When I was about seven years old, my family and I were at the pool. We were about to eat so I went to the indoor pool for a quick swim. This kid, who was probably around 12, started to talk to me. He said "I know your name." and I asked "What is it?". He said "Tyler", which is my name. I have never seen or been around him before, so there is no way he could have overheard my name. So I asked "How do you know my name?" and he said "Future". Of course, being seven years old, I ran out of the indoor pool, crying and running to my mom. I told her what happened and we went to go find the boy. When we got in the indoor pool, he was gone. Now, I don't know if he was a ghost or just a kid playing a prank on me. I don't know why he would want to play a prank on me.
Peace and chicken grease,