Alright YGS! How goes it?
Thought this would make for interesting discussion.
I've written before of my fondness for darkness and dim lighting. About last April I was watching something on the internet. The only light in the room was from the heater and the monitor. Directly in front of me is a window with a drawn curtain. The heater is behind me, to the left, the room glows orange from the heater. As you walk around the room your shadow is cast and stretched up the walls and on the ceiling in accordance with direction from the heater.
There's the boring bit out of the way. So I'm engrossed in this show. Then a shadow, long like a person, moves along the curtain in front of me denoting someone has walked across the room behind me. Being that I'm so hardcore I look around nonchalant expecting to find no one there and indeed there was no one there. That was the end of that, I kept watching the show.
A few weeks pass and I was relaying this occurrence to a couple of friends in the same light conditions. As I was describing this, I attempted the shadow on the curtain. Except I had assumed one must be toward the middle of the room to do this. The shadow was not cast in the same manner. I moved around the room trying to find the spot one must move from to duplicate the effect. Wouldn't you know it, I found the correct spot not in the middle of the room a few feet away, as I had assumed, but directly behind where I was sitting on the evening of the shadow. Not so hardcore now, I instantly got the heebie jeebies, albeit belated ones.
I should note these were fun heebie jeebies, not the run for the hills sort. We joked the ghost must have been watching stuff over my shoulder. They so do, I'm convinced of it.
Then a couple of days ago I was reading stuff on YGS and, you betchya, another shadow on the curtain. This time it moved more to the right than it did the first time. I turned around, nothing there of course.
So, how is a shadow cast without a solid source? This I have pondered to no avail. Is it a solid apparition momentarily? Or does it's presence bend light to form a shadow on surfaces without showing from it's location in the room, and if so, how?
Has anyone else had a phantom shadow cast on a surface? Were you at a vantage to the direction it was cast from? Any apparitions, cold spots? I ain't got nothing. Also there were no sounds, no footsteps or anything like that. Aside from that it was as if a person walked across.
Thanks for reading.
Regards, Melda