This isn't a ghost story, more of a demonic encounter. I swear it is true. It was the night before I started ninth grade and I was asleep, no it wasn't a dream. I got really cold, I woke up and my fan was on, I didn't turn it on. As I started to roll over, my t.v. came on, then shut off. I couldn't move, I was scared stiff, then I felt my bed press down as if someone were stepping onto it. I felt the weight on each side of me, I just closed my eyes. I couldn't breathe, speak, or move...
After what seemed like a minute or so, I was able to roll out of bed. I turned on my lamp, which had a red light bulb in it, and ran, crying hysterically, out of the room. I went to my parent's room and told them what happened, they said, "oh, it was just a dream, you just thought it was real".
Of course they wouldn't believe me. The thing that bothered me the most was that a few months before that, my dad had told me his story...
He said that he had just come back from the army and he had an apartment with a friend. He had gone to his parent's house to see them and there was a book on the table. He said that his mom told him that she had caught his younger brother with it and took it away. My dad was interested, so he said he was going to take it. His mother told him not to, we believe she had psychic abilities, but my dad was stubborn and took it anyways.
When he was through looking at the book, he closed it and went to bed. Now, you have to understand that my dad was young and had a few girlfriends, so when this someone or something came into his room, he thought it was one of them.
He was lying in bed and heard someone come into the room and felt them get into bed with him. He didn't know which girl it was, so he just said, "what are you doing here?". No reply, he turns over and there is nobody there. He told me that it then got very cold and he couldn't move, he felt someone or something crawl on top of him. He said that he tried to yell for his roommate, but the words wouldn't come out.
After he struggled for a moment, he finally screamed his friend's name. He said that his friend ran in and commented that it was, "freezing" in the room. My dad was able to get up, when they went into the kitchen, the book was open to a chapter on demons crawling into bed with people.
I thought that my dad's story was just that, a story, until that happened to me, even though I had had so many experiences, they were all ghosts before this.
If you have any questions, I will try to answer them. My dad has recently passed, so I can't ask him about it, but I can tell you about my experience.
Thank you for your time.