This story just happened yesterday, and it is not my own experience. Rather, my father-in-law was the one to see the apparition, and he related his experience to us last night.
The city is one of Chicago's southwest suburbs, about an hour's drive from downtown Chicago, and my father-in-law (I'll call him Jerry to protect his identity) was helping a friend of mine renovate a home. The home and the subdivision it is in are fairly new - - less than a year old I believe. However this particular home was in disarray as a result of the former owners who defaulted on the mortgage.
Jerry was alone in the house yesterday doing some painting, and at the time he was painting the house's high walls. Using a long handle accessory, he was working hard to reach the top of the walls without marking the ceiling. All of a sudden, Jerry saw some movement out of the corner of his eye. He took a look and saw a white male staring at him. He couldn't see any further details as the apparition vanished quickly.
His response to this sighting was to yell out something to the effect of, "Don't mind me. I'm just here to paint!" This was his first experience, and he continued to work until my friend showed up to drive him home. He didn't say anything to my friend or his wife, so as not to alarm them, however from what I understand, they've had a couple of strange things already happen. Because the subdivision is new, I can only assume something happened in the home during the previous owners' stay or the home is built on the site of a previous house.