Every so often, strange things happen in my house. This is the first year I've ever seen a spirit or heard unexplainable things.
No one else seems to see what I see, and they think I'm crazy!
When I was brushing my hair, before I went to bed, I saw a small, cat like figure. It was white, and foggy. When I turned around to get a close glimpse at it, it was gone. I was completely paranoid for a long time.
Now, I was about to get some sleep, when I heard knocking at my front door. I woke up, and my dogs were barking. I walked to my front door and looked out the peep hole, nobody was there.
This has been happening almost every night.
In late March, I was dreaming about a guy I liked named, Archer. When I woke up, because my dad stomped his feet through the hall way, I saw the guy I liked at the corner of my room. My eyes were open all the way, so I knew what I saw was real. He smiled, and then my eyes blinked.
When my eyes were open again, he wasn't their. I was scared, but I was too sleepy to realize it. I don't know if Archer is dead, though.
My dreams are much similar to all this. The ghost-like figures, the knocks, Archer, and everything else that I saw. But I never knew my dreams were trying to tell me something!
What are my dreams trying to tell me?
Am I being haunted by an unknown paranormal figure?
Can anyone help me?