My grandparents are very religious so this makes this story very scary for those who are also religious. When my dad was younger he lived with his parents in a house (obviously) but this was no ordinary house it was built on an Indian burial ground and a man committed suicide by hanging himself in the front lawn and they cut down that tree and built an addition over it.
Now when my dad was a kid he had experiences from when he was 8 to about 18. One day when no one was home his brother was taking a shower and when he was in the shower he heard the front door open, footsteps across the house and then he saw a shadow under the door walking past and outside into the basement (it was a one level house so you had to go outside to go into the basement) and heard arguing.
When he was done he went outside to see what was going on. No one was there and his other brother David was sitting in his room and saw the recliner started to go back. He sat there and all of a sudden felt heaviness on his chest and he yelled "leave"! The pressure was lifted and what ever was in the room was gone.
Now as for my dad I have two stories: when his girlfriend slept over one night she woke up and needed to use the bathroom so she did but on the way back to the room she saw an old lady, and old man standing right in front of the door to get back into my dad's room but she figured it was his parents and she was tired so she let it go and went back to bed. The next morning she told my dad about what she had seen and he told her that wasn't his parents because obviously at that time they weren't that old.
Now this one is very creepy and probably one people will say it's fake. Well my dad was sleeping one night and there was a loud band so he woke up as soon as he woke up he says what he described as a demon's face hovering over his foot board-he said it was very bright, it lit up his room and the only way he could describe the way it looked he said it had a beast face and he really doesn't like to talk about it to this day. And some of you may say maybe he's making it up.
Well he isn't the only one who has seen it, my grandmother saw the same thing and she is a very religious woman so I take her word for it but what's very chilling about her story is when she saw it said "I want you!" after that she had the house blessed but can that really keep the evil way? No one knows.
The house has since been sold
But there neighbors have said that they have had very similar things happen to them.
These are to me very scary and I heard it right from my dad and my grandparents I hope to one day visit that house and ask the new owners if they had any experiences. I hope to hear from everyone soon about this story thanks for reading
Iv'e never been very religious, even thought I'm greek orthodox, but I'm glad that you blessed the house. I could never forget what I saw if I was your dad! All the best to you
Alice787 ❤