This happened about five years back during the summer time I believe. My cousins, Sukie and Katie, used to sleep over at my house a lot. I would say we were about ten and nine at the time this took place.
My cousins and I had a sleep over at my house. We had decided to go to bed rather early that night because we planned on spending a morning outside when it was cool. But at 1:42, I was awoke by my cousin Sukie, the youngest of us three. (I had looked at the time when she woke me up) She had been telling me she was hearing someone walking outside my yard and that they had opened the gate, which made a rather screechy noise if opened. Kind of scared, we woke up my other cousin Katie, the middle of us.
At first, we listened really closely to see if we could hear anything at all. But we didn't. So we decided to let it slide off as maybe someone else on the street. But before we even laid back down, the ruckus began.
We heard my screen door bang shut like it usually does and we hear the large wooden door shut close as well. We were all surprised because before going to bed, my mother and father always locked the doors and we don't hide spare keys outside. As we listened, we could hear what sounded like high heels walking around my living room, stopping probably once or twice before it headed into the tiny hallway that lead to my room, my brother's, and the bathroom.
Thinking logically first, we suspected it was my mom, but it was quickly thrown away when we heard the high heels walking to my door and stopping just outside it. I remember we stared at it with wide eyes for a very long time just expecting something to come barging in with no face or in bones, but nothing ever came in.
After staring scared stiff, and not hearing the high heels retreating, we gathered out guts and opened my door to find nothing there. We checked my brother's room and found him dead asleep and my parents asleep as well. The next morning I asked my mom and dad if anyone had been up and walking during the night (their room is right in front of the living room) and they had said no. When I asked if my mom might have been walking in her heels, she laughed and said she had loaned her only pair to a friend two days ago and still had yet to get them back.
My cousins and I were clearly scared at this and after that we rarely slept in my room when they came over. I suppose the pass owners are still walking.