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Real Ghost Stories

Crows Or Ravens In The Cemetery


This story is about a young man I met many, many years ago. Life goes from bad to worse, when one studies the black arts. No, I am not talking about myself.

I guess I need to start at the beginning. Lawrence was just 19. In his early years, he ran with the Goth crowd. One unfortunate day, he took it a step further.

It was the day he decided to practice witchcraft. It gets worse. The study of witchcraft took him into Satanism. Yes, you read it right. This 19 year old man, he worshiped Satan.

I tried to help him walk away but he was trapped. Trapped by the beliefs he could get all he ever wanted in life, by submitting to the power of the Dark Lord.

He was so fascinated by the ritualistic ceremonies, that he didn't see it coming. The depression, the endless desire for sleep. After all, none of dreams were coming through.

The potions weren't helping, the drug and alcohol parties, the other stuff that I won't bring up here. He was lost, and he didn't want my help. All I could do was watch, wait, and pray for his Soul.

About a year and half later, I got a call from a family friend. It wasn't good news. Lawrence had committed suicide and could I come to the cemetery for the funeral and then the burial. I said I would catch the next flight out.

My heart was heavy for this boy and for his family. Everybody needs to think long and hard about how their actions have a cause and effect. Suicide affects the family members and friends... For the rest of their days. I was heartbroken and angry, all at the same time.

When I flew in, a relative of Lawrence's picked me up. Her eyes were red rimmed from weeping and there wasn't a thing I could do to make it better. When we got to the cemetery it was early afternoon and the service was scheduled for three p.m. The Parish priest was already there and he was looking over some notes as we walked up.

As the time arrived and people surrounded the coffin of this boy/man. I looked into the haunted faces of those left behind. I was so angry with Lawrence and prayed he made peace with God, before he took his own life.

The Priest shared some tidbits about Lawrence's life and went into some scripture. As soon as the words left his mouth, the cawing began. I can only describe what happened next as eerie. A sharp icy cold wind whipped around our bodies as birds arrived in droves.

Big black Ravens? Crows? Big Black Birds were landing all over the place. I am not sure what they were but they landed on the graves, on the grassy areas surrounding us and sitting on headstones. It was like a scene out of the movie, "The Birds".

My heart sank. I knew what this meant and I would never share this with the family. The cawing, screaming noise began and didn't end until the service was over. The birds... They quietly flew away.

I watched Lawrence's mother being held up as she said her last goodbye to her only boy.

I couldn't be the one to tell her... He hadn't made peace with God...

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ghostseer, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

stormangel (3 stories) (55 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-25)
lol and I think he's run out of stories to tell and birds do tend to hang around graveyards duhhh... Plus it just aint a ghost story really is it? It's preaching!
bluefoxx01 (81 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-25)
Well that explains the huge amount of birds I saw leaving the cemetery that day. I was driving past at the time thinking, alas another satanist has met his demise. That day I was on my way to the Goblin convention, and boy did I look a sight, all dressed up in my goblin costume.
Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-25)
This isn't even a ghost story. This is a sermon. It reads like one of Aesop's fables: person does all the wrong things, kills themself, moral of story: do anything unchristian and you die. This is, in a word, pathetic.
dustyisdead (2 stories) (90 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-24)
[at] nysa
I agree with you about clearly being propaganda. Of course the next step after the "running with the goth crowd" is satanism, potions, rituals, and suicide. This story was clearly written to send christian message. There is no paranormal aspect to it.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-24)
Oh this is the most laughable load of propaganda horseshi! I have seen in a long time. What makes me sad is the number of people who apparently bought it. I despair for our society.
galleygal (3 stories) (150 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-30)

Not only do not cite Avia Venifica's work, you actually blatantly claim her words as your own:

"My apologies, I did not mean to imply that my interpretation of the birds SHOULD cause you to waver. Never in my comment did I state that, just giving a different view for consideration.
Thank you." whitebuffalo 2008-11-08

This is not a merely a human mistake. This is out and out misrepresentation. Have you no ethics?
galleygal (3 stories) (150 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-30)

Your personal correspondence is not the issue, unless ghostseer is, in fact, Avia Venifica, the original author of the words you used without proper citation, and she gave you permission to use her words as your own. Of course, if ghostseer is Avia, and she did give permission, it's still plagiarism if you don't give her credit for her writing.

Yes, I do have a comment for ghostseer: your bird story reminds me of the psychopomps. Do you think that's what they were? For your consideration, I include a link to a website devoted to the subject. Http://
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2009-09-28)
As ghostseer and I have had our own personal messages to one another, the message probably just carried over to this side. I apologise for not simply copying the entirety of those messages. As they were on a more personal level, I did not do that.
I feel another buffalo hunt coming on, folks.
Again, I DO apologise.

Did you have a comment for the author, too?

Thank you.
galleygal (3 stories) (150 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-28)
Whitebuffalo should perhaps apologize for using a someone else's words without properly citing them:

"Often honored among medicine & holy men of tribes for its shape-shifting qualities, the Raven was called upon in ritual so that visions could be clarified..."

Et cetera is taken from a blog entry posted in 2007 by the author noted below.

Venefica, A. (2007, November 15). Symbolic meaning of the raven in Native American Indian lore. Retrieved September 28, 2009 from
troyarn (5 stories) (479 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-21)
Very sad story here! To think now he is forever lost. As for Satanism, I truly doubt, as hauntedbytheliving suggest, it is a nice little groovy thing such as finding out what works best for each of us in life.

Satanism is crowded with people eager to get what they want when they want it at whatever price. It is a practice for the pathetic and, if I might add, for the weak, who cannot grasp that their immidiate needs are not all that important.

These are not people I like to surround myself around, regardless of if they are satanic or not. In the end, these people are pathetic and dangerous in their way.
sylviessweeties (135 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-22)
What is really spooky about this story, is it is when the bible scriptures were being read aloud the crows came to the funeral and squawked and the wind.

HUGS from Sylvie mom, to
Lilike Judith Elisabeth Weisz Miracle baby. Baby and Mom survivors of severe maternal anemia in pregnancy and
(Lily) or LJEW was Born in 2003 and overcame sickness at birth

Locke Christopher born May 29th 2006 and
Anjeni-Katalin born July 22nd in 2008 and miscarried angel,
Halo Gabriel found out I was pregnant on
Feb 12th and lost baby on feb 13th 2007.

Dreamt of 2 girls 5 years apart in age with me in 2001.
Dreamt of 1 boy in 2004 a week before Lilikes 1st birthday.
ToraOkami303 (1 stories) (75 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-22)
i do in fact have much knowledge in birds of bad luck (seeing as ravens follow my friend and i) thou I also know the cure to said birds (CHURCH!) thou I need to pass the cure on to friends of mine;) *sigh* I have a friend who believes in God but doesn't do to church *sigh* (help?) I hope this helps (don't ask about the birds please... They scare me but I also know they can't hurt me)

ToraOkami303 (1 stories) (75 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-22)
😭 so sad! I can't believe he didn't make peace!*runs around in circles crying*...i hope he found even a little peace thou... No matter how stupid he was... He was human... 😭

~Tora~ 😭
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-13)
What a sad story. Poor guy. Some people will never understand what real evil means. Thanks for sharring this with us. I will pray for your friend. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-09)
ghostseer I knew you would understand what I meant. Whilst out journeys are simple and the paths clear, it is so easy to be lead astray. It is getting back on the path that is difficult as we face many obstacles, we are made to see bad as good and visa versa. This is when strength and our belief is tested. Stay safe, and continue as you mean to go.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-11-09)
Thank you, ghostseer. I had hoped that I did not offend you. That WAS not my intent. 😊
Thank you.
ghostseer (41 stories) (408 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-08)
whitebuffalo: No need for apologies here. Another perspective is always an interesting take on such complexities of life and death. My comment about never wavering is more a statement of me and the steadfast belief system I hold dear! No worries, Blessings Ghostseer
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-11-08)
My apologies, I did not mean to imply that my interpretation of the birds SHOULD cause you to waver. Never in my comment did I state that, just giving a different view for consideration.
Thank you.
ghostseer (41 stories) (408 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-08)
pinkroses: I have nothing against Crows or Ravens. I love all of Creation. In this context of my experience, this was not just a gathering of birds... It was not just birds doing bird stuff. This was eerie, it was a strong message, and it wasn't good. People at the funeral were afraid, sick to their stomachs, and everyone was getting head and chest pain. One child actually pee'd in her pants (she was 12). This was not mentioned in the story as I needed to consider the Mother of this boy. More negative things happened, but they were worse than I can mention here. The air was thick with a darkness that permeates any good feelings one might have had about the crossing of this young man. You couldn't have missed the meaning-while standing in that cemetery. Guess it was one of those "You had to be there" experiences. Blessings, Ghostseer
ghostseer (41 stories) (408 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-08)
Whitebuffalo: I respect your "Truth" as you see it. I am not here to argue with anyone on the right or wrong of my interpretations. I know what MY TRUTH is, and where it leads me to go. This story is filled with lessons.
You know what your TRUTH means, I know MINE. I can respect them both. My TRUTH is deep within my beliefs as a Christian Woman. I do not waver-ever. My interpretation is as it stands. Blessings, Ghostseer
ghostseer (41 stories) (408 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-08)
Ie: Crows and Ravens: From my understanding of the Occult, Worship of Satan, Rituals, etc (and I am by no means an expert), these black birds have a negative meaning when it comes to someone, who has studied Satanism, and delved deeply into the occult. The young man in this story did all of the above... And then made it worse by participating in ceremoney and rituals. He was wrapped up tightly within the whole package of "Do not try this with your SOUL"

Satanism is a bit different in my book-than your interpretation. As A STRONG Christian Woman, I have studied this practice/religion in College. But I am not here to argue w anyone on this site. You do what you want, and live-the way you feel your path is leading, and I will do the same.
I am here to share my experiences, share the knowledge I have been given. If it doesn't mesh with yours, my apologies. I stick to my Truth, my Journey...Blessings, Ghostseer
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-11-08)
Often honored among medicine & holy men of tribes for its shape-shifting qualities, the Raven was called upon in ritual so that visions could be clarified. Native holy men understood that what the physical eye sees, is not necessarily the truth, and he would call upon the Raven for clarity in these matters.
Foremost, the Raven is the Native American bearer of magic, and a harbinger of messages from the cosmos. Messages that are beyond space and time are nestled in the midnight wings of the Raven and come to only those within the tribe who are worthy of the knowledge.
The Raven is also called upon in Native ritual for healing purposes. Specifically, the Raven is thought to provide long-distance healing.
The Raven is also a keeper of secrets, and can assist us in determining answers to our own "hidden" thoughts. Areas in our lives that we are unwilling to face, or secrets we keep that harm us - the Raven can help us expose the truth behind these (often distorted) secrets and wing us back to health and harmony.
Crow is the keeper of sacred law and knows the mystery. She teaches us that there are not one two or three worlds but many.
She teaches the laws of Sacredness, to balance our need for partnership with other areas of our life, to be at peace with our own company as well as within a group.
She teaches Psychic protection, to value ourselves giving ourselves the best, and the joy in exploration.
I just thought I would point out that I, personally, would have come to a different conclusion as to the meaning of the gathering of the crows, or ravens at this poor young man's funeral.
Thank you.
hauntedbytheliving (2 stories) (11 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-08)
Satanism teaches people to live their lives according to what's best for themselves, to find your own path. It has nothing to do with ritual or potions. What your friend seemed to be drawn into was the Occult which is a different thing completely, which again has nothing to do with potions and the ceremonies (as it were) are sexual, that's the way you open your chakras and achieve the result. I think your friend was merely confused and desparate.
Sad outcome all the same.
pinkroses (1 stories) (33 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-08)
I love crows and ravens. We have a lot here where I live. And then the cemetary I like to go to for a walk with my dog is 15 miles away and very beautiful on a grassy hill and surrounded by hills and trees. At this cemetary there also is a lot of crows or ravens. They like to hang out in groups and cackle and make a ruckus with eachother and don't seem to care how many people are around. They are very intelligent birds. I am a bird lover. Not to put you down in anyway, but the blackbirds were just being themselves. Pinkroses 😊
ghostseer (41 stories) (408 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-07)
KimSouth0: No worries here, about the comment from Surya. It was a strange comment, and only Surya knows the intent behind it. I am sure we haven't heard the last word. People express themselves in ways that can be confusing at times, but the content was clear to me. It was meant for me, and Surya will clarify, IF this is the choice Surya chooses. We reap what we sow...Blessings, Ghostseer
ghostseer (41 stories) (408 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-07)
Surya: I Understand completely. Have been around the block a few thousand times. Lucky for me, I will not be one of those individuals, who lives a life one touch or one word away, from falling into Hell and it's trappings. My life has been hard, and I have indeed suffered, probably tenfold compared to most, but nothing of this world can harm my path. My journey is a simple path, and I never stray-no matter what is said to me, no matter what happens. I am content, and I am safe in the power, and the Glory of a merciful God... And this frightens a lot of people. Blessings, Ghostseer
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-07)
What? What is your comment supposed to mean?
I don't understand the meaning of these comments to ghostseer.

God Bless!
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-07)
just remember this, when your life goes to complete Hell and everything that happens to you is brought upon yourself from this day forward.

By my command, but not my hand so Mote it Be
ghostseer (41 stories) (408 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-07)
icescorpion99: My condolences to you for your loss. The human race is a foolish bunch at times, and your friend didn't listen to the wisdom of your words. I pray that in his last moments, he had time to make his peace, and repent his actions. God will wait until the very last breath...Blessings, Ghostseer
ghostseer (41 stories) (408 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-07)
My heart breaks every single day at the thought of his fate. It's not too late for those out there, who are involved in black mass, etc. Get out, before it is too late. Your eternal SOUL is at stake. This is not fun and games, but the real deal!...Blessings, Ghostseer

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