For several months our seven year old neighbor girl has been saying that a man has been coming into her room at night. The man has communicated with her. He seems obsessed that he doesn't like the light. She said he has been shot in the head. There is no particular time that he visits her, although its always in the middle of the night.
We placed a video camera with night shot up in her room. And to our surprise we were able to see a shadow appear when we watched the video later.
Last friday we placed a digital voice recorder in the room. We stayed in the room with the lights off. The room got incredibly cold and we felt movement but did not hear anything with our own ears. When we later played back the recorder we heard what sounds like a voice and later a growl.
We can't make out what the voice is saying. What language is it? What does this spirit want? Why won't it leave this little girl alone. She is very frightened and we don't know what to do to get rid of it. He's threatened her not to tell anyone about him. He knows she has told, and displayed his anger by waking her up with what felt like a poke or bite on her arm... However there were no marks left on her.
The spirit does stay in the one room of the house.
I believe the light the spirit is referring to is not an earthly physical light. If anybody has suggestions please comment.
Here is the voice that was picked up on the digital recorder. It has not been enhanced or altered in anyway. I recorded it onto my camera straight off the recorder and placed a link on my photobucket.