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The Grandmother I Never Knew


I have never met my grandnother, my mother's mother. She passed away in 1975 and I wasn't born until 1984. I had never seen a picture of her either, because my grandfather had removed all of her pictures and had them put away after she passed away. He always said that it was too painful. It was shortly after my grandfather passed away that we moved to Tennessee from Pennsylvania. This was when everything started.

My sister and I shared a room right across the hall from my parents' room and we always slept with the doors open. One night, about six months after we moved in, my dog kept coming to the head of my bed and trying to move me closer to the wall. I kept brushing her away, thinking that she was cold. After about the third time, I woke up. I noticed a woman standing the hallway, wearing a dress that looked like it was blowing in the wind. She asked me if I had seen her daughter and said my mom's name. Shortly after that she faded away.

I told my mother the next morning, before my sisters got up. My father was sitting there and looked over at mom, like "should we tell her?" My mother got up from the table, went into the laundry room and started rummaging around in boxes with pictures in them. When she returned, she was holding a picture of a woman wearing the same dress that the ghost wore. I turned white and looked from the picture to my mother and then at my father.

My mother explained that she was my grandmother. One week after my grandmother had passed away, she came to my mother the same way. She told my mother that she was better and that she would always be watching over my mother and her family.

The last time I saw my grandmother was the day that my daughter was born. She and my grandfather, her husband, and the one that my daughter is named after, were standing at the foot of my hospital bed smiling.

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autumnsmommy (4 stories) (98 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-25)
Thank you so much Rhodes68! It does make me feel better when I see my grandfather. I thank you so much for responding and trying to help me deal with this. It is hard dealing with it considering that I didn't have anytime with her and so little with one of the greatest men that I have ever known. My daughter is named after him so I think that maybe that is why they are so close. Also, that I was their baby granddaughter and my daughter is their great-granddaughter. Thank you again!
Love Much!
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-25)
Not seeing her doesn't mean she's not there. Maybe she doesn't always have the energy to manifest or maybe she doesn't feel there's urgency to appear. I suppose that if deep in your heart you feel her essence, she's there. Besides, your granddad's visits are confirmation that the "family" is embracing you!
autumnsmommy (4 stories) (98 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-25)
I have not seen her recently, but I have been seeing my grandfather, her husband, more. I like to think that she still comes to visit and I just haven't known that it was her. I do feel a kind presence when I get to thinking about her no matter where I'm at.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-25)
That was a touching story! I assume then that your grandmother's visits were much more often to have become acquainted with the new members of her family. How comforting to know there's someone watching over you.
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-24)
Thank you, autumnsmommy, for sharing such a heart warming, beautiful story. I love reading stories like this one. Pets are sensitive, thank that pooch of yours for making you have a look. It must have been such a comfort to see your Grandparents had found each other and together they came to see your baby. No time limits on love and family, what a wonderful thing.
autumnsmommy (4 stories) (98 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-23)
My sisters still look at me funny whenever I talk to my mother about my grandmother. They have finally had their experiences with spirits but they were not as comforting as mine and I think that it is a little funny. They didn't believe me and now they want me to come to their homes and see if I feel anything or see anything. Thank you everyone for your compliments, it is great to have people finally believe me.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-23)
You know what Lindsay I agree with you. Though you couldn't see your grandmother when she was alive it was a great gift to see her at all. I to believe that you may have the sixth sence. It is a good thing that your family believed you. Its not like that all the time. Thanks for sharring. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
Harperllen82 (1 stories) (33 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-22)
That really is a very lovely story. Its very special to have the knowledge that you have people that love you watching over you. I do feel that you are very open and succeptiable to the other side. What a wonderful gift to have. I do hope for you that you get another chance to see your grandmother. And possibly your children will as well. Just no more "u talked to Walt Disney" non sense.:)
Tonith (1136 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-22)
What an uplifting story. Sounds like you are sensitive as your mother is. What a wonderful gift to be able to see them together and to know they are happy in the afterlife. I think if we listen we always get this confirmation about our loved ones that passed over. Most of us just chalk it up to our imagination or grief. Kudos that you saw it for what it was.
autumnsmommy (4 stories) (98 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-22)
it was amazing to see them together. I never got that chance while they were both alive.
laus (3 stories) (26 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-22)
thats is so lovely, it must be comforting to know that she is still watching over you all, and also lovely that she showed at the birth of your child, that's one to tell.
Good luck and bless
Laus ❤x

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