If you've read my other story it says something about 'The Shotgun Guy'. Well, I thought I'd explain it a little. Growing up I've always been able to sense stuff. I could sense when something was around me. Never could any of my friends, so when I was young I did learn I was a bit diffrent. But ever since my 13th birthday have I sensed The Shotgun Guy.
I suppose I should first explain what he looks like, so you can kind of imagine what I sense. He wears a brown flannel shirt, with blue trousers. He wears a hat so I can't exactly see what his hair color is. But the guy is around his 40s. He also carries a shotgun with him (Hence the name 'The Shotgun Guy'.).
Around where I live there is an old broken-down house. Holes in the roof, doors broken, windows broken or just completly gone, etc. I believe, no, I just know that he used to live there. I also know how The Shotgun Guy died. Behind our house is a little riverbed. A lot of people go there to hunt. That's how I believe he died. A hunting accident. Shot by his hunting buddy. Maybe that's why he doesn't want to pass on. Maybe he didn't feel like he lived a long enough life.
It's hard for me to explain how I know this. It's not like I've ever talked to him. But I just know. And I know I'm not paranoid, because it's never just him I sense. I've sensed other ghosts (or what ever you want to call them). But for some reason, I've never known anything about them. Only until I sensed The Shotgun Guy have I been sensing not just him, but a lot of ghosts.
I know he's not evil, I can just sense it. He lives in our front yard, or at least he's there a lot. Whenever I'm home alone I'll sense him in our backyard. He's always walking back and forth from our sliding glass window. Which scares me a bit because I'm always right next to our sliding glass window, on the computer. But not only do I sense him, when I'm on the computer looking at the screen, in the corner of my eye I'll see a shadow quickly pass by. I don't see him exactly, but I see some type of shadowy figure.
I've tried talking to my brother about this, but he just seems to ignore it or laugh in my face. Which is annoying. But he's never sensed The Shotgun Guy, only me. So now when I sense stuff I keep it from my family, because I'm afraid they might think I'm some freak.
I don't know why he's always outside. And I don't believe I've ever sensed him inside. But it's only at my house do I sense him. How weird is that? But do you think I'm just paranoid? Or do you think what I sense is real? I believe it's real. And I don't just want to ignore it, because The Shotgun Guy may just want to be remembered and never forgotten, or maybe he guards the house (would explain why no one has yet to ever break in), or maybe he's just trying to show himself to me because he knows I can sense him. All I know is that I'm at a total loss as to why I can sense him.
And one more thing, you may be a little confused as to why I say 'sense' instead of 'see'. But I've never exactly 'seen' him. I haven't seen him like I'm able to see other people. I can sense what he looks like and sense other stuff about him. I have seen small images of him. So I really don't think it's just me being paranoid.
If you have any ideas as to why I'm sensing him, please, I'll listen to everything. Or if you just think I'm paranoid, well that's okay too, everyones allowed to think what they wish.
You might be a medium, or a mediator (is there a difference?) talk to a priest or someone from the church or someone you can talk to about this stuff, maybe from your own religion? I know that might be confusing
But point is, talk to someone who's a major or knows A LOT about this subject. They will help you understand a LOT better about what's going on and what exactly are you (if you are or have a special ability that is)