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Did I Really See Something?


For years this experience has puzzled me. Either it was real, or it was the most realistic dream I have ever had. I was in my early 20s, still living at home with my parents. The room in which this experience took place had been my bedroom for most of my life. Nothing unusual had ever happened in the house (except for a few incidents involving a supposedly "haunted" antique clock in our living room which was broken, strictly ornamental, but insisted on chiming once in a while for no reason). At the time my parents were in a crisis that ultimately ended in their getting divorced. I was, as could be expected, very concerned about what was happening in the family.

The night in question I was in bed asleep, but for the life of me I would swear I woke up, opened my eyes, and beheld a figure standing by the closed door to my room. It was a tall, androgynous figure draped in robes, raising its left arm above its head. What's more, it was giving off its own light in the otherwise darkened room -- but only enough to light the area immediately around it, not the whole room. I sat up in bed and addressed the figure, reaching as I did for the lamp on the nightstand next to my bed. I turned on the light. The next thing I knew I was sitting up in bed with the light on, and the figure was gone.

I have told this story to a lot of people, many of whom believe I actually saw something, but others pooh-pooh it as a fantastic dream. In my heart I believe I might have actually seen a Guardian Angel who came to comfort me in my troubles. I don't really know. What do you people think... ?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, JerseyGirl, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

BelieverOfTruth (1 stories) (1 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-11)
My father also had a similar experience to this, I do plan on posting that story, but this is my first day on the site and I already posted one today. I will make that the next. It may help you to check it out when I post it. Feel free to add me.

JerseyGirl (3 stories) (16 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-08)
Hello everyone, and thank you all for your insightful responses! Whitebuffalo, you most definitely got me thinking about a lot of things, especially a more or less "trivial" experience I had last spring. I live in a city -- not a big city, but the biggest in this state. Last Memorial Day weekend I was staying with a friend at her house about forty miles from the city. It is a lot more rural, and one expects to see more wildlife around than on the street where I live. One morning we were sitting on the back deck having coffee, just enjoying the spring weather, and watching the birds. My friend went inside for a while, and while I was alone on the deck a little chickadee flew over and perched on the deck railing. I watched it, and it watched me. Then, to my surprise, it flew over and alit on my knee! I kept very still, and that bird looked into my eyes as it stood there, and then casually hopped from my knee to my hand, and proceeded to walk about halfway up my arm. It gently pecked at the hairs on my arm for a second or two, and then it flew away, back into the trees. I need not tell you I was enchanted by the experience, and felt soooo happy for the rest of that day. Even now I smile to myself when I think about it. I'm sorry my friend wasn't there to witness it, but then, perhaps the chickadee meant its "visit" just for me... 😁
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-08)
[at] Jerseygirl, the title to the story in the spiritual-experiences is" Jesse and his guardian Angel, sorry for saying it wrong, I was tired that night. But I still feel you seen your Guardian Angel.
ljsco (1 stories) (9 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-08)
Hi Jerseygirl,
In my research of books through the years on subjects like the one you write about, I'll can give you some reflections I've picked up from from some good clairvoyants. From what I've read the best time for spiritual contact is the time between waking and sleeping, which you were definitely in. Another thing is in the spirit world you must create your own light because it is not a physcal world were light is created for you. Your light is created by love or goodness. Hence, evil spirits are normally dark and/or cold. And you mentioned this entity had it's own light. I would say your experience has the earmarks of an authentic visitation. Also, you were in a time of serious emotional need and that is usually when guardian angels make there presents known. Hope this helps, I enjoyed your story.

whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2008-03-08)
No, Jerseygirl, I would have to disagree with what you were saying about "once is enough" for a guardian angel, you just see it in different forms now.
I would have to think that in the acceptance of your guardian angel, you also accepted the idea that one is there. So all you really "need" is the reminders of it's presence. Sure, you have been through a lot worst things that you had BEFORE first sighting it, but you were also much younger.
When we are young we accept things at face value. Basically, what you see is what you get. We do not question it, we just accept it. Once we get a bit older and start analyzing everything, we need different sorts of proof.
A friend calling in the middle of the night for no reason other than to talk. How did that friend KNOW you had a bad day and needed a few kind words?
A stranger stopping you to tell you that you have a string of toilet tissue hanging out of your shoe. Why did they not just sit there and laugh like the others at the restaurant?
Plants growing in a place that you had tried LOTS of times to get something to grow and the ground just would not have anything to do with that. What could cause THIS brand of daisies to pop up when the Burpee's didn't?
A child smiles at you.
A bird perches itself on the back of the bench you are sitting on.
We just have more interesting forms of the angels once we get older, we just have to think through them a bit more. From voices in our heads to a simple letter from someone we have not talked to in years.
Angels are all around us. We just forgot how to see them.
Thank you.
HeatherMichele93 (6 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-07)

Regardless of what others may think. It is what YOU saw that day. They weren't there, and didn't see what you have saw. Maybe it was an Angel letting you know of good things. Knowing you're going through problems, it might've sent good signs for your problem with family.

Thanks for sharing your story!

KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-07)
Regardless of what others think, it is what you think and feel that matters!

After seeing this figure, you stated you felt secure and that it had been a Guardian Angel watching out for you in this time of crisis. THAT is what is important! The feelings of comfort that this sighting gave you is real and that is all that matters.

God Bless!
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-07)
[at] Jerseygirl the story I was talking about my son is in the
Jesses Guardian Angel

Sure sounds like you seen her. My son when he was small I was pouring milk into his bottle and I spilled milk. I went to clean it up after he went to sleep looked like his guaridan angel carring a candle, and it really was just spilled milk.
JerseyGirl (3 stories) (16 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-06)
Hi, Flutter, thanks for your comments. I tried to look up your story about your son so I could read it, but I couldn't find it. Is it posted on this site, or somewhere else? It would be interesting to read about other people's similar "Angelic" experiences. Anyway, the consensus seems to be that I did, actually, see an Angel in my bedroom all those years ago. Which got me to thinking, why haven't I ever seen it since? I certainly have been through much more traumatic periods in my life since my parents' divorce (deaths of loved ones -- including my boyfriend and both my parents -- illnesses, financial crises, to name a few). The answer to that question has to be, I think, once was enough. The Angel showed itself to me that one night, and I should know from that experience that it is with me always, seen or unseen. It's a comforting thought.
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-06)
I would say that it possibly was your Guardian Angel. My son seen his that watched over him in the spiritual-experiences that I wrote about"Jesses Guardian Angel". Kind of sounds like the same thing he seen, and he was quite young when this happen. It was by his bed.
JerseyGirl (3 stories) (16 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-06)
Thanks for responding, whitebuffalo. I have to go for a double doctor's/dentist's appointment right now, but I will look back in when I return from my "exciting" day. That clock, incindentally, belonged to my grandfather's deceased sister. On one momentous occasion when it started chiming for no reason it chimed 13 times!
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2008-03-06)
Hello Jerseygirl,
What I find interesting is your choice of words when you wrote "In my heart I believe I might have actually seen a Guardian Angel who came to comfort me in my troubles..." Most often, when our heads are wrong, it is our hearts which must lead us.
With the Being being neither clearly masculine nor clearly feminine in appearance, I would have to think this was your guardian angel. You were going through a traumatic time, (By the way, we have a clock that had not chimed in at least eight years. My mother gave it to me as it was "worthless without the chime". One week, to the day, after my Father-in-Law passed away in my home it began to chime. It still does. No batteries were EVER put in the slot for the chime mechanism to work, and I do not intend to put them there now.) and who better to take care of you but your angel?
Thank you.
JerseyGirl (3 stories) (16 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-05)
Hi Jennifer and Rhodes! Thanks for reading my story and responding. To Jennifer -- The first thing I felt (as I remember it all these years later) when I saw the glowing figure standing by my bedroom door was surprise, basically because I'd never seen anything like this before. I definitely did not experience any feelings of fear, whatsoever. I was curious. As I reached over to turn on my lamp I asked the figure who it was. As you read, the figure did not respond, and a second later when the light turned on, it had vanished. What I do recall is feeling secure enough to lie back down and go back to sleep. It was only the following morning when I started wondering, "What exatcly was that?" 😕
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-05)
Hi Deborah and welcome to the site.
I think you said it yourself "in my heart I believe..."
You were worried, sad and obviously afraid about the future of your family. I don't know if what you saw was an angel for sure but I'm convinced that whoever it was, came to ease your fears and show you that you're not alone.
Thank you for sharing your story with us 😊
Jennifer40 (20 stories) (202 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-05)
Wow, Jerseygirl, maybe it really was an angel. I have heard that they are androgynous creatures. Did you feel comfort or fear?

Thanks for sharing!

Jennifer ❤

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