This happened to me and my little cousin a few years back. I was babysitting for my aunt and I had just put my cousin to sleep. I turned around and began walking down the hall into the living room. I had just sat down when I heard my cousin screaming. I stood up and walked into the room where she was sleeping. I saw her, crying. I asked her why she was crying. She said what I thought was the boogeyman. "There's no boogeyman", I said, "just go to sleep". I left and twenty minutes later, this happened again. I went in the room and saw her crying. Then, I heard the crash. From inside the closet. My aunt's closet door began rattling. It was a big walking closet with a door and everything. The handle began turning back and forth and the door finally opened a crack. I picked up my cousin and we ran into my older cousin's room. I never told my aunt what happened. Even if I wanted to tell her, I don't know if I would. And since then they have moved and now live in New Mexico.
Has this happened to anyone else babysitting? I know a babysitting job is the perfect setting for something completely terrifying to happen and I was wondering if this happened to anyone else. Oh by the way, my little cousin is now 8 and I told her about what had happened and she thinks I was trying to scare her. She doesn't remember it.