she could have gone. I was just thinking about all the conversations we had during the day just to recollect my memory to locate her.
A few days before her sudden disappearance, she was mentioning something about she feeling eerie during the night before she goes to bed and it so happens that she wakes up every morning at 3:40 am (not exaggerating, she used to get up at that time because I was the recepient of her telephone calls at the exact same time every morning before she tries to go to bed again). This had been happening for quite some time now and it was bothering her very much. She said she always had the feeling that someone is there around her. And suddenly, I remembered a few conversations we had before I dropped her. She said, " If only I had another chance to live, I would never be a girl". Well, there is nothing alarming in that sentence (sometimes you hear girls say that when they are low/sad) but for some reason, it bothered me very much. I drove my motorbike in the exact same route we used to go for our daily drive. And in a deserted road, there she was, walking on the other side of the road. I was happy that I found her but was unsure how she came here. I turned my motorbike, went next to her and asked her to sit behind. She gave me slimy glare, screamed my ears off and pushed me from my bike. Things were becoming very strange as my girlfriend had a very slim voice. She can hardly be heard when she talks and this was completely new for me.
Surprised, I walked behind her and held her hand. OMG, what I saw that night was sheer evil. I could not see her eyelids. Yes. I say that again. I did not see her eyelids. It was just white. I still cannot believe that. Scared to death, I ran back towards my bike and she started walking towards me and slowly picking up speed. And then something struck me, "If she is really my girlfriend, she is in trouble and I need to help her". I started shouting for help and running. That's when she started sprinting towards me. She lifted me up like a wrestler and tossed me on the road. (I was 74 Kgs back then and she was hardly 50Kg) Hearing me shout, a few people came running from a nearby house and tried to stop her. It took, 6 people to stop her advancing towards me. I immediately knew that I had to call her parents and tell them about this situation.
Her parents came there soon, but my girl cannot be controlled. And that's when, a priest from a nearby temple, who happened to be around at that time said she has been possessed and we need to contact someone who can help us in containing its strength. I immediately narrated the few conversations related to her getting up at 3:40 am every morning to her sister who passed on the information to her parents.
Her parents were stanch believers in god and immediately called someone and took her out of town to a village in Kerala (state in India) called Chotanikora (supposed to be a place to cleanse the possessed). After a week, I heard back from her sister that she is back in town and is under house arrest as her parents are around her always. Then she narrated the story.
My girlfriend was possessed by the spirit of a girl who was poisoned by her lover suspecting her of cheating on him and her vengeful spirit wanted to punish him. Since I stopped her from doing it, the spirit thought I was offending it and wanted to harm me. I just could not imagine what would have happened to me if the neighbors did not stop it or What would have happened to my girl, if I had not stopped her from punishing the spirit's lover. Either way I was shocked.
However, My girlfriend (my wife now) recovered soon and does not remember anything that happened to her and we all took an oath to hide it from her. She has been happy as always and we have two kids now. We watch horror movies now and then, while I constantly get myself shiatscared, she handles these with much ease. She even makes fun of me for getting scared and thinking that ghosts are real!
Well they were real in my case and I know it.
It was indeed an interesting experience (I know it's not the same for you:)). Anyways happy to hear that you both are married now and so sweet of you for not leaving your lover during the time of difficulty.