The first experience. Aged 8.
At first it would only run up and down the hallway. It would peek just around my door way some nights and leave me frozen in fear. I was too stiff to call out for my mother. Eventually it became brazen off my fear and would kneel down in my doorway. There it would sit before its bones cracked out of place. The figure was nearly eight feet tall. Black skin shrouded over bones with nothing to cushion against the creaking ligaments. Wide far spread eyes glowed and ominous white. I still remember how it crawled to the side of my bed like some contorted crab. When I shut my eyes tightly it would be gone before I opened them once more and it was back at the doorway. They couldn't touch me when my eyes closed.
This could be passed off for a young child's playful mind if it was not for my parents attention brought to it... My mother and father told me when I was older that I only stopped complaining when a man began to stand in my hallway. My mother had saw him first. A soft figure in a red old cape and furred clothing with worn leathers. He was obvious native america and from the Alaskan tribes or North Canadian. When he begun to appear the haunting ended in that house. When we moved they surged at me violently and I experienced Skin Walkers and other beings regularly until I was thirteen. At fourteen an old woman, when I lived in Germany, told my aura was dark and that several demons had tried to follow me into her house. She had rosaries all over her home. Since then I've witnessed horrifying sounds, touches, scratching on my bedposts, and other teasing horrors. Nothing really makes them go away unless I go on certain medicines or try my best to ignore everything. I've got autoimmune disorders, severe anxiety, and depression. Could these play into the attraction some dark entities have towards me? I am no longer interested in making it end. I know it won't. I just want to know how to protect myself and how to learn more about exactly each thing.