When I was about twelve years old, we had been living in the same house for about three years. This is also where I had my first direct experience. To give a little background, my room was at the end of a hallway, on the left hand side. You could see the small front garden from my bedroom window as well as the garden gate. In the back garden we had a small gate that led to a children's play park and I would often use it to go play with my friends. One day I played until about 18:00 and I decided to head on home since the sun was starting to set. On that specific day, I decided to walk around the house to enter our house through the front door (instead of just walking through the back garden). As I closed the front gate behind me and walked towards our front door (about 5 meters ahead) something caught my attention at the end of the garden, close to my bedroom window.
So before I explain what I saw, my room always freaked me out a bit. It was darker than the rest of the house as we had a big tree that blocked most of the sun from entering through the window and for some reason I just didn't like that room very much. Anyway, as I was walking to the front door, I saw a person out of the corner of my eye. I quickly glanced to the left and I saw a girl about my age at the time (12) standing in the garden. She had very fair skin and ash blonde hair and was just standing in the garden looking at me. Now what gave me a fright was the fact that I could see her quite clearly but where her legs were suppose to be, I couldn't see anything. The girl wore a light blue dress that ended at her knees and further down nothing could be seen. I stood completely frozen for about 5 seconds - just staring at the girl as she looked back at me. As she started moving closer, I ran for the door and as I looked back she was gone.
I can't think of any rational explanation for what I saw but I definitely know what I saw and I remember it clearly even to this day. I never saw the girl again.
Any comments are welcome.