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A Series Of Spooky Incidents


This incident or you can say series of incidents happened with my wife in the between September 2009 to December 2009. We were staying in a rented apartment near the military training ground in Pune. In my earlier post ' A Midnight Chat' I have described the location.

Our house is on the first floor to the left side once we come up from the corridor. There is a balcony overlooking a forested area before the entrance. Then there is living room kitchen and a bedroom in a straight.

I got married in May 2009, due to an emergency in the family we did not go to our honeymoon until August 2009. We went to Alibag as my wife likes beaches and stayed at a resort right beside sea at Kihim beach. On the first day we had enjoyed on the beach, had our dinner and came back to our room It has a balcony facing the sea with a coffee table. We sat there having coffee enjoying the fresh sea air and talking. Then I went to take a shower before bed.

After I came back I saw my wife sitting very still, coffee still undrunk in her hand and staring toward the sea. I called her but there was no response. I called her again touching her. She got startled so badly she spilled the coffee. I asked her what happened. She said she saw something in the coconut groove nearby she wanted to call me but couldn't call. She was very spooked so we went inside and closed the door.

After that incident we left the very next day. We came back thinking we were out of it. How wrong we were, it was just the beginning. My leave was still remaining as we came back early so I was at home. We had put out our mattress in the living room to watch TV. The lights were off. I switched off the TV and went to sleep at around 11:30pm. At around 2:30 am my wife woke me up and she whispered "There is someone sitting on the sofa". The lights were off and I was not able to see anything. The room had gone very cold suddenly. So I slowly got up and switched on the lights but there was no one. And the cold feeling was also gone. I checked all the rooms but nothing. But my wife was very sure she saw someone sitting on the sofa.

I used to have regular night shifts due to US project. And wife used to be alone at night. She complained to me that see always felt a presence in the house. She had taken to Pooja and reading religious books daily. She said, whenever she is doing Pooja or reading, she used to feel someone standing at the door glaring at her. It would vanish once she turned. She saw it from the corner of her eye. He was well built brahman in a Saffron Dhoti and Angavastram. But since I had stayed at the same place for 3 years I did not take her seriously. I asked her to put on some songs or movies if she liked. I even asked my landlords' mom, who was a very kind person, to accompany my wife. She also used to complain about stomach ache regularly.

It never harmed her but then one night in December. She heard knocking on the door. I never used to knock as I had a key. But she thought I must have forgotten the key as she was still sleepy and got up to open the door. When she open the door there was no one outside. But she told me that as if in trance she continued to walk out of the house into the balcony and proceeded to the corridor. She was about to go down the stairs when someone pulled her back. She felt the trance break and found herself near the stairs in pitch darkness. She immediately turned and ran all the way to our home. She locked the door, put on all lights and sat near chanting gods name. This all happened at around 3:30 am. I came back at 4:00am.

As soon as I came in she started crying hysterically and narrated the whole incident.

I immediately called my father. He had mantra sidhhi and knowledge about supernatural. He told me to apply the holy ashes to both of us. He came the next day. He conducted a pooja and after completing his meditation told us what happened.

The night we were in Alibag and my wife saw something it was an evil entity which attached itself to her. She is born on certain planetary state due to which she can sense such beings easily. The entity came with us to Pune. The Brahman that my wife saw was the Vastu Purush (house protector spirit installed during house warming) who was keeping the entity at bay, not letting it harm us. The stomachaches were a side effect. However that day on the new moons night the entity was at peak of its power and was able to lure my wife out. But again the Vastu Purush foiled it by pulling her back. My father said he has put a protection to the house and gave my wife a Rudraksha.

After that incident we stayed for one more year at the same place until we moved to our own flat. But the incident still give us nightmares. A question haunts us, what would have happened if the Vastu Purush hadn't intervened? What was waiting at the end of the stairs?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, nacpat88, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
2 years ago (2023-01-23)
If you click Rajine's name it will take you to her profile, which has her experiences listed. You can click on any of the titles to be taken to that event.
nacpat88 (3 stories) (10 posts)
2 years ago (2023-01-22)
Thanks for your comment Rajine. I agree that it was because of her prayer she was able to come out of it unscathed.

Did you share your experience on YGS? What is the title?
Rajine (14 stories) (932 posts)
2 years ago (2023-01-20)
Hi nacpat88

This is something very similar to what I have experienced, as I was reading you and your wife's experience, it was like a flood of memories came rushing back.
I don't know what exactly was waiting for your wife at the end of the stairs, but I can assume that it would have not been good, prayer is a very powerful thing, because your wife prayed regularly the vaastu purusha was present in your home and there to protect. That is why it is very important to pray, it's only when you do that then you invite all good and positive energy into your life and home.

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