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Who Blew The Candle Out?


I know I am not supposed to be sleeping with candles on at night however I have recently started to sleep with one candle on. I still cannot sleep in darkness and the lamp is too bright for me. I don't light any candles I get the scented ones. Pink - rose- Red - Autumn. I have a beautiful Rose Quartz candleholder, which I have placed on the windowsill. It is amazing how it lights the bedroom up making it cosy, calm. It is very deep, making it very safe to have a candle in it burning all night. The shadows of certain objects in the bedroom look out of this world especially my gemstone tree.

Sunday 21st December 2008, 930pm I thought I would call it a night. I had work the next day. I placed a tea light candle in my candleholder, got the bed ready, made sure all windows were closed, lights off, front door chained. My cat had already made himself comfortable on the end of the bed. I put the radio on, which helps drown out any noises that scare the living daylights out of me or shall I say scare the nightlights out of me (hihihiiihi).

I always lie on my side, facing the window, but recently since covering the window (I do not have curtains only nets) I have been turning my back to the window and lying in the middle of the bed, making sure I can see the cat-my Guardian.

I was lying in bed, listening to the radio playing George Michael's Last Christmas when the candle flame started to flicker. I could see the shadows moving as the flame flickered. I turned around, and looked at the candleholder. I watched the flame flicker and wondered where the draft was coming from.

I lay there staring at the flame, then the shadows examining the way the shadows were moving and changing shape with each flicker of the candle. The flame flickered quite aggressively. I lay in my bed thinking, "have I shut the bedroom window?" kind of retracting on everything I had done before I went to bed.

Who Blew The Candle Out?

I got up and moved the candleholder; how that would make the flame stop flickering I don't know, but it worked, the flame stopped flickering and once again all the shadows were still and looking pretty on the walls and ceiling.

That familiar feeling had returned, the uneasy feeling, that someone was there in the bedroom with me, but this time I was unsure of whether it was a male or female. I slowly looked around the bedroom, scanning every corner; I looked at the window and then at the candle. I looked at the candle burning calmly turned to look at my cat then slowly lay back down with my back to the window.

I do not know what time I feel asleep, there were no dreams, but I was awoken by a gust of ice-cold wind blowing on to my face and shoulders and arms. (This ice coldness is not something I have experienced before). I could feel, not hear, a voice saying, "Wake up, your candle is being blown out, put the lamp on".

I opened my eyes. As quickly as I opened my eyes she disappeared, the candle went out, I very quickly put the lamp on as I did this, turned to watch the candle go out.

I have not seen her since my Aunt passed away-my story: The Woman Sitting On My Bed.

The candles I burn usually burn all night, and when I checked in the morning there was more than to burn. I know I was not dreaming because the lamp was on when I woke up in the morning.

I will attach a picture of my rose quartz candleholder for you all to see.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Surya, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

hobbyholly (11 stories) (572 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-12)
This story has been up for a while, but pardon me Surya:

WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THIS SITE? Seriously? Is anyone ANYONE on here courteous? Or Respectful? Or mature?

There is no need to laugh at someone's story (no matter if you believe it or not). If you want to maturely point out someone's "flaws" or "holes" in their story... There is a constructive/respectful way.

Also stories on here DON'T have to be "creepy" or all "gloom and doom demons and blood dripping from the wall". This site isn't a pissing contest to see who has the most horror like tale.

FINALLY: I'm so tired of the "know-it-all" attitude lately. Its one thing if you want to help or offer advice (especially if you've had a similar experience to a poster). But this whole "I know things". "I've seen things". "I should be a deemed king of the demons" is annoying.
Anjali (5 stories) (19 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-12)
lol... You got scared by a candle going off?
As if the ghost in your room did not have any interesting things to do other than freak you out by puttin a candle off!

Really a funny story that was. Certainly not a creepy one and certainly does not deserve to be put on this website.

Humble suggestion - Start writing some serious stuff!
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-21)
Hi Surya nice to see you again. I have to say that I looked at the candle holder and I did notice it deep. Why I brought that up is because I'm sure this was not caused by any wind or drafts because well the candle holder is very deep. So without any hesitation I agree with you. This was something paranormal. I haven't read the story about your aunt because I haven't been around so often. But I will read the. Thanks for sharring another great story with us. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-10)
Atherfie, the candle lighting for me for never a cry for protection, it was the next best thing to having a lamp on all night. However the placement of the candle is very important, I have to have it on the window and nowhere else so I am wondering now...
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-09)
I thought you'd say that. "That is when things started happening". Has it ever occured to you that whoever has been around throughout the years to protect or comfort you even if you never literally asked for their protection, can "read" your fear every time you light a candle? What I'm saying here is that I think we sometimes unconsciously and subconsciously send messages either because our emotions are too intense and thus "sensed" by others or by repeating an act with a particular response. You know that when you are in need of protection sooner or later the lady by your bed side or some particular others (the male figure, the woman in the robe) will show up to grand you with it. Is it a complete mistake on my part to assume that this lighting of candles is in fact a subconscious "cry for help"?
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-08)
I have been afraid from the dark since 1983 wow I have impressed myself. I remember the year. That is when things started happening.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-08)
That is kind of strange that he would light candles ever since his last visit to his grandmother' you think something happened there? Maybe talking with him if you get him to open up will be helpful.

Minie I was wondering, when was the first time you felt really uncomfortable in the dark?
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-08)
Atherfie, I am not seeking protection from a candle, I light the candles because I can't sleep in the dark. I do not call on my protectors through a candle.

I will ask chirn why he needs to light a candle. He lights one every now and then however on his return from his gran's he lit three placed in the a three hold tea light holder and went to bed.

Having said that, I somehow do not feel complete if there is no candle on. Last night I actually blew the candle out as the flame was flickering very aggressively and a shadow I could not make tails of appeared on the sheet I cover the window with and on the ceiling a shadow seemed to be moving which I again could not recognize
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-08)
I don't like this very much Menie. If you are both subconsciously seeking protection this is NOT the way to call on your protectors. They may answer your calls leading others to your household unintentionally.

Ask Chirn why he feels he needs to light a candle... If an "inner voice tells him to do that, remind him that this "inner voice" is sometimes not our own but somebody else's projection on us.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-08)
Atherfie, I had no idea that people in the past put candles on the windows. Good question, why do I have a candle holder on the window. It is where it feels right, I have tried putting it on the dressing table, the floor, the speakers, but it just does not feel right. Instinct. I have candles on the windows in the living room, of course these are not lit, we have candles on the table in the living room, and these are lit every now and then.

Chrin, he to has started lighting candles. The strange thing is although he put his holder on the window I have given him strict instructions he must not keep it on the window and either to put it on this desk, bless his heart he puts his holder on the shelf.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-08)
I was wondering why you have the candle holder by the window Menie...? That is what people in the past did to show the "way home" to their loved ones, others placed a lamp there to show that their loved ones, the living as well as the departed are still welcome in their household.

Taking into account a particular male visitor that likes to stick around Chirn's bedroom-one who IS/WAS family, no wonder why the "woman-protector" stays around when you're asleep. She needs to protect you.

If this is seen as invitation, this invitation is extended to every single "family member" who wishes to cross over to your side and pay their visits. This notion also functions as further support of what I have once told you about the "woman"...that she might also be "family" from a more distant past.

Think about it.
ParaTam (3 stories) (80 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-06)
Surya -
I'm sorry, but I've only read this one story of yours which doesn't seem too negative. I guess I should do that! I'll read your other stories to see how they prove out that you feel spirit communication is bad for you.

Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-06)
Hi ParaTam,
I feel with what I have and am going through, communicating with the spirits would be a very bad idea.
dreamergal72 (6 stories) (793 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-05)
By the way my cat is my friend/guardian too she do sence something in the house when she look at something that are not there I look what she looking at but I can't see it but I do feel it sence it.
dreamergal72 (6 stories) (793 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-05)
Hi I have cat too but she don't wear collar cause she don't go outside cause bring Flea inside the house. Also I don't blame you that the bell seem drive you nuts lol, Did you found out who can be blow your candle?
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-05)
Inca is a a real cat, my Cat, He is only 7 months old. I call him my Guardian because like most cats or even dogs, he senses when my vistors are around.
steph_western (2 stories) (3 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-05)
Hello, I was just wondering when you you face your cat- you Guardian, what do you mean? Is this a real cat or an ornamental cat? Please let me know, it would be much appreciated!
ParaTam (3 stories) (80 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-05)
Surya -
Thank you for sharing your story with us. I have had experiences with spirits using candle flames and even the smoke from my incense stick to communicate with me. If you feel this is a paranormal occurance, try to communicate back. Ask for a specific type of change to the flame - higher, lower, dancing, extinguish, etc. - as an answer to your request. Let us know what happens!

Dylan and Surya -
My daughter had a psychic reading 2 years ago where a trusted psychic did aura readings for us as well. She told my daughter that she had a very intensely yellow aura, which means great psychic abilities. She told my daughter that she has the strongest yellow aura (psychic ability) that she has ever seen in someone her age. My daughter inquired, "How old do you think I am?" The psychic responded that she thought my daughter was 16 years old. When my daughter told her she was only 12, the psychic was very surprised. The psychic told my daughter her very aparent psychic abilities would increase drastically in time. My daughter is 14 now, and her psychic abilities have increased and developed in ways I never would have imagined.

I try to read and learn as much as I can to guide her, from my standpoint as a lesser-gifted individual. My abilities are growing, too, but at a much slower pace! In my quest, I have connected with a psychic (a friend's cousin) who works with psychic children, helping them to live with and grow their gift and not feel outcast as she had as a child.

Blessed be to you,
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-05)
Hi Princess123,
I have been burning candles for as long as my vistor has been with me. He is not a nice one. You can read about him on the re-occurring dreams. I started buring them becasue the light from a lamp is to bright. I was told last summer to stop burning the candles at night as they are a portal for spirits. The tea light I lit that night I have not burned it again but chucked away. As I said in my story I burn a different candles, it really depends on my mood, the colour is important as well. That night I burned a pink one. Now last night I burned a red one - Autumn, it flickered aggresively for about a minute before I turned my back on.
princess123 (7 stories) (186 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-05)
Hi I love this story and I have a question to ask you have you lit the candle anymore or have you tried a different candle and what has happened with that one?

Ok love the story

Princess123 x ❤
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-05)
I am a yoga teacher, a Crystal Healer, I also do Aroma and Reflexology and Reiki. So yes I do know about auras. Mine is also yellow.
dylan (1 stories) (7 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-05)
It's funny you say truely blessed. Have you heard people with birthmarks are meant to be gifted. A gift I have is music. I can pick up just about any musical instrument and play it well. My birthmark is to the right of my belly button and down a tad. Do you know about auras. I have been told mine is bright yellow on two seperate occasions by two different people. At the time I didn't know what they were on about.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-05)
Dylan I look forward to reading your story. Tapping or brushing whilst you are smoking. I am going to have to wait for the story.
dylan (1 stories) (7 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-05)
No just fully tapping or brushing my legs, usually while I'm smoking. I'll start writing now. Don't know how to say it all, I can only try.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-05)
Dylan have you felt the pressure on your pelvis again and are you still smoking?

Sorry I should have asked you these questions again. Your second story is not published so I will wait for it and get back to you.

Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-05)
Hi Dylan, Thank you for reading my story. I remember your story very well. It was a very interesting story. Dylan from what I have read from your comment, I would definitely say that you have an angel by your side looking after you. Truely blessed. I will happily read your second story and let you have my comments.
dylan (1 stories) (7 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-05)
I got chills reading that Surya. I have felt gushes of air whilst there are no windows open. I'm sorry I havn't replied to your comments on my story but since I started thinking and talking about these matters again, they seem to be hanging around me more and making themselves more obvious. Recently I keep getting tapped on my legs and feet by something not visible. And I'm forever having lighters and cigerettes knocked out of my hands. I think they are telling me something. I was told by an old friend of mine who I played rugby league with as a child and has been a devoted JW his whole life. That all ghosts where evil and they like playing tricks on us. He even went on to say that they can impersonate our loved ones aswell. Well, they also believe man in our form we are today have only been on this earth for about 6000 years. That I can't believe. I was a full sceptic before I was dragged into this that night I wrote about in my story. Sometimes I wish I didn't know about them because nearly everyone I mention them to think I'm nuts. I think I get visits from my ancestors for sure. I hope when I die I can still cruise around on earth to see what's going on.

Love and Inspire


P.S. You know how I mentioned somthing pushing on my pelvis 1 night. That happened at a much later date than the night I wrote of. I had a broken pelvis from a motor cycle accident. I'm very fortunate to still have my left leg too. When I think about it, I have just recently noticed the pain in my pelvis has gone. And I can nearly hide my bad limp. I Have writen 2 stories in the spiritual expirences if you care to read them.

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