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The Silent Cowboy


This happened when I was much younger. I was about 6-7 years old at the time, being half Irish we would always come over and visit and stay in the country side, where it was nothing more than fields upon fields. Little to no street lights. It started how it normally would; getting shopping, going to visit family and attend mass. We were staying in an old cottage, all wooden interior, old school coal fire, it was your your typical spooky looking house.

I would sleep in the guest room by myself in which itself was spooky enough. Whenever I was in this room I would always get a feeling that I wasn't alone. This one particular day I was feeling a bit under the weather and I was playing with my action figures at the top of the stairs (these were swirly stairs, not straight) and I was playing away and then I heard what I thought was my mum shouting to me from downstairs. So I replied but didn't hear anything back. I turned my attention to the bottom of the stairs to look down and but when I shouted back and asked what she wants I still don't hear anything. So as I have turned back round I saw a a cowboy type figure standing at the far end of the hallway. I was in total shock, I still to this day can't wrap my head around this.

After I saw this man I rushed downstairs to find both my parents asleep on the sofa. Which made it all that scary cause I was 100% sure I heard her call out my name. When I had informed my parents they had said how pale I looked, the rest of the time there I had to sleep on the floor in my parents room. First time ever I've experienced anything like this.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Kiestonia, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Zander (7 stories) (147 posts)
1 month ago (2024-08-18)
Have a look at some of the clothing, head gear and uniforms from the times of Cromwell in your country. There you'll find your "cowboy."
Kiestonia (1 stories) (3 posts)
1 month ago (2024-08-09)
Hello all.

Thank you for taking the time to read my experience and taking the time out to comment... Ill respond back below:)

[at] lady-glow: I actually never went back to that same location again but reading these comments I think it should be something I should look into. (thanks for the comment)

[at] Rajine: I haven't thought of it like that... Congratulations you've officially added a new layer of fear on top haha:D (thanks for the comment)

[at] Valkricry: Thanks for posting that article. Very interesting read iv'e learnt a thing or two so thank you (thanks for the comment)

[at] Linjahaha: Even still now I can't fully wrap my head around it, I would often question myself like "did I see what I thought I did", but the way I had reacted and was feared for the remainder of the holiday. (thanks for the comment)

[at] Tweed: Maybe that was the case, it was most definitely an experience, I am grateful for this happening as it had opened up my world to the whole paranormal side of life. (thanks for the comment)
Rajine (14 stories) (875 posts)
2 months ago (2024-08-01)
[at] valkricry and [at] ladyglow

I guess we learn something new on a daily basis, I suppose the more popular image of a cowboy is the "American" version that you find in the movies.
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
2 months ago (2024-08-01)
Kiestonia, hello and welcome.

Might be letting my imagination run away again with this but I got the impression your cowboy figure was a protective entity. The voice you heard, which convinced you it was your mum, was possibly some kind of trickster entity, which the cowboy was guarding you against.

I was the same level of confused as the others with the presence of a cowboy in Ireland. But heck, maybe you encountered one of the wee folk who took the form of one of your action figures to make you understand their intentions. A wild experience indeed. Thanks for sharing I really loved reading this and I hope you're glad of the experience. It's a doozy.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3180 posts)
2 months ago (2024-08-01)

Not meaning to answer for the OP but 'cowboy' is a profession/job performed in any place in the world where there is cattle. I imagine not all cowboys dress like the Marlboro man.

In most of Latin-American cowboys are known as 'vaqueros', except for Argentina and Uruguay where they are called 'gauchos', not to mention that their attire differ from one region to the other.
Linjahaha (24 stories) (161 posts)
2 months ago (2024-07-31)
Hi, Kiestonia: This was a perplexing read. I'm quite sure your young mind simply couldn't wrap it's head around what you saw. I'm trying to figure it out myself.
Possibly it was a former resident that had clothing similar to that of a cowboy, & upon first glance you, naturally, thought it to be a cowboy.
I believe you saw something though, & it was an interesting read. Thanks for submitting it!

Take Care! 😊 😊
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
2 months ago (2024-07-31)
Rajine, I'm with you, I was like huh? A little sleuthing and I found this interesting article: "As early as 1,000 AD Irish minstrels were recording songs about "the cowboy." Medieval poems such as "The Triads" spoke of Irish men rounding up cattle from horseback. The Irish horse was as famous as the men who rode it. These natural pacers, imported into England as early as 1350, were favored mounts of squires, merchants and other gentry. The solid little Irish horse had a gait "as comfortable as a rocking chair on the hob."" reads part of the article. However, I could not find any images of Irish cowboys, aside from those that were herding in America.
Rajine (14 stories) (875 posts)
2 months ago (2024-07-31)
Hi Kiestonia

Were there cowboys in Ireland 🤔? I thought it was just an American thing, or perhaps the spirit liked dressing up as a cowboy, nonetheless that sounds like a scary experience, the spirit you saw looked like a man, but you heard a female voice calling out to you, specifically your mother, do you think it was the cowboy spirit or something else that called out to you?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3180 posts)
2 months ago (2024-07-30)
Welcome to YGS.

I imagine the cowboy was a previous resident from a bygone era checking on the strangers invading 'his' space. He didn't mean any harm though.

Did you ever go back to that place or investigate the history of it?

I imagine how scary it must have been for you to see this apparition at such young age.

Thanks for sharing.

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