I married into a Braham Hindu family. As you know Brahmins are priests, I always thought myself privileged being married into a family like that. There was a temple in the in-laws house, the temple I was privileged enough to clean, light the candles.
My ex deceased father-in-law asked me one Saturday morning to get him some mala beads for his prayer he had accidentally broken his. I was going out anyway and it would not be out of my way so of I went to the Broadway. After wandering around from one religious store to another, inspecting the rosary beads, I finally decided to get him a rosary of tulsi mala beads. For some unknown reason I bought myself a rosary as well. When I got home I gave my father-in-law his beads, and I took mine straight upstairs and hung them on the edge of my shelf.
I won't go into what I did the rest of the day but we will fast forward now to 10pm. The kids were asleep by 9pm. I showered and hit the sack about 10pm. I don't know what time of the night it was but I woke up chanting OM and using my fingers as a count for each chant, in front of my eyes in thin air (no I had not been popping anything) was the rosary I had bought which I had hung on the corner of my shelf. They seemed to be moving clockwise with each chant, like someone was using it to prayer. As soon as I realized what was happening, the beads disappeared. Don't know what happened to the beads after that.