Have you ever had the feeling of being watched? That extreme paranoia that makes you jump at every noise and flip your head round whenever a shadow passes the corner of your eye.
Well I never used to have it, especially not in my childhood home. Unfortunately, I'm plagued with it now. If you've read my other stories or my home history (it's in my profile) then you'll know these experiences here seemed to have popped out of nowhere.
It was after I had come home from work at around 5.30pm Friday evening. The sun was hidden behind dense storm clouds and it felt like the atmosphere was electric from the sudden bursts of heavy rain we had been having during the day. I was alone and had begun to get ready for my boyfriend to come home and pick me up to go out for the evening. The light was faded but it wasn't quite fully dark yet, I couldn't feel anything odd or out of the ordinary whilst I was rushing round getting dressed until a strong breezed quite literally whipped across my face while in my bedroom.
I suddenly found myself feeling restless and agitated, believe me I have nearly had enough of all this. I swear the room grew darker around me; I would have brushed this off as a stronger cloud moving across the sky if my bedroom light hadn't been on and if I hadn't seen what I did next.
In the corner by the window was a very faint black shadow, I was frozen. I blinked, it stayed. I believe it was pulsating slightly, I stared then looked toward the door and when I looked back it had faded. All except for what looked like two faint eyes, not looking at me, more behind me. I literally rubbed my eyes in disbelief but they were still there, it was about 5 seconds before they disappeared completely.
At random occasions I have had your regular "corner of the eye" shadow, light spots, cold breezes, doors slamming, dog going nuts and on more than one occasion I have seen what I thought was my boyfriend moving about when it turns out he's been asleep or in the shower or not home at all.
I've always been one for staying skeptical yet open-minded but it's not just me that has experienced these things. I'll stress again, I NEVER used to be sensitive to the paranormal and I'm not remotely psychic but my boyfriend is, but for some reason he hasn't experienced whatever this is as much as me. Would it be right to think he/his energy has drawn something to me?
I'll go get my eyes tested before I really start crying Ghost.
I've continued research but nothing too interesting has come up (again my profile has my house/area history). We're also moving soon so it might be the end to these stories.
As always, thanks for reading and my apologies for this not being too exciting or scary, or well written for that matter (laughs)
Hazz x