Hello I live in a yellow house, that I believe is haunted and hear me out I'm not sure what kind of ghosts are doing this to me but any way... I live across from a cemetery, and I think this is why I'm a ghost magnet. I have all ways been thinking of ghosts even since I was about 3yrs. old.
Now I'm a lot older and have remembered this stuff, like one day I was all alone and this greenish reddish stuff came up from the cracks in my house, I'm not sure what it was but it was scary and I didn't know what to do so I wiped it up.
Once my friend and I had a sleepover. We were half asleep and from the down stairs, a door slammed shut from what it sounded like it sounded like. It was going to come upstairs but, went back down and it slammed the door again so that was scary.
Once I was in the bathroom and when I was done, I couldn't get out like something was preventing me from the outside of the room. So by then I was scared and slammed the door open and ran out side of the house.
Once I heard a scary noise and then I felt hands on my shoulders, and I screamed of torture and my mom came in and asked what was wrong, and I told her and she said it was just a dream and to go back to sleep but I know it was not any dream.
Once I got home from a long day of school, and I took a nap and woke up with a black eye, and bruises, and a lot of cuts, on my back and arms so I don't know what it was but it really hurt.
From the mexican if you know what happen please tell!