Last year I started collecting dream catchers. I even take them outside and clean them out, silly, but true. I didn't have very many bad dreams after I got them, and last summer when I was troubled, I bought another one and hung it over my bed.
A week after this, I started waking up in the middle of the night to look at the dream catcher. It would move in my utterly still room and feathers would fall and I would sew them back. Once sewn back, those feathers didn't move again.
This catcher was pretty light but I kept it up with four tacks to keep it from spinning but I woke one night and the tacks started to drop and the dream catcher fell. I flipped on my lights and my other three hung vicariously from the ceiling and I fixed them. I wasn't having bad dreams, but bad consciousness. Every night his stupid thing would fall and I would put it back up.
Around this time I started getting interested in Wicca. I started collecting stones, rose quartz, smoky quartz, tigers eyes, agate, hematite, alexandrite, amethyst and carnelian. I had my own little altar and burned incense every night before I slept. When I started doing this the dream catchers stopped falling. I grew weary of doing this every night, as did my allergies, but kept the stones out and slept with turquoise necklace on and my dreams were peaceful unless I forgot it.
What does this mean, my dream catchers falling? Every so often, when I've had a troubled day, they will fall, and my necklace has been misplaced. What should I do?