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Stick Indians?


In 1987, I was looking for and purchased a 1+ acre lot for $3,000 off of an Indian Reservation in Mason County, Washington (30 minutes from my work). I was making payments as I lived there, and I paid the property off in 1989. I would go out to the property whenever I had time. It was a beautiful drive up the river, with the winding river down below on my left, and steep hillside to the right (road was cut out of hill), more like a bumpy logging road.

I headed up to go camp on my property one weekend. Prior to that, I had always just waved at the Native man, a woman and 3 kids when I drove by, if they were outside. On this day, I decided to stop and introduce myself, so I pulled down into the driveway of the property with trash everywhere. I started walking up to the porch and noticed to my left two white blobs that I eventually realized were perfectly skinned large beavers laying on their backs, lined up like trophies. Seeing this made me sad. They weren't for food, but just for pelts. So, I knocked and introduced myself, telling the Native I had purchased property about 1 mile upriver from him. I told him I would be camping on the property and playing around the river. He told me that the Indians don't sleep in the woods there because of the "Stick Indians." I don't remember too much more about our conversation. But, as I was leaving, he wanted to show me his catch from a recent saltwater fishing trip down the road from there. I followed him to the other side of the boat in his yard and I saw 15 very small illegal-sized Red Cod that had been filleted and thrown everywhere. After seeing that, I really wanted to get out of there, so headed to my property. I had no issues at the property and eventually had my A-frame style Chalet home built, finally moving in by mid-1990. I had no power for 6 months and no water for over a year.

I was single at the time of moving in, and my bedroom was in the upper half of the top floor of the Chalet (called a Crow's Nest), and I could look down into my living room. The A-frame peak was in the middle of my bed, and the upper floor walls leaned into the peak, kind of cramped around the bed. The window was directly above the head of my bed - no drapes were needed at that height. I was alone in the woods.

On this one night, I was awakened by an all-consuming constant high-vibration rattle. If you can picture a wood tube half-filled with 500 metal B-Bs in it being shaken as fast as possible, that would be close to describing the sound. Or, shaking seeds in an over-sized pod times 1,000. It is so hard to describe the constant and rhythmic deafening sound it was making throughout my house and the upstairs room. I can't give this justice in words. I quickly sat up in bed and thought maybe there was a craft above my home. But, looking out the window, it was dark, and I could see the trees 10 feet away out my bedroom window. When the rattling started, scared may not be the word, but maybe disbelief, or partial panic? The sound was a menacing overwhelming rattle that lasted maybe 10 minutes or longer, and it freaked me out. I could not imagine having been sleeping outside or in a tent and hearing this. I was 12 feet off the ground in my home, protected by wood walls. In the 8 years I owned that property, that only happened once, and in the dark. I wondered later if it was the Stick Indians and maybe they weren't happy that I had built there. I am not a hunter but have taken a lot of Salmon out of that river. What a beautiful place to live all of those years.

Thanks for reading, and good luck out there. (Typed and edited by wife)

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Pelatiah (4 stories) (75 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-11)
You have led a very interesting life, for sure!

I didn't know they had crawdads up north!
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (93 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-10)
Pelatiah Around 8 years give or take. I do feel I do well with animals. I cherish that eagle moment. I walked into a heard of elk behind my property before I built my home. I was checking out this area had a gun and in front of me laying down was a beautiful elk with no horns and I look to my right there is another and I slowly back up looking for a tree, so I don't get trampled, and I had walked up on the outer edge of a big heard. There were at least 50 of them and they all slowly started standing and from walking to trotting to running and the hair stood up on the back of my neck and all the branches up over 8 ft were all missing on the trees so I could see a long way down this hill, and I realized I am not a hunter and that was pretty stupid move not looking down for animals but how many hunters have been next to 2 elk laying down another very cool experience. For over a year I would stop on the reservation at a aluminum pipe about 2 inches round it is about 3 ft above the ditch the other end is up this bank maybe 11 ft stuck in a freshwater spring hole to fill up my 2 green 7? Gallon gas cans with my bath and toilet water.
I had septic installed so my bath tub and toilet were working just pour water in toilet tank and did this daily, one day barely a trickle coming out so I climb this almost strait uphill I pull bent pipe out and I am ramming the only long stick I can find up here into the end to unclog it and pull stick out to find largest crawdad I have ever seen clamped on the end of my stick I pulled it off and let it be and flow was going again. Sometimes I had to go down to the river in the winter to get water 1 of my cans only put almost 1 inch of water in my tub, and every day I bathed in cold water and sometimes I would have salmon eggs and baby crawdads in my water. I would wash my hair at work in the sink every work day. It took me over 3 years to get carpet, but I did it on my own.
Pelatiah (4 stories) (75 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-09)
Did you own the place a long time?

Thinking about the hovering bird today... You have an affinity for animals and they behave strangely around you sometimes, right? I started thinking the bird might've been trying to communicate with you too! The native lands can be pretty spiritual.

Also, the way you wrote the story... With the beaver and the fish... They were like a portent of your future strange experience. Symbolism that's similar to the way the Indians see the world.
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (93 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-09)
Pelatiah Hope you are well. No I had a neighbor over a hill and down river from me but it was something I never discussed with anyone. Believe me this was crazy loud and an almost sickening air vibration my home and property were totally engulfed in this madness. Wow never thought about a Geological event.
Pelatiah (4 stories) (75 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-09)
Nice to read another of your stories! Thanks for typing, Mrs. C.

I cannot even imagine... We used to have a lake house in the N. Ga. Mountains and I would stay alone with my two kids. I rarely walked outside after dark alone, just too much wildlife and I'm a chicken. But to hear something like you describe... It's almost like there was a geological event, except we know you're very sensitive. I wonder if anyone else would've heard it or if only you heard it.

Stick Indians... Sounds ghostly to me.
Mrs. Ramsay
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (93 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-08)
HI everyone hope you all are well. The second sentence should read I was making monthly payments on the property.
I will answer all of you now. This was the only experience I had at this property, sold it in 1996 I believe. L Glow believe me it was all consuming and a vibration not made buy a musical instrument. Manafon its amazing when the outer limits crack open and throws us a curve ball, tire screeching that would really be annoying.
I have seen Elk, cougar, bobcat, eagle, turkey buzzard, and a lynx carrying a baby in its mouth down this road. Very few deer here natives hunt year-round.
My favorite encounter I was walking along the river its summer and the river is low and I am looking for fish, the trees are 150 ft away but as I am stumbling along this rocky river all of a sudden I am in the shade, confused I look up and a big eagle is less than 20 ft above me just hovering and I can see individual feathers like fingers dropping down and picking back up to hold it in place what a sight and after a few seconds it floated away. I usually never seen another person as I explored the river. I also have seen seals that follow fish upriver from the bay that is around 2 miles downriver, they make quite a ruckus running in 1 ft of water as I thought it was a small bear at first. When I finally got up to it out in the river it seemed happy to see me and they are friendly and beautiful sea dwellers. Dogs of the sea.
Rajine (14 stories) (932 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-07)
Hi cantunSEEit74

I wonder what the stick Indians are, it must have been unnerving to experience that I a secluded place at night.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-07)
Hi CantunSEEit74--I really enjoyed reading your account. The property sounds beautiful. I had a one-time audial (and olfactory) experience back in the 90s when I lived in a haunted apartment. What I heard didn't sound like what you described, but it did last for around ten minutes. Much like you, my wife and I were woken in the middle of the night to the incredibly loud sound of what seemed like a car's tires "burning rubber." Again, like you, I looked out the window, but there were no cars, and a freshly fallen layer of snow showed that nobody had driven by in some time.

The sound, however, grew louder, as if there was a car in our small living room, and then the thick smell of burning tire rubber filled the whole apartment! It was mid-winter, but we had to open up all the windows to dispel the smell. After ten minutes, the sound just stopped. My two neighbors told me that they had heard nothing that night. In my case, there were A LOT of other paranormal occurrences at this location, but this only happened once. Did you ever experience anything else out of the normal on that property or find out more about the "stick Indians"? Very interesting account--thanks for sharing.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-07)
[at] lady-glow: damn you, autocowreck!:)

As usual, I find myself wanting to know more, but this is from so long ago. 30-ish years now. It is unlikely to get more data, but if it has only happened to you once, that is a relief. If you still have the cabin, maybe setup a trail cam and see what it might capture.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3210 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-06)
Correction "Perhaps the neighbour payed a prank of you, or it were the Stick Indians"

It should say "Perhaps the neighbours played a prank on you, or it was the Stick Indians".

I shouldn't use my phone for commenting!
lady-glow (16 stories) (3210 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-06)
That sounds like an idyllic place to take a brake from daily routine. I feel sorry for the beavers.

The way you describe the sound makes me think of a "palo de lluvia", a musical instrument used by the people of some parts of South America.

Perhaps the neighbour payed a prank of you, or it were the Stick Indians...regardless, I'm glad it only happened once.

Thanks for sharing

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