I wrote this on 10/29/08 (site was down, updating). To preface this story I need to back up a bit. For the past several days I've had a visitor. I haven't written a story about it because there hasn't really been anything happening other than the feelings of it being there. Saturday night was particularly tough though because it was taunting me for several hours.
It has found a home in "MY" bedroom, so I've been sleeping on the couch or in the spare bedroom. That night it must have found humor in moving back and forth down the hallway in front of the spare bedroom. To my knowledge it never came in (while I was awake), just kept moving back and forth.
The next night I stood in the kitchen facing my bedroom. All of the lights were out, with the exception of the light from the TV in the living room. I could feel it watching me from "MY" bedroom. I was fixing a bowl of cereal getting ready to watch a movie. After standing there, staring at the bedroom, looking for some glow or vapor or something, I came up with an idea. With the plastic spoon in my hand (I hate doing dishes) I decided to heave it forward towards it. I figured it was light enough that maybe this spirit or whatever would have enough energy to catch it or slow it from falling.
I told it what I was going to do. I wasn't aggressive I wasn't too forward. I was talking in a calm voice to try to add comfort (and scaring the crap out of myself at the same time). I just knew it was going to catch it and I would fall out on the floor. But, it didn't. In fact, I bet it was probably laughing its non-visible butt off. So I said a few words, like screw you (maybe a little worse than that), then gathered my bowl and watched my movie. Surprisingly enough it didn't bother me the rest of that night.
Now we're caught up. Last night while getting ready for sleep in the spare bedroom (yep, it's still hanging around in "MY" bedroom) I began to hear voices (I'm so glad no one knows who I am). However, the voices are not talking to me. They seem to be talking to each other or others. There is a male and a female. They actually sound professional (business type voice, TV anchors, etc.). The volumes of the voices were very low. I was literally straining trying to make out the words. I'm not even positive it was English. The conversation lasted about 2 minutes and disappeared. As soon as I heard them I remembered hearing them earlier in the week, Monday I think. I didn't think much of it then because it didn't last long and I'm sure I was tired.
OK, Let's assess:
I have 3 TVs and 2 PCs in the house (you wouldn't think I lived alone), and all of them were off. Rule them out, maybe, I'll explain below.
The closest neighbor lives 100 yards away. The closest neighbor at home lives 300 yards away. The closest neighbor awake would probably be miles. Rule them out.
The only channels I have are local (no cable or satellite). At this time of morning, around 3am - 4am, no news on. Why do I bring this up? Good question.
When I was a child my brother, my sister, and I had a Mickey Mouse record player. When you put your finger in the right spot (touching both wires under the arm near the needle) you could pick up a local AM station. How you ask? Excellent question. If you know, tell me cause I still haven't figured that one out. Anyhow, I was trying to think of everything. My thought being, just because the TVs and PCs don't have anything on the screen doesn't mean they can't still be on (there is still power going to them). I know I'm reaching. But that's what I try to do, find the most reasonable answer first.
I haven't asked it or them to leave. As long as things continue as they have the last few days, I don't mind them being there. With the exception of Saturday, it has been more like having a new cat. It will let you know it's there, but won't come out and play yet. It's been several months since anything like this has happened, so I kind of want it to stay a bit.
I sure would like to figure out how to communicate with it though. Any ideas are welcome because I sure would like "MY" room back.
The technician's post seemed to make sense, although I never thought in a milion years a PC that was turned OFF could submit sounds, but seems that's been proven wrong below.
As for the ghost box, I've used one a few times, and of all the methods of communication it's one I stll am not sure of, despite having seemingly accurate responses for a long time with 1 attempt.
The problem with that is you sometimes tend to miss irrelivant words until a relivant answer appears.
But well, you know - don't be scared. It seems that its maybe as curious of you as you are of it - if that feeling you have of being watched is from a spirit.