A couple of years ago I randomly woke up to the sound of my toilet flushing, which is the room next to mine. Obviously I thought nothing of it and just presumed someone got up to use the toilet, so I tried to go back to sleep.
I didn't hear any footsteps meaning someone went back to sleep so looked at the bathroom and saw my alive brother staring at me not blinking. After a couple of seconds was beginning to panick so decided to call his name out saying, "Stop. Go back to bed. This isn't funny, you are scaring me" but he didn't. Eventually I turned around and looked back and he was gone. Nothing left to show that anyone was ever there.
The next day I straight away (after somehow managing to go to sleep) asked my brother why he was staring a t me; however, he knew nothing about it and was confused. I told my parents about it so they didn't believe me and they still don't to this day whenever I mention it.
Another time I saw a ghost was when I woke up in the middle of the night again and looked out of my door and saw my, again alive, dad and random, really short stranger looking out the window.
Because it was a couple of years ago as well I don't really remember that one as clearly but my parents still didn't believe me about this ghost stuff.
I am certain that I didn't make this up in my head and I believe in ghosts. Nothing else has happened to me and I am confused as why nothing has came back or why they haven't possessed me when all three clearly had the chance to. I am also confused because I thought that ghosts had to be dead people.
Another member here has commented on Hypnopompic and Hypnagogic hallucinations. Please research these interesting topics as a possible explanation of your experiences.