Firstly I want to introduce myself as I am new to the site. I'm Dena, I'm from Dublin Ireland and I work in administration. I have a few stories and I'd love to hear any feedback and I check my comments everyday.
My story begins when I was 9. My mom and I were going to Wexford (Ireland) to visit my cousins. Wexford is the heart of the country and a little bit eerie when you are used to the hustle and bustle of the city. We did this every year for my school break as I'm an only child and loved having my cousins to play with. I had 2 cousins at the time, both girls, Trisha and Jamie.
We spent the days playing in the fields and just having fun. One day my cousin Trisha was telling me about a really old scary graveyard located behind one of the big fields. I loved all scary and weird stuff so I convinced Trisha and Jamie to go to the Graveyard with me.
We walked for what seemed forever through this big field until in the distance I could see a small little shed. As we grew closer to the shed we seen it was extremely small and made of tin. Really unusual. Walking closer we then seen this black shape on top of the shed. It took a moment for our eyes to adjust but what we were seeing was truly horrible.
The shape was that of a man in a cloak. No face was visible under his hood only 2 flame red eyes. He had in one hand a large stick and a cat on his other side. I know this all sounds terribly clichΓ© or like something from a Vincent Price film but I swear to you this is what I seen.
I stared for what felt like an eternity and eventually plucked up the courage to turn my back to the being and run. My cousins were already half way up the field running in fear. I daren't turn around as I was terrified the being would follow us so I just ran as fast as I possibly could.
When we finally reached the house we tried to explain to our parents what we had seen but it was seen as childish silliness or make believe. But we knew what happened, we couldn't forget!
Years have passed since that incident but I can remember it as clear as yesterday.
We later found out a man had hung himself from a tree next to the shed not long before we had seen the figure. I'm not sure if that has any relevance but it's interesting.
If anybody has seen anything similar or knows what it might mean I'd love to hear. Also please leave comments, I check them everyday.
Thanks for reading my story!