Hello there! I'm new to this website and want your opinion on this.
My name is Lloyd and I live in Houston, Texas. I'm currently 19 years old.
Well anyway to what happened to me. I was 14 at the time. It was a Saturday. My mother and I were painting my room at around 1pm. Hours later we finished it at 7pm since we had help from my uncle and a couple of his friends (They're carpenters). All that was left was for it to dry. I couldn't sleep in there since there was wet paint. So the windows of it were left open so it could dry. I had to sleep in the couch in the living room of the house. I went to sleep at 10pm.
I woke up at 3-4am I can't really remember the exact time but I know it was around there. I woke up with a weird feeling like you know how it is when someone is watching you. I couldn't go to sleep so I was looking at the ceiling to doze off. After that I felt like my foot was tingly. (The tingly of when your foot falls asleep.) I looked at it. Right after I looked at it my whole body went numb and I felt like this hand choking me. I was freaking out at this time and I tried to call my mom but all I could say was a whisper.
There was this voice in my head that told me, "Are you stupid enough to..." afterwards it was a different language. It was a man's voice. His voice was deep and it seemed like it was mocking me. I was freaking out so I started praying inside my head. After I started praying it left loose and that hold it had on me was gone. I being freaked out I went to my mom's room and I told her. She thought I had a bad dream but I kept telling her I was wide awake throughout the whole thing. She didn't believe me.
I then slept with my mother since I was freaked out. The next night I woke up at 3-4am on the couch again. This time my whole body began to feel weak and my mind was like it was being forced to lose consciousness. (It is different from falling asleep.) That's how I can describe it. I just started praying again and that feeling went away.
It keeps on happening. I keep waking up at around 3-4am and that feeling always comes back. I just pray and it goes away. It's been happening to me ever since that incident that night. I'm 19 now and it still happens. I'm afraid of that feeling any advice on what should I do? I have wondered what would happen if I let that feeling take over.
What do you think of it? Any advice? Sorry for the wall of text. Thank you for reading.