It's crazy to hear how many people have had this scary feeling happen to them while sleeping. I just had my second occurrence happen last night. I couldn't sleep and finally around 4:30 a.m., I started drowsing off when I felt something sit on the edge of my bed. I opened my eyes to see what it was and I realized I couldn't move and I got really scared and although I didn't see anything, I heard a man's voice tell me in my ear to "not fight". I was so scared and I was trying to hit him, but I could only move one hand. The more I tried to hit him, the heavier the pressure got on me. Then I finally got my other hand to move and I was trying to hit whatever was on top of me and then like nothing... it went away. I was so scared I couldn't stop crying or thinking about it. I've taken a psychology course where my professor explained that there is a term for this experience. It's called sleep paralysis... where your mind wakes up but your body hasn't fully and you experience these reactions. My mother has told me since I was little to never sleep with your arms across your chest because you would have nightmares. I swear it's true! It makes sense too.. I would think that the pressure and weight of your arms across your chest makes it harder for you to breathe while your sleeping and that in turn causes your mind to wake your body up the best way it knows how to... "nightmares".
I hope whoever reads this does not have to experience such a horrific feeling. God Bless!