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Dead Or A (stra) Live!


"Am I dead?" I wondered as I lay silently on my bed.

This story is from 2011. I had moved to Delhi to join my new job, and had taken up accommodation in a part known as Mayur Vihar. I was living in with my then girlfriend, and the house was a two room apartment on the ground floor. The layout was such that as you entered the house, you would either go left or right. On the right, there was a bedroom, small but not very small. On the left was the living room. The living room was quite big, and had a glass wall on the side facing the street. Needless to say, we always had to have the curtains drawn because everything would be visible from the inside at night.

After about 2-3 months, my girlfriend had to leave the town, and I started living by myself in the same house. I spent about 6 more months before moving out, and experienced nothing supernatural or abnormal during my time there, except for this one time.

It was a summer night, and I was in my bed in the living room, getting ready to sleep. I was listening to some music on my phone, primarily to improve my mood and get a good sleep. I have always followed this trick, and it has worked every time. Apparently, this was not one of those times.

I'm fairly certain that I had fallen asleep in about half an hour. I was sleeping on the side of the bed, with my back to the glass wall. Suddenly, I got a feeling as if someone was watching me from behind. I did not get up, did not turn. However, I was able to see everything behind me, like I had grown eyes on the back of my head. And the thing I saw was weird to say the least.

I saw myself standing by the other side of the bed. Same clothes as I was wearing when I went to sleep, same hair, same face. But for some reason, all bloody. The clothes were bloody, the hair dirty (the kind you get when you play in the dirt and mud for too long), the face had cuts and bruises all over and everyone of those was bleeding. In short, it looked like I had almost been beaten to death by somebody and left to die, but somehow I had found my strength to get up, stand, and glare over the sleeping me with all the hate and anger in the world. Some might say that I had a dream, rather a nightmare, where I imagined everything and nothing happened, but here is where it gets interesting.

At the same time as I "grew eyes on the back of my head" and realized that it was actually a "bloody-dirty" me, watching me, I could sense myself in the body that was standing by the bed. I could see myself sleeping on the side of the bed, with the back towards me. Same clothes as I was wearing, only cleaner. Same hair as me, only neater. Couldn't see the face though, but could see a little bit of the side, and it looked okay. No cuts, no bruises, no blood. I had a feeling of anger and hate in this body, and I wanted to harm the body in the bed. The only hurdle was I couldn't move an inch from my place. I could only stand there and hope that I could harm the body on the bed with a Jedi mind trick.

"Am I dead?" I wondered as I lay silently on my bed. Only death could explain such a phenomena, where I could see myself from two totally different angles, in two totally different positions, and two totally different physical conditions. I must have pondered on that for a million years, because the next thing I remember was waking up to another sunny morning, with nothing beside my bed, or on it. Just me.

It was a pretty uneventful day, with the exception of me getting familiar with astral projections, and linking the possibility of me projecting an "astral me". However, I couldn't find a reference or an example where the astral projection and the actual body could see each other at the same time. So it left me to wonder what it was, and after 8 long years, here I am.:)

I hope that the experience troupe here might be able to make something out of it. I am all up for answering anything that you can think of, if that can help you deduce the mystery. And before you ask, no, I do not have a case of DID, I do not actually need help with something, and I am just here to participate in the community and increase my knowledge on the subject matter.

"The scariest place in the world is right behind you. That is the center of all your fears.":)

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KenshiAdams (1 stories) (15 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-11)
[at] aussiedaz

The clashing of magnetic energy is an apt way of putting it. When this happened with me, I felt a cold electricity running through my body for a split second. "Not natural", as you said. The one where you experienced heart palpitations must have been a strong one. Good idea to ask your spirit guide to pass on the message though. 😊
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-30)

A static chill? Not exactly, however not a bad description of trying to explain how it feels K,A. You do sense something is not natural about the interfacing of two energy fields that collide together... Almost like the clashing of magnetic energy? If you can imagine what that is like. We have 56 trillion cells in our bodies that all have their own receptors according to biologist Bruce Lipton, so I do theorise if some other energy enters through ones own space those cells that make us physical are thrown into temporary chaos causing enough disruption to disturb you whilst you sleep.

The very last time it happened to me it actually gave me a few heart palpitations thus was the awkwardness of the experience... It was probably the worse I have ever felt it, I'm not going to hang garlic up or sleep with a cross under my pillow however I did mediate a message to my spirit guide to tell who ever it was to you know what.

Regards Daz
KenshiAdams (1 stories) (15 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-29)
[at] aussiedaz

You are indeed a good man, watching over your family like that. I appreciate that, and agree with the thought of not having them freak over something which they haven't experienced.

I have one question though. When these "visitors" walk through you, what kind of sensation do you feel? Your wife was asleep and you got to know that she had been "passed through" too when she moaned. But since you were awake, did you feel some kind of static, or chilly for the short time that they passed through you? I ask because I have had an experience where I thought that a spirit of a little girl had passed through me, and I felt a chilly sensation in the lower half of my body, but not entirely sure. Maybe you can enlighten me on that?

As always, thanks for sharing. 😊
KenshiAdams (1 stories) (15 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-29)
[at] Lealeigh

"Animals are funny; an astral projection is fine by him as long as breakfast, lunch and dinner times are not disturbed." - This is quite funny and equally true. 😁

Astrals have their own dimension, and that maybe the reason for your "dimness" experience. You did mention that you try this during the day mostly. At night, you have little control over it. Does that mean you have projected an astral self at night as well?

If the guy was in another dimension, and became aware of your "ghostly" presence, he might end up bringing a medium or an Ouija board to communicate. Till then, I would advise that you practice communicating with your thoughts, or develop telekinesis, otherwise how would you be able to move the coin around the board? 😊
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-24)

To answer your question: no, I didn't tell my then girlfriend about it I was around 20 years of age and thought it best I just kept it to myself, her previous boyfriend died in a car accident some 18 months prior hence the reference about karma, he did watch over her and with the wisdom of hindsight, I'm fairly sure it was him who paid me a visit for a square up... Or maybe he thought jumping into my body was an opportunity to reach out to his ex? Anyway, doesn't feel nice when another energy try's to enter your space.

Actually on the topic of entering your space, over the last few years when some of these visitors have entered my home sometimes seeking help or just dropping in to say hello, I have felt them walked straight through me... Again, the feeling of another energy entering your space is quite uncomfortable, on this one occasion, not so long ago in the early hours of the morning, I was laying awake when this energy walked straight through me and my wife who moaned from her sleep in the process of who ever it was transgressing across our bed. Is that proof? Certainly very interesting suffice to say. The similarity between the two accounts? Note, for the record, they both yelped, moaned when an energy was in their space one of which was myself in astral form.

I haven't told wife about that particular account thus far, however she often does read what I write here on YGS so chances are she might want to know more about it, (sorry in advance) I do remember keeping a lot of this stuff away from my wife and our children when they were growing up mainly because what's the point of having them freaking out over it.

Regards Daz
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-24)

My cat doesn't do anything. I thought it was strange too. I believe he knows that something is going on when it happens but it doesn't disturb him. I think he recognizes that it is me in both places and, since he is an uncomplicated fellow, it's all the same to him.

He is more bothered when I leave the house and go to work. He hides under my bed when I am gone for a while. (I am very curious about that because it makes me think that someone around here is mean to him when I'm gone.)

Animals are funny; an astral projection is fine by him as long as breakfast, lunch and dinner times are not disturbed.

I don't remember much about the box; I know by his movements that he was carrying something like that. Nothing had clear lines; to be honest, whenever I attempt to astral project, it is never terribly bright in my room because harsh light will ruin the meditation process.

That sense of "dimness" seems always to carry on into wherever I try to go. I think the dim lighting is a condition in my mind that I have to practice "seeing through". That hindrance in my vision continued with me into the kitchen and it is usually bright in there.

One detail that I forgot to tell you is that I always try this during the day. At night, I just go straight to sleep and have little control over anything.

I should try to communicate with whatever that shadow is. Do you know what I think would be really funny?...if that guy was in another dimension and became aware of my presence; if he thought that I was a ghost or something and tried to get a medium or a ouija board to communicate with me!

- Maria
KenshiAdams (1 stories) (15 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-24)
[at] Lealeigh

You are right. Better to be called crazy than boring. 😁

The journal I keep usually has entries from when I am awake, but for the past few years, I have been very irregular in making entries. I will try to write down the dreams in it, the ones that I remember.

You mentioned that your cat has seen you projecting your astral self before. Did he react the first time you did it in his presence? How was it? I would like to know that if you remember it.

The box that the shadowy man was carrying - was it clear for you to make out that it was a box? Or was it a shadow as well? And when you say gray shapes, do you mean it looks like an abstract art forming the outline of a man? I understand astrals can't talk, but project their thoughts forward to communicate through mental conversation. Did you try that?
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-24)

I am glad you wrote your account too. I am not worried too much about being called crazy; I think it is probably worse to be called "boring".

In your comment to Lady-glow you said that you keep a journal for what happens during the day. I think that's good enough; you could just include the dreams that bother you or stand out as part of your regular entries.

I think my cat didn't react to my astral projection because I think he has seen me do it before. He will be ten years old in May so he has been watching most of the things that I have been up to for a long time.

I thought about interacting with the shadowy man. The first time that I saw him, I was in my room standing beside my sleeping self. He walked through the closed bedroom door with a box or a small crate and set it down by my window and left.

I followed him into the kitchen (I walked through the door too) and he was just standing there. I thought about tapping him on the shoulder but I chickened out. The fear woke me up in my bed. My door was still closed and there was no "box" by the window.

When I have seen him, it has always been just gray shapes. I can't see through them. It isn't as if he is clearly defined but he isn't like "smoke". It's difficult for me to describe him, even to myself.

- Maria
KenshiAdams (1 stories) (15 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-24)
[at] aussiedaz

Hey Daz,

Thanks for reading and for sharing your experience. What you experienced sounds a lot like what lady-glow mentioned about her friend in her comment. Maybe it was ubiquity that you experienced in the car crash incident, though your first experience sounds like an astral projection. And yes, never a good idea to invade someone's privacy, which extends to their dreams, astral or otherwise. I'm curious as to whether you told your girlfriend about it the next day, and what did she think of it? Please share only if you are okay with it.

Your theory is well put, and I agree with the existence of a "higher self" being in charge of what we are allowed to see while conscious and awake. Sometimes, the "higher self" will allow us to see more than we should, to spook us or just for some fun, and those experiences become highlights of our life. That said, I don't know if I was able to tap into the other reality, or did the other one tap into mine. Who knows. 😊
KenshiAdams (1 stories) (15 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-24)
[at] lady-glow

Thanks for taking the time to read and for your comment. I am familiar with the concept of ubiquity, and a couple of my friends have talked about experiencing it, although they didn't have a physical effect like Ms S being drenched while in the kitchen. Honestly, if I had the gift of being ubiquitous, it would be very cool. 😊 Sadly, I don't think I do.

The "bloody angry me" is actually what threw me off of the astral projection theory. If it were an astral projection, I would have experienced everything from the projection's point of view, but here I was experiencing both the bodies at the same time. Also, if the "physical me" was okay in health, the astral projection should have been the same. But as experienced from the "sleeping me" point of view, it was bloody, dirty, angry, and filled with extreme rage. So I couldn't attribute it to be an astral projection.

For the journal part, I do keep one for my day to day, but only write something when it affects me. However, I never thought of writing down my dreams in it, but I would keep one now just for that. 😊
KenshiAdams (1 stories) (15 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-24)
[at] Lealeigh

And do not worry about someone calling you "crazy". As lady-glow rightly pointed out, most of the members of the forum must have been called 'crazy' at some point or another. People don't accept something they don't understand. Think of it like superheroes. If we had someone like Superman in the real world, there would be a section of the community (probably the majority) who would call him a freak, or a witch. It's sad, but true.
KenshiAdams (1 stories) (15 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-24)
[at] Lealeigh

Hey Maria,

I think 8-bitDemigod's theory holds true for your first instance as well. Maybe while you were dreaming, what you saw in your dream was the another you doing actually in their realm. Maybe you established an emotional connection with her, and pulled her into your realm for some time, which your mother probably witnessed. The "jogging you" did not notice a difference and kept on jogging as she might have the same house and street as yours. You might also be right in saying that had your mother said something to you, you would have vanished as the connection would be broken due to the interruption.

Your September incident seems like an astral projection, as you could see the sleeping you. Though it did make me curious about the cat. I have heard many times that animals have better senses than humans when it comes to paranormal and supernatural. Wouldn't your cat have been able to notice your astral projection? Maybe she wasn't looking in your direction at all, and this was over quick. I know that dreams seem longer when we are dreaming, but in reality, they are pretty short. Maybe the same applies to astral projections as well.

The shadowy man in your house - Have you tried exploring who he is? Or tried to communicate with him? I haven't tried lucid dreaming or astral projecting myself, though the experiences I have had suggest I might be doing that unknowingly, but if I can pull "myself" from another realm into this one, I would like to explore the possibilities of being able to communicate with them.

I must say, this forum is really opening up new doors of possibilities for me, and I am glad that I wrote this account.

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-23)

I'm paraphrasing from a couple of my accounts here that happened to me many years ago I couldn't be bothered reading over them again so take it easy on me peeps if there are any variation to the way I'd remembered them from back in the 80's lol.

I have been on the ceiling looking down at myself and my girlfriend as we both laid there sound asleep early am around 1984 from memory. I had this crazy notion of descending down from the ceiling toward my girlfriend as I attempted to enter her dream to see if I could interact with her. As I was basically on her level at the bed, she yelped out a moan of discomfort and I'd awoke to hear the back end of her yelp of which was pretty cool in the sense of validation, however invading her space was something I should not have attempted and yes, karma paid me a visit a little while later, anyway that's another story.

On another occasion, in a precognition, I saw myself dying in a vehicle smashed up in a bad way not far from where I lived. Something was happening during the tragedy where I was able to look at myself separately as to where the other state of self (consciousness) was at the given time. From the vehicle I was dead.

On one other account with my eyes shut I was able to see one of my mate's wife move around their lounge room as I was laying on the floor... So what is the ''GO'' with these types of accounts?

Theory: Our higher self has the capacity to experience multiple realities at any given time where as the little self, ''the I'' in the heat of the game (matrix) usually only see's what we are able to see when eyes are opened for the purpose of keeping it simple and feeling like we are the ruler of our own destiny alas the ego. Sometimes our higher self will deliberately allow us to experience different realities at the same time for various reasons. Curiosity? Self taught astral projection, warning, etc.

In your case, it probably was some sort of warning as to what happened in some other reality?... Like it was for mine seeing myself die in a car accident. Not only did I see myself die, I knew the street and suburb of which I avoided like a rash the next day only to find out someone else died in that location.

It wasn't my time nor was the accident my fault by the looks of it,anyway, perhaps your account was the ending of you in some other reality or some near death experience Of which you where able to tap into for a period of time?

Regards Daz
lady-glow (16 stories) (3210 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-23)
Hello KenshiAdams.

I have been reading this thread with interest and, though I have never experienced anything of such nature, I know of a very close family friend who has, I'll call her Ms S.
Sorry if I don't elaborate much, her experiences are not for me to tell.

One day Ms S was working in the kitchen with the help of her daughter G, all of a sudden G scolded her mother because she was drenched wet, saying that "it was gross to sweat so much while cooking".
Ms S remembers being working at the kitchen AND, at the same time, saving a person that was close to drowning.

Within the Catholic Church, there's a belief that some saints have the gift of ubiquity, meaning that they have the ability to be present at more than one place.

Personally, I don't see why some "ordinary" people couldn't have such ability (by "ordinary" meaning not canonized saints), nor consider impossible for this kind of experience to happen randomly to some people.

Perhaps you have a dormant ability for astral projecting and that's what you experienced that night; I'm not sure about the meaning of the bloody angry you though.

I totally agree with the suggestion of keeping a journal.


I'm sure most of the members of the forum have been called 'crazy' at some point or another.

Going back to my lurking state.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-23)

I agree; the greatest problem that I have with my experience is that my mother saw me. I considered my experience to be a case of Astral Projection but I had always believed that there was no way for waking people to see you.

I have been thinking about what happened almost every day since then. My mother wears glasses; I am not sure how well she sees out of them. She said she saw me as well as she ever sees me.

I think that the reason I didn't see her at the front of the house, while I was jogging, was because she was sitting in a chair under the shade of the roof. If she would have said something to get my attention, I believe that I would have disappeared before her eyes and, subsequently, woke up inside the house.

I am glad that she just sat there and watched because, if I would have vanished, I don't believe she would have taken it well.

There was one "dream", that I had last September, where I was just standing around in my room looking at the wall; I turned around and saw myself sleeping in the bed. My other self didn't appear to be awake and my cat, who was taking a bath at my feet, took no notice of me. I think that was a textbook case of Astral Projection now and not a "dream".

I don't think what my mother saw was flesh and blood but my mind was out there jogging while the rest of me was asleep.

I like what 8-bitDemigod had to say in his comment because his words seem to ring true with me. I think that you have an ability to either affect yourself in another dimension or affect your real perceptions here in this dimension.

I have been trying to practice Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection for seven years and I have had strange experiences now and then. There haven't been a great many. A few times that I have left my body, I have been brave enough to try and venture around my house.

During some of those occasions, I have seen a shadowy man in the house; he takes absolutely no notice of me. I think that I have gone over to his side during those times.

I have said this at the risk of sounding crazy (my stepfather thinks that about me and my mother) but I could talk about this forever.

- Maria
KenshiAdams (1 stories) (15 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-23)
[at] Lealeigh

Hey Maria,

Thanks for sharing your experience. That's a really cool thing you described and a good advice to have a dream diary. 😊

I just have a couple of questions though. "Leaving one's body" is what I understand is called Astral Projection, hence the wordplay in the title of the story πŸ˜‰. However, as far as I understand, astral projections are invisible to other beings as they do not have a physical body of their own, although the consciousness and the feelings remain as that of the original body. So if I "left my body", then my consciousness should have been in the other "me", the one with all the blood. How could I have my consciousness in both the bodies?

My second question is actually related to your experience. You dreamed that you were jogging up the street, and your mother actually saw you doing so. So was your dream intertwined with reality and that caused a physical body to be created which did exactly what you dreamed? I know you shared this to help me but this has opened new doors of curiosity for me and I just couldn't help myself from exploring the possibilities.

Once again, thanks for taking the time to read and comment. 😊
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-23)
Hello KenshiAdams,

I don't know how helpful this will be but I would like to relate to you an experience that I had in July of 2019.

My mother was outside at about 6:30 in the morning and she saw me jogging up the street towards the house. I passed her and neither one of us said anything.

She went inside and could still see me outside in the backyard through a window. She sat down and started to play a game on her tablet; I never came in the house and she started to wonder where I was.

She walked into my bedroom and found me fast asleep. I was wearing different clothes and it was clear that I hadn't been anywhere.

I keep a dream diary so I am good at remembering my dreams. When she woke me up, I remembered that the dream I was just having was one where I was running up the street. I don't remember seeing her in my dream but I remembered that I was doing the same thing she described.

I am still thinking about this incident; it is not the only time that this has happened with me since I started keeping a dream diary about seven years ago.

It makes me want to say to you that you may have a natural ability to leave your body. Maybe, if you start keeping a dream diary, you can develop this.

I think that the reason you felt such negativity in this experience might be that it is a new thing for you; new experiences and realizations can be unpleasant in their beginnings.

I hope this is helpful. It is only my perspective.

- Maria
KenshiAdams (1 stories) (15 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-23)
[at] 8-bitDemigod

You have blown my mind away Sir. Good work. Great theory too. 😊

This actually covers everything from my experience and seems like a plausible solution to things I experienced during the time. What I would like to know though is that if I pulled him into our realm, would he have vanished from his own? If yes, then I probably saved him from being beaten all the way to death. Also, would he have know that he was not in his own realm, because I know this for sure that "he" wasn't asleep.

Sorry I have been away for long. But I will try to respond more frequently if you do. Thanks again.
KenshiAdams (1 stories) (15 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-23)
[at] Kairavi_utsav

Thanks a lot for your appreciation. You are very kind.😊

As far as the multiverse theory goes, there are numerous explanations for a multiverse to exist. The simplest link I can suggest is this:


Your comment did make me remember an interesting thing though. While I was feeling myself in the "bloody" body, I could feel the rage it was feeling, and the anger, however, despite being beaten brutally apparently, I did not feel any pain. So you might be on to something. 😊
8-bitDemigod (8 stories) (38 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-03)

I was thinking something along the lines that the emotional state was so strong that it caused a temporary physical overlap whereas the other you manifested into our realm through the dream connection.

You said you went to sleep before the event happened, my theory implies that while in the dream state you temporarily inhabit the body of the other you for the duration of the "dream", that's why you can see and feel everything they do but can't affect your surroundings. Kind of like a possesion. So maybe when you possesed the other you this time the connection was so strong it pulled them here and once you were aware of what was happening the you that's in this realm experienced a waking dream, but since there was still a connection it caused the dual perceptions.

Honestly I don't really know, I'm just spitballing, but it is fun theorycrafting.
Kairavi_utsav (guest)
5 years ago (2019-12-31)
This is not something I have ever read or heard from anyone. I can't really say what it was but I saw that you guys were talking about another dimension/parallel universe something. As far as I have known/read about it, if there's actually another universe and people living like us, they have an existance of their own (they may look like us, have a voicd like us or even live like us but exists on their own) just like two different people living on this planet. For example, we both are infront of each other and if I m having some pain in my body, you can't really feel that pain of mine physically in your body. Same with another universe's person. Here, you could feel that other body of yours too. If what I know about another dimension is true, then that's not the case in your experience. One can travel to another dimension and see/meet people or their own version too but can not actually live/feel within their body. So its possible that that's not the case here.
(This is totally the information that I have and what I have read. Please correct me in this 'another universe' theory if I m wrong. I am willing to know the truth/various opinions.)
And btw, the narration is too good! ☺️
KenshiAdams (1 stories) (15 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-31)
[at] 8-bitDemigod

Thanks for your thoughts. Your theory makes sense when we consider the concept of multiverse and infinite earths. And as far as dreams are concerned, the theory works. However, this was no dream, as I was experiencing both the bodies at the same time, and both of them existed in my universe (the one in which I was asleep on my bed). So can't say if this fits the bill, but interesting theory and I am willing to discuss more about it, given a chance.

Thanks for taking the time to read. 😊
8-bitDemigod (8 stories) (38 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-20)
I have a half-baked theory I came up with that I think about from time to time about vivid dreams and the Infinite Earth theory:

What if our vivid dreams are really a sychronization of our unconscious state to that of the emotional state the other you in the "dream" is experiencing and that's the reason the dreams feel so real, because you're actually experiencing what's happening, but it's not the "you" in this dimension? This of course doesn't account for any recurring vivid dreams of something like being murdered or maimed in any way unless several of the other Earth's version of you are being treated that way for some reason.

Hope that makes any sense to anyone. It's just something I came up with randomly.
KenshiAdams (1 stories) (15 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-16)
[at] silverthane61

That's a quite different take which I had not thought of before, and an interesting one too. Regarding time travel, I do not think that I traveled through time, or even got a peek in the past or future, as I have mentioned that I was in the exact same state as my physical self, albeit a little damaged. But your theory of a breach between another dimension might have something to it, like a multiverse thing. But if it is true, and I "vibed" my own self from another dimension somehow, I really feel sorry for him for being beaten up so brutally, and in such a messed up situation. I have it much better here.

Thanks for taking the time to read and for your views. 😊
KenshiAdams (1 stories) (15 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-16)
[at] ajonverge

Thanks for taking the time to read brother. The reason for me bringing this here was to actually see if someone had experienced something like this and probably had some explanation to it. You are right in saying that our mind is a powerful organ and has the propensity to play tricks with us. This is one of those times when I realized that it is so powerful that it will show you things even when you are asleep and make you feel more awake than when you actually are, dreams excluded.

Thanks for your comment once again. 😊
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-15)
I cannot say it any better than ajonverge above. This story is unique in that I have never read anything even closely similar as to what you have experienced. The only guess that I can offer is that it somehow either involves time travel or a breach between another dimension.
ajonverge (6 stories) (84 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-14)
Nice narration brother. I really cannot explain what it was. Without raising eyebrows, it is safe to say that r mind is its own place and has the propensity to play tricks with us too

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