I cannot remember the exact age when this happened but it happened at the house I had lived in since I was born.
When I was a child me and my sister shared a bed at home, even though I had my own little room, my sister who is three years older than me would always pick me up out of my bed asleep and put me in hers.
One night after she had got me and put me in her bed I woke up and got out of bed in a daze and walked to the end of the hall and down to the bottom of stairs. My sister still being awake asked me where I was going and got a bit worried when I didn't answer and followed me to the bottom of the stairs where I stood looking at the top of them. She was asking what I was doing as it was the middle of the night and everyone was asleep but I felt unable to speak and answer her.
My sister shook me and I told her I had seen four monks in hooded robes walking up the stairs with black lit candles going into my little bedroom! Again I wasn't un-nerved by this experience, it just puzzled me as to why I had seen them and why they were going into my bedroom holding lit candles! My sister and I tiptoed into the bedroom but no one was there.
We just put it down to me sleepwalking but I wasn't so sure. I had definitely seen them-they were definitely there.
Not so soon after this happened, my sister told me she had an experience in her bedroom. She was sitting on her bed doing up her shoe laces with her bedroom door behind her open and the mirror on the dresser was in front of her when suddenly she had this overwhelming fear, she couldn't move. All she knew is she couldn't look in the mirror or the doorway. After a few moments, the feeling had gone. I will always remember the first time she told me that because of what I experienced that night I saw the monks. She still swears by it today!
My family had lived in the house for over 30 years and lived there until I was 17. I don't know if my parents had any experiences as they are rather sceptical to say the least. But my sister and I definitely did!
There is a black robed monk seen at the castle who may be linked to the nearby Dudley Priory ruins due to stones being taken from there to rebuild parts of the castle. How close would you be to any religious buildings or grounds? Maybe your house had rubble from a religious building also?