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Abigail: The Beginning


It was late spring or early summer of 2005 when I knew that, something wasn't quite right in my humble little home. I would hear movement in the house, have the feeling of being watched and the occasional touch; all while being alone in the house. I have had a few visitations in the past, they came and left but this seemed to move in and make itself at home.

Before we go any farther, let me give you a layout of my "humble little home..." My house is actually a twenty something year old house trailer that is just a couple of windstorms away from the recycling center. The layout is pretty standard, as you come in the front door to the right is a small hallway, on the left is a bathroom and to the end is a small bedroom. To the left is the living room/kitchen/dining room combination, on the far end is a small hallway that leads to the master bedroom with an attached bathroom, the back door is on the right before you reach the bedroom. We have a back porch but no front porch.

The first sighting I had, I had just finished mowing the front lawn and came inside to take a break. When I stepped inside I noticed that the wife, mrsfrawin wasn't in the "living area" so I assumed she was either in our bedroom or on the back porch. I did what any good husband does, I yelled," Honey where are you..."She answered and said she was on the porch. I proceeded to join her there.

I had taken no more than two or three steps when I saw it. It appeared at the entranceway of the rear hall, before you get to the back door. It was a gold colored, circular shaped disk about the size of a small saucer. It steadily grew in size until it was the size of a "dinner plate" and exploded. There wasn't any sound but it didn't just disappear or fade way-it exploded. It lasted a minute, maybe two and it was over. I wasn't scared, just kind of stunned.

I told the wife what had just happened. Of course she believed me and we discussed what it could have been. We, maybe I should say I, didn't arrive at any answers and that left me scratching my head, trying to figure this thing out. I didn't have long to wait because the answer lay just around the corner.

About a month or so later, I was on the back porch tinkering with my weedeater, and the Missus was at her sister's house. I stepped inside to get another cup of coffee and as I looked toward the living room-I saw HER. There standing in front of the television set was a pretty little girl. She looked to be eight or nine years old, with shoulder length, slightly curly brown hair. She was wearing a plain blue dress that came down past her knees but not quite to her ankles. She had her head bowed, like she was looking at the floor or like a child does when they think they're in trouble. I couldn't see her face. I said hello and she promptly disappeared.

I still wasn't scared but I was more than just stunned. I was intrigued and I wanted answers. You might say that it was this experience that brought me to this site searching for answers. The wife and I discussed both these incidents at length many times.

One night, after I truly accepted her gift (she's a non-practicing empathic medium) as being real, she looks at me and says, "Abigail..." I guess, I looked at her like I was confused and she said, "her name is Abigail and she lived here..."

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, FRAWIN, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

tmeyer09 (2 stories) (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-27)
thats really weird because the girl that is in my post fits that description pretty well. And her name is Abigail, or atleast I believe it is. I had a dream and it was very pronounced and repetitive and I woke up and just "knew" her name was Abigail. Have you had any other experiences with her?
FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-08-30)
Hello lilblackpom. I know a little of the local history but not a whole lot. Yes, mrsfrawin is quite an extraordinary lady, I have learned to trust her abilities completely. I plan on including a little more details and trying to explain things better in my next story about them. Take Care.

lilblackpom (13 stories) (218 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-27)
Hi Frawin. Another story I finally read and what a nice one. The little girl sounds so cute. Have you ever checked out your property to see if anything happened there? Just a thought. That was awesome that MrsFrawin could tell you what the little girl's name is. Take care of yourselves. 😊
Katona1700s (8 stories) (168 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-01)
I really like the thought that she showed herself to you. I hope you have more experiances with her. I can sense that she is a sweet sweet girl. Keep us updated

Katona1700s ❤
FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-07-24)
Hello George. As always your insights have got me to thinking- thank you.It's very possible that this is the case. While I do have "some" Native blood, my wife has enough, with the proper documentation, she could be admitted in either the Sioux or Cherokee Nations. I had never given it much thought but we have similar customs here in the hills. What you say makes a whole lot of sense.
Abigail,we call her Abby, appears to be between eight to ten years old. Judging from the type and length of dress she wore, I would guess that she lived and died around the 1900s, give or take ten years or so. Her dress appeared to be homemade, nothing fancy and the length was just a few inches from her ankles. The idea that run through my head was that it was a "flour sack" dress or made of similar material.

racemustang (guest)
16 years ago (2008-07-23)
In the Old Days it was customary to give gifts when going into another's lodge. Tobacco, sugar, coffee and meat where things that The People shared. Coins were something that the White People first gave, until they realised that The People had no use for such nonsense. We did not even know what they were. They had no holes to sew for ornamentation, and could not be lit by fire. While the other suggestions may be right in that it was the first attempt at manifestation, perhaps also she picked a gold disk as your first vision as she was offering you a gift to enter your lodge. You have a Native in the home, perhaps she was aware of this, and was about in that first time frame, and offered it to be granted admission. Do you know how old the young lady is, and from what era she comes from?
FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-07-23)
Hello Shelby. Thank you for your comments. I am quite sure that the gold disk was her first attempt, or at least her first attempt that I was a witness to. What you say makes perfect sense, the reason it exploded or burst was I startled her. Part II is coming, I'm still tumbling it around in my head right now- it should be on paper by the weekend. I have my own system of writing-I can't just sit down and write, I have to get everything right in my head first. If everything goes right it should be on the site sometime next week.
To answer a few of your questions.No, I don't think I have ever mentioned it to you. The only person I ever mentioned it to was Autumn and that was only a time or two. I have been living in "my humble little home" for about ten years now-Sherry and I have been married going on seven years now and I lived here about three or four years before we got married. To clarify a point-I am the only one to actually see her in human form and so far that has occurred only once. My wife can "sense" her presence and pick up mental images and messages- my wife is a non practicing empathic medium. I haven' t gotten around to going back to the old abandoned house, although I still plan to. I have been thinking about getting permission to go there at night and see if I can capture anything. I don't really know why because I'm living in a haunted house. If anyone else wants to see the picture we're talking about it's on my website, the address is on my profile page. The answer to your question if she comes around often-yes she does, as a matter of fact the wife saw her, in gold disk form, just this morning.
Talk to you later and may God bless you my friend.

FRAWIN 😊 ❤ 😊
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-22)
Hi FRAWIN. I also believe that the disc you saw was an attempt, made by the little girl entity, of taking a full form manifestation but she just didn't have enough energy to do so. It's surprising that it actually hovered in the air a full minute or two before bursting. She probably was trying so hard to manifest into a full form that the little bit of energy she managed to muster up was so charged that it just burst when she was startled by your presence. Kind of like that shock we get from being startled. You know when your adrenaline starts pumping and it rushes to your head. Hmmm, curiouser, and curiouser. This is interesting. I definitely cannot wait for Part II of this story. I know you said this was in 2005 but how long have you lived in the home? I can't remember if you ever mentioned it before. Does she come around often? You said you only see her but your wife only hears her? Well I guess that would make you and the Mrs. A good team. Hey, did you ever go back to that one place where you took that warped looking picture? If so, what came of it?

whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-07-21)
Oh yes, I DO think that you should mention the Old Woman and the Ancient One. Very much so. I think it amazing that when we share our stories outside of this site, and then we get the WHOLE story while ON this site, nothing truly changes, does it my Friend? Well, with the exception that sometimes I do the palm smack on the forehead and say "Oh, yeah, THAT makes sense..."
Take care, and I hope to be back at it again soon.
Autumn ❤
FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-07-21)
Hello Autumn,
Thank you for your fine comment on my story. I know we have spoke of Abby before in some of our long and wonderful discussions but you have pointed out quite a few things that we never discussed. I find some of your insights almost awe inspiring. Some of your insights will be discussed in the second installment. I will say that you pegged everything almost perfect. What can I say, great minds think alike<smile>.

Yes I believe that the exploding disc/disk was her first attempt at materializing. I think I startled her when I started walking towards "her".When she appeared in front of the television, I believe she wanted me to see what she looked like but when I spoke she shied away. Well if say anymore it will give away part 2. Hmmm... Do you think I should say anything about the Old Woman or the Ancient One?

Take care my friend and may the Great Spirit guide and protect you. (the thing you ask me if I minded, not a bit -will be looking for it.)

FRAWIN 😊 ❤ 😊
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-07-19)
Hello my Friend.
I should think, in that what you saw "forming" was a DISK, (not a three dementional object) that you just MAY have seen the first attempt of Miss Abigail trying to present herself. What a beautiful experience for you.
As Abigail is so young, perhaps she was having difficulties in the collecting of enough energy, or in setting aside her OWN fears of letting you know that she was there, all she could manage at the time was a flat image.
The most wonderous thought that popped into my head when I first read through this is that she found not one, but TWO persons who would welcome her presence. She feels safe, and content. She is/was just a bit shy and skittish, and when you validated (for HER) that you could see her you facilitated a "shock" so to speak, and it caused her to "click out". In short, just as you were stunned, she was startled, and in that I feel that you created in her a curiosity which caused her to be able to try to manifest again.

I can not help but to wonder if you would have took the other road and ran back out into the yard with your heart pounding erratically in your chest, if she would have followed you out into the yard. Just to "tease" you. Like when you "tempt" a child with "Did you see that? Go see, go check it out..." as a type of game.
With as many experiences as you have had in this recent past, and in ones long gone, I feel that she is drawn to you and the Mrs. Only in that she KNOWS you, or about your "kind". Children are very perceptive. And perhaps YOU are as much a curiosity to HER as she is to YOU.
I know when all is said and done, you will know if she needs help in Crossing Over, or if she is a visitor in the Spirit form. But either way, you will make the appropriate decision on which action to take, and should she be a visitor, I would count it a blessing that the two of you have been BLESSED with this beautiful child.
Be Safe, my friend.
FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-07-19)
Hello AnahksunaMoon. WhenI I was re-reading my comments I noticed that I failed to answer your comment- for that I APOLOGISE, it was unintentonal. Please accept my apology.

I am glad you enjoyed my story and I do intend to follow up on it. Thank you for your kind comment. Take care and bless you my friend.

FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-07-19)
Hello wanderer. I personally think that the gold disc was her first attempt at manifesting herself, although I have no "proof"- just a gut feeling. If anyone else has any theories or ideas,I'm willing to hear them. I plan on writing more inn the very near future. Take care.

FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-07-19)
Hello Annie. I try to respond to each and every comment. The way I feel is that if you think enough of my story to comment, then it is only fit and proper that I should answer- good manners demand it. I shall keep you all updated. Thank you for your kind comment, it means a lot to me. Take care and God bless.

FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-07-18)
Hello Bell. I am glad you enjoy my stories, I just hope you enjoy mine as much as I do yours. I plan on writing more about Abigail in the very near future. As far as the way I handle them, well it has taken me awhile to get to where I'm at. I still get scared but not as much as I use to- these things use to terrify me. Take care my friend and may God bless you.

wanderer (6 stories) (71 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-18)
Hi FRAWIN good story 😊 Do you think the little girl and the gold disc are connected? I'm looking forward to hearing more.
Annie (202 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-17)
I truly like the way that you have responded to every comment. That, in my eyes, makes you and your accounts even more believable than they already are. You and Mrs. Frawin take care. Also... Keep us updated!
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-17)
Hi FRAWIN.I'm looking forward to more of your experiences, I really enjoy reading them.Also, I really like the way you handle these situations. Thanks for sharing another one with us.
Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-16)
I know all to well when those around you don't accept the things your saying. My father being one of them. My parents were very upset when I mentioned my first incident. They didn't think I was crazy, but they thought there was a "logical explaination". That all too familiar saying. I haven't told them of the other incidents. Ya'll are the only people I have to come to when I have these experiences, besides one or two friends. I hope to be so lucky to have a wife like yours in the future. Thanks again and God bless

FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-07-16)
Hi 'watha. I don't believe she ever lived in the trailer. I believe that she is connected to the area. There used to be a house that sat within twenty-five yards of where the trailer is now. It burnt down and the trailer moved in. The house was very old when it burnt. I believe she is connected to that house but I can't prove it just yet. I will elaborate more on this in my next submission. Talk to you later my friend.

FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-07-16)
Hi Trent. Thank you for kind words and I glad you liked it. Yes I am very fortunate to have a wife like I have. Can you imagine trying to live with someone who doesn't believe you or thinks you're a couple a steps away from the "loony bin"? We support each other, even before I truly accepted her "gift", I supported her. I truly don't think I could handle some of the things that go on without her.
I don't know when she died but from the style of dress she had on I would say it was right around the turn of the twentieth century. The dress looked to be a "flour sack" dress.
And just for the record I experience things at night too and I much prefer for them to come calling during the day:-) .

FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-07-16)
Hi Biemaster. I am happy that you have enjoyed my story. Yes I know the history of the trailer, I believe she is more attached to the area than the trailer itself. Seeing the disc was a first for me too-looking back in hindsight I assume that it was her first appearance but everyone knows what happens when we assume.
To clarify on how we came to know her name-she didn't tell me, she "told" my wife, who is a non practicing empathic medium, and my wife told me.

FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-07-16)
Hello Chris. I sure hope it was a pleasant surprise. You are right, I have checked out the history of the place and I'm in the process of digging deeper. You might say that I love a mystery. As for the answers to your questions, well you'll just have to wait-I plan on including those in the next story.
You take care and we'll talk to you later-oh by the way the Missus said to say "HI CHRIS..."

FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-07-16)
Hello Francois. I am glad you enjoyed it and there will be a sequel. I does make one feel good when their stories is placed in other people's favorites. I am very grateful that they have that much trust in me.
May God bless and be with you too my friend.

FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-07-16)
Thank you carrycat and I will keep everyone informed. So far I am the only one to actually see her. My wife, being an empathic medium has "sensed" her presence and has caught mental flashes of her. I will write more on her in the very near future.

Ohiowatha (11 stories) (415 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-16)
Fraw buddy, did Abigail live in the same trailer, or on that land?
Thanks, d
AnahksunaMoon (1 stories) (10 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-16)
I myself enjoyed this story! I would like to know more of this little girl!
Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-16)
That is incredible. I'm glad you decided to share that with us. It is a very interesting story, and I'm glad you have a wife that supports you. I only wish my visitors would come during the day, hahaha. Do you know how she may have died? Or how long ago she was there? Thank you for sharing your story and God bless!

Biemaster (7 stories) (192 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-16)
Hi Frawin! I'm happy to read your story! I have heard from MANY people that your stories are really good and I have to agree with them! 😁

Did you find out the history of the trailer you are living in? If so, please tell me. Most probably, a girl might have died there or something. The part of the gold saucer shaped disc was very unusual! I have never heard of a thing like that.

Also, the part when the girl told you she was Abigail was really astonishing and fascinating at the same time! Please keep us updated on everything!

trau (4 stories) (29 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-16)
I hope to hear more about Abigail as well - this was really interesting. Thank you for sharing!

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