One day, as I was sitting inside of my room, I heard a sound and I didn't pay any mind to it. Seconds later, someone knocked at the door and I got up to see who it was. As I got up, I open the door and there was nobody there. We lived in the basement so there were stairs and a wall in my way. As I went up the stairs, there was no one there, I thought it was my sister's boyfriend but there was no one there in the hallway. So I went inside the house and looked at the door and sat back on the bed and finished watching TV. 5 minutes later, I heard another sound and I turned around to find a lady floating, looking dead at me. Her eyes where red and she had on a gray dress and she didn't have any legs, she had long black hair, but she just looked. I woke my mom up to make her see what I saw, but she got up to late. As I jumped under the sheets, trying to hide from what ever she was, some one knocked at the door again and my mother told me to go get it. I refused and she got the door, this time it was my sister and her boyfriend.
I asked my sister "did they knock on the door before?" and they said no, they just got here. So I asked my mother if she had seen it because I told her about it, she said she only saw the end of her dress. I was only 9 years old and now I'm about to be 18 and I remember that day like it just happen.